《Their Wife》Thirty-Three


I stepped into the dining room without a hair out of place Cindy and Nicole took their jobs very seriously.

The day held a gloomy overcast to it. The windows opened to a dreary grey sky, seeming only moments away from pouring sheets of rain. Despite the gloomy weather, I felt better and more refreshed than I could remember in years. I felt better than I thought I ever would with the stressful act I had to put on. While I thought the next few days would be spent in fear of making a wrong move, I had been told not to show for dinner last night and to make sure I wasn't seen by anyone. I was more than ecstatic when I heard the order. I preferred staying in the confines of my room. Given the opportunity, I had gone to bed early last night and awoke this morning more well-rested than I could have imagined.

"Lady Riar!"

I easily smiled at Lady June, Mia as she asked me to call her, as she waved at me from across the room. She became an unexpected friend during the time we spent together the previous day. She kept me company and helped keep the snarkier ladies in check when they made sly comments about how I handled my men and home. They criticized everything from the way I sat and dressed to the lack of intimacy they could sense between me and my husbands. Knowing what to expect now, I was better equipped to face their attention. Well, everyone but Lady Crane. Lady Crane was frightening, her being disgruntled due to yesterday's exchange didn't help.

I was about to head over to meet Mia as she talked to another woman, Lady Rose, but a presence at my side had me pausing.

"Stay by one of our sides," Jaxon said as he placed my hand in the crook of his elbow. He smirked down at me. The look sent chills down my spine. "Oh, and do try to put on a good show, slave," he said only loud enough that I would hear. "Some of the guests weren't too convinced yesterday."

My smile suddenly felt more strained.

Pulling me by my grip on his arm, he headed towards the end of the table where Mia and Lady Rose sat eating breakfast. We walked past Ezra and Zev who were engaged in conversation with Mia's husbands across from the ladies on the way. The former had a strained smile as his eyes tracked me and Jaxon as we walked to the opposite side across from them.

I had to remind myself to ask him if the picture was ready yet. Maybe giving it to Jaxon and easing his anger somewhat would reduce the paralyzing fear he sent rushing through my bloodstream. If only I had the chance to do it before he had snatched me by the arm and kept me close by his side.

"Good morning, ladies!" Jaxon said, bowing slightly with his hand over his heart. "You look as lovely as ever this morning!"

Lady Rose flushed at the compliment, while Mia smiled politely.

"Thank you, Lord Jaxon, but you should save your sweet words for your wife, you'll need them one day when the honeymoon phase has worn off," Mai responded with a laugh.

I was about to take an empty seat next to Mia but didn't make it. I found myself being pulled off my feet and onto Jaxon's lap.

He wrapped an arm around my waist to hold me in place and smirked at me, knowing I couldn't fight against his hold without causing a scene and raising questions. "I don't need words to get my wife to forgive me," he said pressing his lips to the skin on my neck. "I think she actually prefers it when I use other methods that don't require words, don't you, princess?"


I weakly smiled as a reply, too busy pushing away Jaxon's wandering hand. I should have worn pants instead of a dress.

"After all, it isn't polite to speak with your mouth full."

My face flushed beet red as the women started laughing and jesting.

"Are you excited for the party tomorrow night, Lady Riar?" Lady Rose asked as she stirred sugar into her coffee.

"Please, call me Nea."

"Nea," she smiled. "Call me Julia."

I returned her smile. Glancing out of the corner of my eye towards Jaxon who was already side-eyeing me, I answered her question, choosing to stick to the truth as closely as possible. "I'm excited, but a bit nervous."

"That's to be expected," Mia waved off as she spread fruit jam on a slice of toast.

I swatted away Jaxon's hand and gave him a warning pinch on the back of it as it wandered up my inner thigh again, making it all the way to the edge of my panties. I could feel his amusement through the back of my head. Luckily, he decided to give me pity and rested his hand firmly on my upper thigh just below the hem of my dress.

Julia and Mia began to give me tips and pointers for the party as we ate. Surprisingly, Jaxon actively participated in the discussion, throwing in suggestions or the odd joke here or there without being the asshole I had come to learn he was. There were no rude comments or sly remarks. He was on his best behaviour.

"I heard the queen's arranged for her daughter to marry a man from the Fae lands, a prince," Mai said as she bit into her toast.

"I do wonder how Princess Genna will tame the man. I heard the fae were a wild bunch, I can't even imagine what the royals are like," Julia said. "She's already going to have to teach the poor thing a new way of life on top of having to deal with his fae nature. Maybe she could get some help from you, Lady Riar. I heard your Fae is quite a handful too, enough to have a reputation."

"Huh?" I jumped when Jaxon's hand squeezed my thigh, I had gotten lost in my thoughts during the helpful advice they had been giving me. Advice I would never need to use again once this chapter of my life was over and I was a happily divorced woman. Darting my eyes towards Jaxon, he gestured towards Julia with a flick of his while biting down on a slice of buttered toast. "Ah, yes!" I laughed, trying to recall snippets of what she had said. "But I don't think I'd be too much help. I haven't been having many problems with my Fae," I vaguely answered. I was almost certain the Fae among my husbands was Zev, but I didn't want to risk it just yet.

"Really? That's surprising to hear," Julia said as she took a sip from her cup.

"Zev has become accustomed to life in Arradona and its ways after all these years," Jaxon explained. It seemed like it was all the explanation the women needed.

As breakfast went on, I was almost convinced I could start to relax when Jaxon force-fed me a piece of lava under the guise of a loving husband. His panicked concern was almost too convincing as he rushed to grab me a glass of milk to soothe the burn travelling its way down my throat, too bad the gleam in his eyes gave him away. I choked down the glass while pretending to act fine while he placated the two women who joined his fake concern with real concern. Once I could breathe again, he tried to put another mysterious piece of food in my mouth, but I looked away, pretending to be too interested in looking around the room to notice.


Everyone from lunch the previous day was present and emerged in conversation in their own little groups around the large table layered with more food than necessary. I was a bit relieved to see that I wasn't the only woman perched on her husband's lap.

Sweeping the room, my eyes landed on a face I hadn't expected to see. I smiled at Kai when I spotted him placing a tray of deviled eggs on the table. I hadn't noticed him earlier with all the servants wearing the same uniform. It had only been a day since I had last seen him or the others at breakfast, but it felt like an eternity.

"Don't be so greedy, Lady Riar, leave some for the rest of us."

I looked towards the voice in surprise. Lady Crane sat with her head high and the rim of a teacup poised at her lips. I blinked at her, not knowing what to say.

Kai scurried away with his head lowered as silence descended upon the room as more people paid attention to the words Lady Crane had spoken.

"What seems to be the matter?"

I found myself somewhat relieved at the sound of Cassius's voice.

Ever since he gave his thinly veiled threat, he had frightened me- well, more than usual. If I was honest, he frightened me the most. More than Zev and his initial and seemingly sporadic behaviour; more than Jaxon and his forceful hands; and more than Axel and his desperate attacks.

There was something about him... about the stillness and control that surrounded him. It was more frightening than a man lashing out ever could be.

His attacks would be planned and precise. They would shoot to kill and not miss, having factored in all possible outcomes and eliminating those unwanted.

Cassius had just entered the room with Axel by his side when Lady Crane had spoken.

My body tensed when my eyes first landed on Axel and the memories of his attack came to the front of my mind. He didn't have the same crazed eyes that had seemed lost in hunger yesterday, they were now a dull lifeless grey. He was dull and lifeless. His skin looked a bit healthier, but he seemed to be drained of energy.

"Your wife is already eyeing the barely legal staff," Lady Crane said, shifting her intimidating dark gaze to Cassius. She wore a pantsuit that seemed as stiff as her personality and her black hair was slicked back in a bun. "You all must be doing a poor job entertaining your wife if she's on the prowl so soon after marriage."

"Or, your too busy entertaining others," a green-haired woman next to Lady Crane sneered in Axel's direction with a sniff as he walked past them towards the empty seat next to Zev.

"Oh, you seem to be mistaken, My Lady," Axel said, plopping down in his seat.

"I've been doing an excellent job entertaining my wife," he smirked. "Some would say I've gone above and beyond."

"You reak of another," Lady Crane said, her eyes narrowed in disgust. "Of a male."

"As I said, Lady Crane," Axel said in a sickly sweet mocking voice. "I've gone above and beyond to entertain my wife."

Her face twisted further as she understood his implications. "That's immoral and disgu-"

"I love some good man-on-man action, don't you agree, Lady Rose?" Mai cut in loudly as she cut into her quiche dish that had otherwise sat untouched.

"I would have to, Lady June. Just the thought of two naked men wrestling has me going," Julia replied with a giggle. She glanced towards Lady Crane from the corner of her eye. "It's a shame the older generation can't understand the lure."

A few suppressed laughs and murmured agreements could be heard from women around the room.

Lady Crane and her friend's faces flushed red. "I should have expected such from a vile species such as yours. I don't know what all these women see in your kind that makes them want you. You're nothing but a rare trophy."

"It's a shame your husbands can't say the same about you," Axel drawled in response.

Gasps rage out around the room, the loudest from Lady Crane herself.

Suddenly, I felt the weight of multiple gazes on my shoulders.

Looking away from the scene that caused the gasps, I found a large number of eyes in the room on me. Waiting.

My eyes met Cassius's, seeking him out as the authoritative figure, and I swallowed past the lump forming in my throat. His eyes were filled with warning. They flicked between me and Axel before he gave me a small, barely noticeable nod.

Too bad I didn't know what it meant.

But in a twist of an unlucky situation, I found solace in a source least expected.

Jaxon's hard chest pressed into me as he leaned in. "Showtime, princess. Axel went a little too far. You're going to have to do something about that."

Do something about it? What would I do?

To give an extra push of encouragement to do who knows what, he pushed me off his lap to stand.


Catching myself before falling, I raised my head high in false confidence.

Just think of the fear of punishment to override the fear of the moment, I told myself when my mind drew up blank as to what to do next. The weight of all those eyes was starting to grow unbearably heavy.

Luckily, Cassius was able to sense my struggle.

"Would you like to deal with him like usual?" he asked, rising to his feet.

I looked towards him and nodded faster than I should have, glad to have an out.

"I do not-

"Do not worry, Lady Crane. Lord Axel will be facing proper discipline for his disrespect. In private."

Lady Crane went to argue again.

"As our wife prefers," Cassius added, cutting her off.

He gave her a small and chilling smile that didn't reach his eyes before gesturing towards Axel. Looking me in the eyes to tell me to follow, he left the room with Axel following after him.

"Don't take too long though," Julia said before I could even move to leave. "I don't get out much and I'm looking forward to having tea with you and Mai this afternoon."

With a final glance towards an Ezra that would have seemed unconcerned if he hadn't run his fingers through his hair, I followed after Cassius and Axel.

As I was leaving, I jumped when I felt a heavy palm crack against my bottom. "Hurry back, princess."

I rushed out of the room like my tail was on fire, Jaxon's laughter along with a few giggles followed.

* * *

I didn't know which way I had to head once I left the dining room, but it didn't take long to find out. The moment the doors closed behind me, I was harshly being tugged by the arm down the hall.

Cassius tsked in disappointment. The sound struck a nerve deep down that I thought I had numbed. "I had too high expectations of you, Ms. Riar," he shook his head. "At least this gives us an opportunity to take care of a certain pressing matter while the guests, and more importantly, Ezra, are occupied," he said, more to himself than me.

The warning alarms that were ringing from the moment I saw a hint of unease on Ezra's face were now blaring and flashing.

"Really, after all these years I'm just a pressing matter to you?" Axel weakly snorted before turning his now familiar and swirling gaze on me. His lips spread in a frightening Cheshire grin. He reached out a hand and grabbed a lock of my hair in his fingers. "Hello, little mouse, come to play?" He brought it up to his nose and inhaled my scent before Cassius swatted his hand away.

"W-where are we going?" I asked as I stayed closer to the wall in an attempt to shield myself. "What's happening?"

Cassius dropped my arm and ignored me as we reached one of the many supply closets that were sprinkled throughout the floors of the manor. He opened the door and disappeared inside while Axel draped an arm over my shoulders.

He pressed his nose against the side of my temple and breathed in deeply. "I told you, little mouse, we're going to play."

My heart started pounding at his words. There was a slight crazed and deranged look in his swirling eyes. I didn't want to know what playing with normal, sane Axel would consist of, let alone what it would be with this manic version. Though, if our last encounter was anything to go off of, I had a pretty good idea of the kind of games he liked to play.

But Cassius wouldn't let that happen, right?

Ezra trusted him.

He kept my secret.

He was the person in charge.

The more I tried to convince myself that Cassius wouldn't let the things running through my head happen, the grimmer I grew as realization set in. He didn't do any of the things he did to help me, he did them to help them.

And right now one of them needed help.

And it seemed like I was the solution.

Cassius emerged from the closet with ropes in his hands just as Axel had become more aggressive and had pushed me against the wall. A stone formed at the sight.

"Let's go."

Pulling him off with a hold on the back of his collar, he started dragging him down the hall and towards the stairs. He didn't let go until we reached the third floor that housed their rooms and my temporary one.

The whole way Axel had been eyeing me with his wild eyes. The whole way my eyes wouldn't leave the rope Cassius had draped over his shoulder.

Guess I was too much for two grown men twice my size to handle pinning down. I almost laughed out loud at the stray thought, but the grim reality stopped me.

With each step we took, my heart slowed instead of racing. The fear was still there, but my body was preparing me. I sighed. Too bad my mind stopped saving me because Zev decided to take up the task on a few occasions.

I had been able to fight off Axel last time and escape, I had no illusions that I would be as lucky again. Especially not if Cassius was involved.

Even in his weakened and manic state, Axel paused in a moment of clarity. "Wait, Cassius."

Cassius stopped "What?" he asked, turning to face Axel.

"Maybe..." Axel's eyes darted towards me. The grey was more prominent than the silver at the moment.

Cassius noticed Axel's focus shift towards me.

I could have sworn he snorted.

"You, of all people, now have morals?"

Axel raised a challenging brow.

Cassius's demeanour darkened. "This isn't the time for your games, Axel."

"I promised myself I would be a better Incubus, a better man."

"The man who nearly started a war because he couldn't help but wet his dick in the wrong hole? You can start over tomorrow. Right now you need to feed before this goes too far."

I could see Axel's reluctance being to dissolve before my eyes.

"But Ezra-"

"He'll understand once we explain the issue with your Incubus."

And just like that, any possible glimmer of hope I could see had vanished.

Cassius pushed open a pair of double doors and lead us into a room I had not entered before.


It opened up into a seating area before continuing to his bedroom through a pair of french doors with white, gauzy curtains. The room was bathed in neutral tones and lacked any personality. The only pop of colour I could see was the hint of blue tone in the otherwise grey bedspread. There were no pictures or personal belongings out in the open to see.

Cassius walked past the sitting area and headed straight into his bedroom. I followed behind, trying to increase the length of my stride to distance myself from Axel's reaching hands.


Initially, I thought the command was for me, but when I looked up at Cassius, I found him looking past me and at Axel.

I thought Axel was going to argue. His fists had tightened and his eyes were intently focused on me as his chest heaved from how heavily he was breathing. Cassius must have thought the same thing since he widened his stance and looked prepared to use physical force.

But there was no need. After a tense moment, Axel reluctantly brushed past me and dropped into an armchair in the corner. His fingers tapped on the arm of the chair rapidly.

Cassius didn't waste any time. Moving efficiently, he tied Axel securely to the chair with the rope he had gotten from the closet earlier. The was a fair distance of rope and Cassius made sure to utilize it all, wrapping it around Axel a few times.

With a final tug, he stepped back to inspect his work.

"That should hold you in your weakened state."

Axel snorted.

I had been standing back the entire time he had been securing Axel to the chair with confusion running through my mind. I had thought Axel was going to force himself on me and that Cassius was going to ensure I didn't get away this time before he was done.

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