《Their Wife》Nine
Such a pretty whore. Shhh, stay still.
I woke up gasping for air. The thin blanket tangled in my legs felt like thick ropes holding me down. I tugged and pulled, tearing at them with desperation. I needed to get free. I needed to be free.
Pain travelled up my arm from my elbow as it connected with a sharp corner. It was enough to pull my mind from the nightmares that had followed me into consciousness. The memories that were branded onto my soul. I wished that I could forget them, that I didn't need to relive them each night, but how could I forget the things that shaped me into who I was today? Every slap, every hit, every touch, and every word that cut into my heart played a role in making me who I was.
I clenched my teeth. They may have shaped me, but I wouldn't let them rule me.
Faint pink sunlight shone through the window. It was early morning. The silence and stillness that filled the air hinted that most of the residents were still blissfully asleep. I didn't bother trying to fall back to sleep. I didn't want to fall back into the memories that we're sure to continue if I closed my eyes.
With a groan, I sat up. The injuries on my body protested. They ached more than when I went to bed. The medicine must have worn off.
Cleaning my glasses using my shirt, I put them on before heading to the dresser to search for some clothes. I had fallen asleep in the uniform Henry had gotten me yesterday after tossing and turning for hours. Scenarios of what today would hold had kept me awake.
Relieved to find a set of clean clothing in the top drawer, I changed before sitting on the bed with a sigh. Someone must have put them there after I had left the room.
Dressed and ready for the day that hadn't begun yet, all I could think was that today might be my last day alive. If Henry's warning was true, then all I could do was wait for Ezra to deliver me to my demise.
I had always thought I would die at his hands, even if it was accidentally. He was always sure to drill it into the head of his friends that they couldn't kill me. I wasn't the only one that feared him, so it wasn't surprising that they were careful. A small messed-up part of my mind liked to think it was because he cared for me. It warmed my heart when he used to yell at his friends when they took it too far. It's pathetic, but I liked those moments. I felt loved in those moments.
I clenched my jaw. My nails dug into the flesh of my palms as I clenched my fists. I willed the pain to drive those feelings away. I felt ashamed. How could I ever think of him in such a light? How foolish was I to believe the smallest acts of mercy equated to love? If he cared he would not have treated me like he did.
I let out a sigh, willing the raging emotions inside me to leave my body with the dioxygen. I knew on some level it wasn't my fault that I searched for the good in him. I was at his mercy for years. Was faced with his cruelty and mockery daily. It took less for people to succumb to Stockholm syndrome than what I had been through, but a part of me didn't want to acknowledge that I was weak. Weak enough to try to look for the good in the devil who took everything away from me, who stripped me of the person I was.
I don't know how long I sat there drowning in my self-destructive thoughts. When I wasn't hating myself for wanting to be cared for, to be loved, I was wondering how the Queen would end my life for good. I was relieved somewhat deep down. If I was dead, then there would be no way that I could return to the hell I had been living the last nine years. But that relief came with a sense of defeat. He would have won. I always prided myself in aiming to escape without it being through death, but it turns out I won't have a choice now.
A sharp knock jolted me from my thoughts. I tensed, waiting for the door to be broken down and for guards to drag me away.
"Damanea, are you awake?"
I let out a breath of relief at the sound of Kai's voice. Guess I wasn't about to get dragged to face my death just yet.
"Yeah," I croaked out before clearing my throat.
"Morning, get dressed," he said through the door. "Henry, Timothy, and I are head to the dining hall. Meet us there for breakfast," he said. "You do remember where it is, right?" He asked after a pause.
"Hmm, yeah. I'll meet you all there." I closed my eyes and breathed deeply, composing myself before I had to face anyone else.
* * *
After a delicious breakfast of sausage, eggs, and toast with a side of fruit juice of some kind, I headed in the direction of Ezra's office with dread twisting my stomach after reassuring Henry that I knew the way.
He had seemed more solemn at breakfast than the day before. Kai and Timothy didn't seem to notice the change as they laughed and joked loudly, drawing irritated glances from the table next to us. I couldn't blame them, it wasn't natural to be so lively first thing in the morning.
I turned in the direction I remembered returning from the day before once I reached the top of the stairs and froze. Headed in my direction down the hall, lightly whistling with his hands shoved in his slacks, was the man with the silver eyes. He wore dark slacks and a grey button-up with his sleeves rolled up to his elbows, displaying his strong forearms. I could see some hints of ink on his olive skin. His body was larger and more muscular than Ezra's, even Henry's, and he looked to be around 6'3. His wide shoulders were relaxed as he leisurely strolled down the hall. Early morning sunlight filter through the windows and illuminated his hair, giving it a violet glow. I tried to comb through my memory for his name, but I came up blank.
Fear travelled up my spine when his grey eyes locked onto me. His steps slowed as a smirk widened his lips. I shuddered. I would like to believe it was from fear, but the memories of him holding me against his body that accompanied the reaction would say otherwise.
He stalked towards me like a predator stalked prey. I took a step back as I remembered the helpless lack of control I experienced at his hands... well, eyes. This was the man who invaded my mind and took away my control. Not only did he control my body, but he also controlled my mind. The one thing he could never gain control over. He may have influenced it and changed the way I thought and reacted, but no matter how much my body was violated, beaten, and used, my mind was mine. He couldn't control me like this man had.
"Why hello, kitten," he purred as he neared.
I took another step back, but my foot met nothing but air. Eyes widening, I blindly reached out as I started to fall backwards. Finding nothing to grab onto, I clenched my eyes shut, waiting for the pain to hit as I tumble down the stairs.
Yet, the kind I expected never came.
I gasped as pain shot through my ribs. Moaning, I curled my hands tightly into a soft, white fabric. It felt like my side was on fire. When I opened my eyes and looked up, it was to find amused grey eyes looking back at me.
"As much as I love seeing you falling for me, you really should stop before you hurt yourself." His husky voice vibrated through me at the points where our bodies met, his cloves and cinnamon scent filling my nose.
My face heated. I let go of his shirt as he pulled me away from the stairs. I tried to step away, but he kept his arm firmly banded around my lower back. At least he wasn't jostling my ribs anymore.
"Hi, um... c-could you let me go?" I asked pathetically.
Pulling me closer, he trailed his finger over my cheek and trailed it down my neck until it met the collar of my shirt. "Why would I do that?" He asked, ignoring my question.
"Personal space?"
He laughed. "You didn't mind the other day when you were rubbing yourself all over me."
Embarrassment flooded my senses, overtaking the fear his nearness provoked. I tried to struggle out of his hold again, but it was fruitless. What was with this man and manhandling me?
"Hmm, I'm starting to think kitten isn't a very suitable nickname with how jumpy and skittish you are. You're more like the prey a kitten chases, a mouse." His tongue darted out past his lips. He stepped closer, if that was even possible le, and his eyes dropped to where my skin disappeared under my collar. "I wonder how far down this blush goes, mouse," he said with a smirk as his finger started pulling my shirt down to inspect further.
I paled instantly. Shoving at his chest hard, I stumbled back, barely avoiding falling down the stairs again.
His laughter fluttered around us. "Yes, definitely a mouse."
I clenched my teeth. How dare he call me a mouse! So what if I'm cautious of him, I'd be stupid not to be. Especially considering last time I was near him he was forcing me to marry him and his friends!
"Awe, is the little mouse angry?" He said, stepping forward and bopping my nose with a finger.
My mouth gaped open in shock and indignation. The action was so mocking that I forgot the fear his previous statement induced.
He moved his offending finger to my chin and tapped it. "You might want to shut those pretty little lips before I take this as an invitation. I'd be more than happy to indulge if your offering though," he leaned forwards until his breath fanned over my lips. "I'd make sure you enjoy it too."
I reared back, snapping my jaw shut with an audible snap. "No, thanks." I moved to go around him with my head ducked. The audacity of men. I reeled in my anger. It wouldn't do me any good to show it, especially since I had no clue how he would respond, but... No. I was in no condition to be testing my boundaries with someone who was a clear threat. Maybe once I was healed. "Sorry, but I have to go."
I only made it a few steps before a large arm landed over my shoulders. I flinched at the sudden contact and paused in my steps.
"Um," I looked up at him and was met with his mischievous eyes. "What are you doing?"
"Hm?" he raised an eyebrow. "I'm just accompanying my wife to where ever she's off to in such a hurry."
"No thanks, I can get there on my own." I tried to shrug his arm off, but it was too heavy. He tightened his hold by curving it around my neck.
"I'm sure you can, but then I wouldn't get to spend any quality time getting to know you." He smirked down at me as he starting pulling me along down the hall. "Where to, mouse?"
Irked, I wanted to jab my elbow into his side, but didn't, fearing retribution. My ribs couldn't handle a returned jab or worse.
I screamed internally. I had a feeling he wasn't going to leave me alone, no matter how nicely I ask. "To Ezra's workshop," I reluctantly mumbled under my breath. I picked up my pace so he didn't have to drag me alongside him.
"So, little mouse, tell me about yourself."
I thought he was joking about the getting to know me part. It didn't seem like a priority when he was marrying me, so why would it matter now? If I was recalling correctly, this was temporary. What's the point of getting to know your temporary, kidnapped, forcibly married wife?
Just thinking about how little control I had in the matter, how little control I had at all, sparked my anger. For a moment, a small moment, I was free. Free from him, free from his friends, and free from the horrors of my past, but this man and his friends took that from me. They took my freedom. They swooped in out of nowhere and took from me, regardless of what I wanted, like most men I'd encountered in my life.
The injustices that my life had been forcing upon me were turning the fear that he had created in me into anger. It was all supposed to be over once I got away from him. I was supposed to have been done paying for whatever past life sins that I must have committed to be sentenced with such a shitty fate. Yet, here I was, faced with a new group of men who were eliciting the same fear, anger, and unfairness that he and his men did.
Steeling myself, I stood straight. No, I wouldn't let them make me cower and hide like he did.
I swallowed the rising rage. "What do you want to know?"
He seemed to ponder for a moment. When he opened his mouth, I regretted asking.
"How experienced you are, your favourite position, have you ever been fucked in the ass, how many men have you taken at once, do you like them long or do you prefer girth, hm... oh, also what are your opinions on restraints and toys?"
I tripped over my feet. I was saved from face planting by his hold. "W-what?" I stuttered, the anger reverting back to fear at the implication such questions gave. I should really pick a state of mind and stick to it before I get emotional whiplash.
He didn't seem to notice the fear creeping into my strained features as he continued to pull me down the hall. Or, he just didn't care.
"They're all very important questions," he continued, unfazed. "It's important to know and set limits. Your lucky to have me as a husband, I'm an expert in the field of sex. A God of Sex as some prefer to call me. I can show you a whole new world of pleasure, mouse," he looked down at me, his eyes heated. "Just say the words and I'll be your personal sex God."
"W-words?" I stuttered, unable to come up with anything else to say in return.
He leaned over, his velvety lips brushing against my ear. "Hm, you just have to beg for my cock and I'll give you a taste, little mouse."
I shivered involuntarily at the husky words that left his lips. Such sinful words, falling from equally sinful lips. The only things those words should have given me was fear, not shivers of...
I shook my head and managed to successfully withdraw myself from under his arm as we neared Ezra's workshop door, but not without his trailing his fingers down my arm. "No, I don't want that," I stuttered, practically diving for the door to put distance between us. With him no longer touching me, it was easier to cool the heat rushing through my veins and to think clearer.
He chuckled. "You will, little mouse. You can play hard to get, but they always come crawling back, begging. I doubt you'll be the exception," he said, turning and returning in the direction from which we came. "Have fun with Ezra," he said, looking at me over his shoulder. "But not too much without me," he winked before disappearing around the corner.
My skin tingled with awareness from where his arm was around me. I was sure my face was redder than a tomato.
I was used to being touched and spoken to inappropriately, but not in the way he just did. I'm used to forced touches that make me feel dirty, and words that inform me of what I'm going to have done to me or what I had to do. Although he wouldn't let go of me, his touch didn't wander into the realm of inappropriate. For some reason, I wanted to lean into it as it warmed my skin. His words weren't sick promises either, well besides him telling me that I would go to him crawling and begging- which I would not under any circumstance.
My emotions warred within me. Part of me was setting up shields to protect me from when he decided he was tired of waiting for me to come to him and decided to just take it. The other part looked at him in a kinder light for not just taking it to begin with, for telling me he wouldn't do anything unless I begged him to.
I scoff as I turn to the door. The only reason I was thinking the main perpetrator for why I was in the situation I was in wasn't so bad was because compared to him, he was a fucking angel. It was pathetic how the bare minimum, someone not harming me, made them 'good' in my fucked up mind. But I guess I shouldn't be surprised considering all the other messed up shit that's wrong with me.
I took a deep breath as my wishy-washy fear acted up again. Raising my hand, I knocked on the wooden surface as it crept up my spine.
I wanted to believe everything was going to be okay because I wasn't greeted this morning with soldiers dragging me out of bed to be executed, but if what Henry said was true, then I was knocking on death's door.
Ezras muffled voice sounded through the thick door. "Come in."
With sweaty palms, I opened the door and entered.
Ezra sat on a stool, bent over his work table as he read through a thick book. I had never seen a book that I felt compelled to call a tome, but the one in front of him definitely was. It was thicker than his arm, and it was a fairly thick arm. Other papers with scratchy writing were scattered around the table alongside a few other smaller books. Ezra held a pen in his hand, tapping it against the surface of the table rhythmically.
"Ahem," I cleared my throat.
He raised his head, startled like he hadn't just told me to come in.
"Damanea," he got up and started shuffling the loose papers around. "Sorry about the mess, take a seat."
I swallowed thickly. He didn't seem like he was waiting for people to burst through the door and arrest me. But who knows, maybe he was planning to report me but just hadn't gotten a chance yet, or he could be acting to lull me into a false sense of security so I didn't try to run off. Some people were surprisingly good at putting up an act.
But for some reason, thinking of Ezra in that light felt wrong. He hadn't hidden anything so far, be it his disdain of me in the beginning or his sincere concern later on.
With a nod, I took a seat on a stool. "So-" I started, but he cut me off.
"Hold up one second."
He darted towards the door. After check out into the hall in both directions, he closed and locked it. He kept his hand on the knob as he muttered a few unrecognizable words under his breath. A faint glow lit up his hand. It was so faint that I wouldn't have noticed it if I hadn't been staring directly at it. When it faded he turned to face me.
I tried not to panic. I had left the door open a crack because... let's just say I don't have the best track record of being in locked rooms with men. It gave me a sense of security, no matter how small and unrealistic.
He walked towards me until he was directly in front of me, arms crossed over his chest. My bent knees brushed against the coarse fabric of his jeans.
I shrunk into myself, leaning against the table behind me.
"Damanea, I need you to tell me a bit more about what we talked about yesterday."
I wanted to play dumb, act like I didn't know what he was talking about. Maybe even convince him that he had hallucinated the whole conversation yesterday, but I knew that wouldn't work. All it would do was make matters worse.
I cleared my throat. "What do you want to know?"
"For starters," he stepped away and rounded the table. "How did you end up here?"
"Oh, you know how more than me seeing as I was unconscious at the time," I said, rolling my eyes with my back towards him before turning to face him.
He levelled me with moss green eyes. "You know what I meant."
I was relieved to hear no heat in his words. My shoulders, which I hadn't realized had tensed with my taunt, relaxed. I really should be more careful. His kind behaviour and attentive treatment yesterday had placed him in the safe category in my mind, despite playing a part in my abduction. His objecting to forcefully marrying me may also have played a role.
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