《Their Wife》Four
Axel carried me in his arms out of the room while keeping his eyes connected to mine. The place where the pain on my arm had vanished was now aching dully, but I barely noticed because my focus was solely on the man carrying me.
"This device is programmed with the codes required to deactivate the birth control devices that your husbands were implanted with at birth. I just need to get your thumbprint Mrs. Riar so you can use it when you decide you want to have children," a familiar, bored voice of a woman said.
"Kitten, give the lady your hand," Axel encouraged me.
I lifted my left hand that wasn't aching in the direction of the voice, wanting to please Axel. I faintly felt someone's cold fingers grab my wrist and pull it towards them before they moved their fingers to hold my thumb. The fingers applied pressure on my thumb, pressing the pad against a cold surface that slowly heated up before letting out a small beep.
"Here you go, you're all set," she said, pressing a small hard object into my palm. "Congrats."
"Thank you, Ma'am," all of the men said, including Axel who broke eye contact to give the woman a respectful nod.
In the seconds that I was free from his gaze, panic started flooding my guts. I understood more about the predicament I was currently caught up in than the last time I was free from his hypnotic eyes. The words and conversation that had taken place were being pieced together effortlessly. Just as the last piece was about to click into place Axel trapped me in his gaze once again.
I felt him move again and heard the sound of several pairs of footsteps ahead of us. Axel followed them while carrying me. I kept my arms and legs wrapped around him, tightening my hold in an attempt to get closer. The jostling of my body from his movement stopped when he came to a halt. After some shuffling movement, Axel bent over, bringing his face closer to mine until our noses touch while moving both of our bodies. He moved into a sitting position, taking me with him so I was straddling him. His movement pressed his large erection against my core, causing me to moan out loud.
I heard him quietly grunt before adjusting himself underneath me. His hands gripped my thighs as we suddenly start to move at high speeds.
After a few more seconds of staring into his liquid silver eyes, they started to swirl with shades of grey. A few moments later his eyes returned to the grey they were when I first met him.
Like the silver that was in his eyes disappeared, so did my trance-like state. I stayed seated in my position straddling him until the last piece that failed to click into place earlier finally did. When I finally understood and processed what just happened, what they had done, I jump backwards off of Axel's lap.
I landed hard on the floor of the car that seems to be a limousine, groaning from the pain that shot up my spine. I quickly backed myself away from him until my back collided with someone's legs. I yelped in fear and surprise when I felt a hand land on my shoulder. I jumped away again, this time in a direction where my back ended up against the cold, leather seat of the vehicle.
"Are you okay?" asked Ezra, the one who's legs I had backed into.
"W-wha... no, n-no you guys...n-no that's not impossible. This isn't real," I muttered to myself, ignoring what he asked me.
"Oh this is very real, Princess," said Jax. "Welcome to the married life."
He was seated beside Ezra on one side of the limo. On the other side of Ezra was Zev, while Axel and Cassius sat beside each other across from them. I had backed up to the seat towards the trunk of the vehicle that could seat two or three people and had a door on both sides, giving me a clear view of all five of them.
I shook my head in denial. "N-no, that's not possible. I d-didn't consent and I never signed a marriage certificate."
"Marriage certificate?" asked Zev in confusion. "The proof of our contract in displayed on the inside of your wrist," he said, his lips twisting in disgust.
I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion before lifting both my wrists to look at them. On my right wrist that was throbbing a little, was a dark, maroon, tattoo-like mark. It looks to be about five overlapping circles that were slightly offset. I brought my other hand up to touch it and when my fingers made contact I hissed in pain. The mark was red and inflamed. Touching it just increased the pain that remained as a constant dull ache.
"It's... It's a tattoo. A tattoo doesn't mean I'm married," I looked at it confused, I couldn't remember getting it.
"Haha! That's not a tattoo, Princess," laughed Jax. "It's proof of the blood contract we completed. Didn't you pay attention in school? You told the clerk you're 25. That means you graduated five years ago. They teach you all about blood contracts, soul bonds, and enslavement collars when you turn 16."
Zev let out a short, sharp, humour less laugh. "You get taught how to control us alongside advanced sciences, maths, arts, and magic. Meanwhile, we're only taught the basics before being schooled on how to fuck properly and be obedient husbands," Zev said coldly, his every word dripped venom. He placed his elbows on his knees and leaned forward before continuing, "Tell me, cause I'm very curious, are women taught to be abusive pigs in school, or is that just how you're all born?"
"Zev," Ezra said sounding defeated. "Back off." He turned his head to look towards me before continuing. "We're sorry for doing this against your will, but you are now married to us. We were ordered to find a wife and you seemed to be the safest option. It is temporary. We will divorce once the council is satisfied and you will never have to see any of us again."
"And don't even think about trying to control or manipulate us," Zev added. He was lazily leaning back in his seat again, his head tilted back and resting against the seat, his eyes closed. "Considering you have no magic and appear to be weaker than children," he scoffed, "don't try to pull anything because we are stronger than you and we will use that to our advantage." His lips curled into an amused smirk. "You may have been told growing up about how you would have all the power, but that's so far from your reality." He lifted his head and looked at me with chilling, lavender eyes. "We are in charge. We control you. We own you. You yourself experienced how easily Axel can take complete control over you, so trust me when I tell you that it would be in your best interest to be nice and obedient."
I looked towards Ezra in shock and fear at what Zev said, hoping that he would tell me that this was all a joke or something because he seemed to be in charge and had been the most civil towards me. But I felt my hope vanish when he looked into my eyes and nodded his head solemnly, confirming what Zev said. "He could have phrased it nicer, but what he said is true."
"Essentially, we now own you," Cassius said, drawing my eyes that found him tapping away at his phone with an emotionless face. "You can't tell anyone of your situation and we will be the ones with the control instead of you. You just need to maintain the public image of being our wife for the council and that may involve us acting submissive towards you and other women in social settings, but besides that, you have no control over us. You must follow our orders. If you refuse, then Axel will make you and your defiance will be dealt with accordingly," he said, not taking his eyes off his screen once.
"That's right, Kitten. I can make you do anything I want, but you don't want to be punished, now do you? Because once I get involved, there's no room for apologizes," Axel added teasingly.
Punished. The word echoed in my head as tears filled my eyes. No, I couldn't handle any more punishments. He already surpassed the limit of what i could handle, I couldn't take anymore.
I looked at all of them with wide, teary eyes as my body started to shake in fear. Zev was looking out the windows, dismissing me completely. Axel, and Jax were smirking, seeming to be pleased with my position amongst them. Ezra wore a frown on his face, but I could see a certain gleam in his eyes. He was pleased that I was below them, that they owned me and not the other way around. Cassius on the other hand looked like he did not want to waste a single moment on me.
I wrapped my arms around my legs, pulling them to my chest as the tears flowed down my face, my chest started to feel constricted as the sound of my rapidly beating heart filled my ears. I tried to get oxygen into my lungs but I couldn't. I was hyperventilating.
"Hey, breathe," I think Ezra said.
I looked up when he tried to get up to move toward me. Panicking, I jumped up onto the seat behind me, clutching my legs to my chest in a death grip. I darted my eyes around the limo, trying to look for something to get me out of the situation.
I couldn't handle more, I thought to myself as my eyes landed on the small lock switch by the handle on the door. Before they could realize my intentions, I lunged for the door and flicked the lock off with one hand while pulling the handle with the other. With a harsh push, I shoved the door open.
"Fuck!" the one closest to me, Axel, yelled as they all caught on to my intentions.
He lunged towards me as I jumped from the seat. His fingertips grazed the hem of my shirt as I propelled my body out of the door head first.
Everything seemed to move in slow motion for the few seconds that I was airborne. Ducking my head down while wrapping my arms around it, I clenched my eyes shut as my body approached the road that appeared blurred due to the high speed we were travelling at. I hit the ground on my side, screaming as I heard a loud crack and felt pain shoot up my side. I felt layers of my skin coming off as the tires of the vehicle screeched to a halt. My body rolled a few times before coming to a stop in the tall grass that lined the sides of the road before the treeline started.
I lay on my back as cold water that coated the grass seeped through my shirt. The cold battled with the warmth of the blood that spilt from the cuts and scratches that littered my skin. I lay still, staring in a trance at the clouds above as the adrenalin running through my body started to wear off, causing the true extent of my pain to make its self known.
That may not have been the smartest decision I've made...
Fast-approaching footsteps snapped me out of my trance. I tried to turn my body in an attempt to get up and run, but that only succeeded in making me cry out in pain.
"Not the best move, Kitten, " Axel growled, echoing my own thoughts as he crouches down by my head. He had a slight frown on his face as his eyes took in my bloody body.
I whimpered and try to move my head away as his cool fingers brushed my sweat coated hair from my forehead.
"Shhh..." he hushes while stroking my hair as the others joined us. "Ezra's going to help make it better."
Ezra crouched down beside the two of us, causing another weak whimper to leave my lips. He grabbed my hand as his eyes scan my body, scrutinizing every cut, scratch, and bruise that was visible. He then lifted both his hands and placed them on either side of my neck, causing me to flinch which in turn caused me to sharply inhale from the pain the movement caused. He applied pressure at certain points, causing me to groan at the discomfort his touch brought. His hands roamed down my body starting at my neck, applying the same rhythmic pressure causing me to sharply inhale in pain at times. When he reached my ribs, I cried out in pain and tried to get away from him. Axel held down my shoulders, preventing me from curling into the side of my body where the excruciating pain erupted from.
"Shit," he said, pulling his hands away. "It's worse than I thought, she's losing a lot of blood and has a few broken ribs," he told the others. "Her cuts should be healing at a normal rate, but they don't seem to be healing at all. Do any of you know what she is? She needs whatever her kind uses to heal, fast."
"No clue," Jax answered as the rest shook their heads.
"Just ask her, she's conscious," Cassius said like he was dealing with idiots. He stood with Zev and Jax with his arms crossed. He and Zev looked as though they had better things to do than deal with my dying body while Jax's face showed shock.
"Damanea," Ezra said to get my attention. "You need to tell us what you are," he asked gently.
"W-what?" I managed to choke out before being overtaken by a coughing fit. Each cough caused tears to stream from my eyes as pain shot through me. I wanted to stop but I couldn't.
After what seemed like hours, the coughing finally died down. I flicked my tongue out over my lips and tasted the warm, metallic taste of blood. It coated the inside of my mouth and I could feel the warmth coating my lips and dripping from the corner of my mouth.
Snaping fingers in front of my face drew my attention.
"What are you? We need to know, now," Ezra asked again, but more panic was present in his voice.
"What do you mean?" I asked, scrunching my face up in pain and confusion.
"For fuck's sake woman!" exclaimed Jax while throwing his arms up. "What. Species. Are. You," he asked, jabbing his hands towards me with each accentuated word. Guess he was over his shock.
His question caused me to look at him like he was stupid, hell, maybe he was. Did he really just ask me what species I was? What? Did he think I was a platypus in disguise or something?
Catching the look on my face, Ezra spoke. "We need to know so we can get you what's necessary to heal. Your injuries are too great to risk waiting for them to heal on their own." My face must have shown even more confusion because he continued to explain. "I would need spirit plants to heal from serious injuries because I'm a warlock. I need you to tell me what you are so we can get you what you need."
The pain that coursed through my body was momentarily forgotten as I blankly stared up at Ezra. He looked down at me expectantly, but that look turned to one of confusion when I burst out laughing. The laugh caused my body to explode in pain which just increased further when it turned into harsh coughs that jerked my broken body. Once I got myself under control again I darted my eyes between the three men who were crouched around me.
"You guys are crazy," I said while chuckling lightly as my eyes start to blur. Who messes with a dying person?
"Axel," Cassius sighed.
"On it," Axel replied before putting his fingers under my chin and tilting my head back so I was looking into his eyes.
The grey irises of his eyes swirled with silver until they were pure, molten silver, no trance of grey anywhere to be seen. I found myself captivated by them the same way I was earlier. The pain in my body dulled slightly as all I can see and focus on was his eyes, but they seemed to shift in and out of focus as my own blurred. Black spots began to obstruct my vision.
"What are you?" he asked in a commanding voice that sent shivers down my spine.
"Human," I managed to whisper before darkness consumed me.
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The Better Side Of Evil
The last surviving son of House Rotwald is on the run. Chased by his enemies into the heart of a long forgotten wasteland, he is forded to traverse an unholy place of power. With the pursuers hot on his heels, can Victorian find shelter in the realm of the living dead? Or will he become just another walking corpse, doomed to wonder the land for all eternity? Everything that he believed in, everything that he held sacred – gods, kings and their laws – has already betrayed him. With nothing left to lose could the young paladin be persuaded to accept a new master? Could he bargain away his life to a dark power in exchange for vengeance? And what would he be required to do in return? The Kingdom of Leidemar is on the verge of ruin. Rival powers seek to divide it, but there is an opportunity for a new ruler to arise from within its own nobility. And even a lowly nobleman, if positioned correctly, could end up a king. Someone with the right allies, perhaps? Or maybe cruel allies would suffice? But for now the last surviving son of House Rotwald is on the run. *This story is as much about the monsters as it is about the people facing them. Some become allies while others become wet stains on the floor. I firmly believe that villains can make for some of the most endearing characters. Monsters need not be sour and droll. Have a bit of fun - indulge in a bit of villainy. Enjoy the gray morality and colorful cast of this story! *I have a Discord server now: https://discord.gg/4phDRU2 **Artwork by Shane Pierre: https://007access.deviantart.com/ ***I am not a native English speaker, so feel free to help me improve my use of the language!
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