《His Angels》chapter thirty-two


After talking about life for a while the grownups called us down for dinner.

Jax took Journey downstairs. I went to the nursery with Kylie and Kian to get the triplets.

I put them in their bouncer.

"Mama!" Journey whined causing us all to look at her.

"Who is she calling mama?" Kylie asks.

"Mama!" She whines and squirms in Jax's arm. He puts her down and she wobbles towards me.

"She's calling you her mama?" Kylie asks as her eyes lit up.

"Yeah." I smiled.

"Mama! No." She takes my right hand that was currently touching Aria's belly and put it on her belly.

"Baby, she's my sister. You're gonna have to let me touch her." I told her. She shook her head and crossed her arms.

"Ummm missy did you just cross your arms and say no to me?" I asked.

"No." She giggles and runs into Issac's legs. He picks her up and kisses her.

"You." I pointed to Jax. He looks around and then points at himself. "Yes, you."

"What did I do?"

"You got your daughter crossing her arms and saying no to me now."

"I don't do that." He crosses his arms. I raised my brow as he looks at his arms quickly putting them by his side.

"You pulled a mom." Kyle's mom laughs along with the adults.

"She is one now," Jackie says.

"Yeah without my permission." Issac playfully glared at me and I playfully rolled my eyes.


"Here's the last one," I said putting down the last cardboard box filled with Journey's toy.

"Thank you, babe." Jax presses his lips into mine.

Jackie has finally found a new house to move into after a couple of weeks. It wasn't as big as the other but it gave a very homey vibe.


It was about 3 blocks away from my house which wasn't bad because it would be a 15-minute walk from my house.

The exterior and interior of the house were either white or grey making it look fancy and classy.

Jax's room was painted with a very light pastel blue while Journey's was a very light purple.

There were four rooms and three bathrooms. A huge kitchen with a huge pantry for you all the food. And snacks, you can't forget about the snacks.

Everything about this house screamed awesome.

Journey's room was purple with white furniture sort of like her old room.

"Mama." I hear Journey's cute little voice.

"Hey, baby." I picked her up and kissed her cheek a bunch of times causing her to giggle.

I put her in her white crib and she jumps up and down giggling.

"I'm gonna miss waking up next to you." He wraps his arm around my waist too placing a kiss on my neck.

"Me too."

"You'll be here often right?"

"Of course."

I picked up Journey and brought her downstairs for her lunch.

"Can you get that for me?" Jax yells from upstairs. I gave Journey my phone and went to the door.

I came face to face with a girl whom I recognized but couldn't figure out how. "Hi, I'm Blair. Does Jax Monroe live here?"

"Yeah, what do you need him for?" I asked coming off a little rude. I didn't mean for it to come out the way it did.

"I'm Journey's mom." She says and my eyes widen.

"Hold on." I closed the door and jogged up the stairs.

"Umm... Journey's mom is outside?" I said but it came out more of a question.


"Blair?" He asks with anger in his eyes.

"Yeah." He walks past me and goes down the stairs with me following. He goes outside and closes it.

Now I'm not trying to be noisy but I couldn't help it.

I put my ear against the door and then realized it wasn't right so I went back into the kitchen to feed Journey.

I hear the door slam and angry footsteps approaching. Jax comes in looking very angry but very sexy.

Sorry, not sorry.

"Is everything okay?" I asked.

"So she thinks she could come back here and walk back into Journey's life like that after abandoning her?" He asks pacing around the kitchen.

"She wants to be in Journey's life?" I asked my voice cracking in the process. I wasn't gonna cry I was just sad. Journey wasn't my daughter biologically but I felt a connection and I wasn't ready to lose her.

"Yes! Isn't that crazy? After leaving her on my doorstep saying she didn't want her anymore she thinks she could skip back into our lives?" He scoffs.

Time to be a woman Brynn.

"I think you should let her in." His head turns in my direction quicker than I could blink.


"Well because she is you know her mom. They should get the chance to know each other." I played with my fingers.

"Journey has you. You're already her mom."

"But I'm not her birth mom. I'm just a mother figure. She deserves to get to know Blair." I sighed. He stays quiet for a little bit and then sighs.

"I'll talk to Blair later but when I bring Journey to meet her I want you to come with me."

"No, I can't get in between that."

"You're her mom too. You should be there." He places his hands on my arms and rubs them.



published: october 7th, 2020

y'all in getting ready to stir up some drama tehehehheheheeg

I hope everyone is having a great day, morning, night and week. Mines hasn't been as bad.

I hope everyone enjoy this week's chapter. Please make sure to enjoy the rest of your week because your life is in your hands, not anyone else's so it's up to you to make it a great week.

I hope that made sense but remember if anyone ever needs something I'm here for youuuuu!

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