《His Angels》chapter thirty-one


"It's Christmas! Wake up it's Christmas!" Levi and Jackie sang loudly running around the house.

"I never expected this from them," Jax mumbles and nuzzles his face into my chest between my boobs.

"C'mon if we don't get up within the next I'll say 15 minutes they won't let us open our presents."

"I don't care about the presents. I just want my face between your boobs." He kisses my chest sending a signal for all my goosebumps to rise.

"C'mon," I whined.

"Fine." He grumbles.

I got out of bed and threw him the onesie that we all had to wear today.

I went into the bathroom and changed out of Jax's t-shirt and slid on the onesie.

I tied my hair in a messy bun and looked in the mirror.

"I look like a raccoon that got ran over by a bus," I whispered to myself.

"No, you don't!" Jax yells and I rolled my eyes. Yes, I do.

I went to the babies' room where Journey was staying as well.

I changed her diaper and then put her in her onesie also doing the rest to the triplets.

"Cmon babies it's time to —oh I see your sister already done it." Issac steps into the room.

"They're all done." I smiled.

"Thank you." He plants a kiss on my forehead.

I picked up Journey who was very grumpy this morning.

"Mama." She says leaning her head into my shoulder.

"What's wrong baby?" I kissed her temple.

I went downstairs and sat in between Jax's legs. I laid on him.

"Hold on before we open presents we need to take a group picture!" Jackie exclaims. We all got into her selfie and then started unwrapping presents.


I helped Journey unwrap all her toys before going to my gifts. I put her on a little elephant plush rocker.

"I think her new favorite animal is going to be an elephant." Jax chuckles squeezing the little elephant stuffy I got her.

"It's my favorite so I was hoping she'll love it too."

"She already does." He points to Journey who hugs her other elephant stuffy.

I got her too many.

We continue to open all our presents. It took us a while since Jackie and Levi bought all the kids about 15 presents. That was a lot of money but in their world, it wasn't.

Tonight we were gonna have dinner with Kylie, Kyle, Rex, Dylan, and Kian's families.

Oh and Kyla and her family too.

I mean our house wasn't huge but it was a decent size.

After opening a bunch of presents we all had to clean up. It's the worst part of Christmas. The little ones were in the kitchen eating while the older kids had to clean.

"I swear no matter how clean I think it is there is always a damn tiny piece of wrapping paper somewhere," Claire mutters to herself.

"There's one on your butt," I told her and she rips it off her butt quickly shoving it in the bag.


"Merry Christmas best friend!" Kylie jumps on me.

"Merry Christmas to my favorite twins." I hugged both of them. We exchanged gifts and Kylie opens her arms to Journey.

Journey looks away and walks towards me opening her arms for me to pick her up. "You know I thought by now she would've warmed up to me." She frowns.

"She will soon." I gave Journey a kiss.

"Hey." I turned around quickly almost giving me whiplash.


"Hey, Rex." I give him a small smile.

"Here." Rex hands me a small bag.

"You didn't—"

"I wanted to."

I went in my pocket to get a gift card I got for him. "Here ya go."

"But I don't —"

"Rex, your sister told me. She blurted it out by accident." I give him a small smile tears filling my eyes.

"How long have you've known?" Tears begin to fill his eyes.

"Since thanksgivings."

"Did you tell the twins?" He whispered and I shook my head.

"It shouldn't come from me. They deserve to hear it from you." I tell him and he nods.

Once everyone gets here all the teens and Journey go into our room. When I say our room I mean Jax and mine.

Kylie, Kian, and Dylan go to sit on the bed.

"Don't sit on the bed," Jax says smirking at me.

Their eyes widen and they get off the bed.

"Ew, ew, ew." Kylie jumps up and down.

"I think I'm gonna die." Kian falls over.

"I'm gonna faint." Dylan sits down leaning against the wall.

"You guys are so dramatic." I rolled my eyes.

"I need to say something," Rex speaks up.

Kylie and Kyle glared at him.

"Don't look at him like that," I told them and their faces calmed.

"I —I... Brynn." He looks over to me tears filling his eyes again. Jax looks at me worriedly.

"Go ahead Rex, we're all here for you," I reassure him. He nods and takes a deep breath.

"I have a tumor in my brain." He covers his mouth. He starts crying and so do I.

Kylie gasps beginning to cry and Kyle holds her shedding tears as well.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Kylie asks through her sobs.

"I wanted to push you guys away and make you hate me so when I did pass away you wouldn't be sad."

"Rex, no matter how much we would've hated you we would've cried knowing our best friend had a tumor in his brain and we didn't comfort him." Kyle sobs.

I covered my sobs and whimpers with my free arm that wasn't holding Journey.

Everyone was now sad and quiet.

"I don't know how long I have but I'm really sorry for trying to push you away. I'm also sorry for telling you on Christmas."

"Don't be sorry," Kylie exclaims.

"We'll make sure you have the time of your life before that day comes," I told him, and we all nod.

"I love you guys." He opens his arm and we all tackled him.

"We love you too."


published: september 30th, 2020

Happy last day of September :)


I appreciate everybody so so much, I'm so grateful for each and everyone of y'all who stays and waits for me to update.

Enjoy the rest of you week, stay safe and if you ever need anything feel free to message me and I'll reply as soon as possible.

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