《His Angels》chapter twenty-eight


Being related to good police officers came with some benefits.

Claire, Dylan, Kian, my uncle Sam and my eldest cousin Crawford came by my house later that night. My parents didn't know about what was going on behind those walls because Jackie never mentioned it.

We had Taylor watching the triplets. That and he was terrified of Jeffrey.

Kyla was also here for moral support.

They were determined to keep her, Jax, and Journey safe.

"What's wrong, you sounded very worried on the phone," Sam asks Levi.

Levi motions for him to sit down on the couch.

I tapped Dylan who was sitting next to me shaking his legs.

"Are you okay?"

"Just anxious to get him out of there." He looks over at me and I could see worry and pain.

"Me too." I held his hand and squeezed it. "Hey, Crawford." I smiled up at my older cousin.

He had Kyla's blue eyes and his dad's facial features that made him very attractive. He was 25 and surprisingly single. He was too handsome to be single.

"Hey, baby cousin." He ruffles my hair sitting across from me.

"Okay, Dylan please tell them everything you told us." Issac puts his hand on Dylan's shoulder.

"My friend Jax umm his dad is in town for a couple of weeks and every time he comes back to abuse Jax and his mom for years now. Jax's dad is on your wanted list."

"What's the name?"

"Jeffrey Monroe." He says low but enough for us to hear.

Sam and Crawford's eye widens. "He's one of the hardest criminal to catch." Crawford sighs.

"Yeah, but we know where he is staying at. We could just corner him." Sam says.

"No. Jackie, Jax, and Journey are there. He will harm them if he has to." Kian speaks up.

"So then what do we do?" Kyla asks.

"Well, my brilliant daughters came up with a plan to let Jax know without warning Jeffrey." Issac smiles and motions towards Claire and me. "The actual catching him part will be on you guys."


We told them everything steps by step. Sam would agree on certain things and then disagree but other than those minor details he agreed to help and so did Crawford.

I hope this plan falls through the way it should.


"You guys need to shut up," Dylan whispers annoyed.

"He won't stop pinching my thigh." Claire whines.

"Listen lady if your ass wasn't in my face then I wouldn't pinch your thigh so that you would move it away from my face," Kian mutters.

"As if you don't like it." Claire rolls her eyes.

"Your ass is as flat as a pancake." As soon as he says that Dylan and I chuckled quietly and Claire gives him a death glare.

"That's his car." Dylan points to the black beaten-up fiat.

"I feel like we're gonna get caught," Kian says worriedly.

"It's 2 am. I think his drunk ass is probably already past out." Claire whispers. "We need to split up."

"Kian and I will put the tracker under the car," Dylan says. "And you two can do your thing." I give him the little tracker and tape.

"Ready?" I asked them. They all nod.

"Alright go." Claire and I ran onto their lawn.

Claire was on the lookout if I fall for anything. I climbed up the tree which was the closest thing next to Jax's window. I'm guessing his dad is probably asleep in either the living room or Jackie's room which was all the way in the back.

I looked inside to see Jax awake. It was dark but I could see his figure. He was laying on his bed with Journey next to him.

I lightly tapped the window which frightened him because he jumped.

He scrunches his brow and squinted his eye. Once he notices it's me he slowly gets up and limps over the door locking it and then towards the window.

"What the hell are you doing here?" He whispers through his raspy voice. He looked terrible. His lip was cut, he had a black eye, a large bruise on his jaw, and his left cheek.


"Dylan told me about your dad."

"Then why are you here? You know how dangerous this is."

"I wanted to make sure you were okay." I reached out and put my hand on his cheek. He leans more on my hand.

"I'm fine."

"You're not." I frowned.

"I will be."

"We have a plan to get you guys out." I went into my pocket and grabbed a little chip. It was like the size of a bread crumb. "Put this in his shoe when he's not watching. It's a tracker to make sure he isn't here when we come to get you guys." I gave it to him almost falling out of the tree in the process.

"No, don't. I don't want you guys to get hurt."

"We won't. I promise." I gave him a small smile. "Has he touched Journey?"

"No. He's been wasted most of the time so he doesn't know that she even exists." My heart breaks hearing this. "I want you to take Journey." He says.

"What? I can't."

"Listen I know Dylan and Kian are with you so please just take her and watch after her." He goes over to the corner and pulls out a pink bag. "I trust you." He gives me the bag.

"Claire!" I whispered and she looks up. I motioned for her to catch the bag and she does.

Very dramatically may I add.

He picks up Journey and hands her to me. I hold her very close to me considering I'm in a tree that I almost fell out of multiple times already.

I don't know why he's trusting me to do this. We could literally fall to our deaths any second.

"If anything happens to me, make sure she knows I love her." Tears fill his eyes.

"Nothing is going to happen to you. We will get you out." I held out my pinky finger.

He hooks his pinky with mine.

I leaned in close and he does too.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asks quickly. "I know it's not the right time considering I might die this time but—"

I cut him off by connecting my lips with his.

"You're not gonna die." I smiled softly.

Dylan and Kian are done and are standing under the tree with Claire.

"Pack anything you need and let your mom know. We will be here when he leaves."

"What about school?" He asks. Is he serious?

"Really? You're worried about school when your dad wants to murder you?"

"I meant for you. There's the only room in this relationship for one undergraduate, not two."

"Luckily for you, you have a nerd as a girlfriend who is ahead until the end of the third quarter." He grins and pecks my cheek.

"Go. I think I hear him moving around downstairs."

"Okay. Be safe." I picked his lips one more time.

I looked down. "You three are gonna catch me and Journey?" I asked and they all nod.

I jumped after thirty seconds of hesitating and they all caught me thankfully.

Like I honestly was prepared to land straight on my back and break all my bones.

I was a little nervous there.


Maybe a whole lotta nervous.

We run away from the house towards mine. Surprisingly Journey only just fluttered her eyes open and smiled at me before cuddling into my chest to fall back asleep.


published: september 16th, 2020

So as you can probably tell I have a new cover for the story. The cover is made by @ buttercupjd31. It's so cute and she did such an amazing job so if you'd like a cover for your story you can check her out.

How are y'all doing? how's school? any boyfriends/girlfriends? anything interesting or exciting going on? tell me everythang!

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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