《The Alpha's House ✔️》Chapter 13


"Alpha come quick!" "Hey James are you feeling better?" Where's the Alpha?"

The voices of my pack swirl throughout my head. Quickly I put my walls and message Noah. Before I could mindlink him, he bursts into my room covered in blood.

"I know that you should be resting, but the rogues are attacking. We don't need you to fight, but the pack need a boost of morale. They are falling apart without their Alpha and they need to hear from you."

"Listen up! The Midnight Moon pack is the strongest pack in North America. We didn't become the strongest by rolling over whenever we faced a challenge. I don't know about you, but I am planning on taking down these rouges. Are you with me?" I hear howls in agreement, and can feel a sense of pride ripple through my pack.

It feels as though someone repeatedly hit me with a baseball bat. Groaning I sit up and look over to Penny. To my dismay she was still in a deep sleep. I quickly leave the pack house to see a war waging outside. The rogues were outnumber, and as my pack got a renewed sense of passion the rouges began retreating. Soon the pack link was filled with cheers. All I could think was what the hell happened.

I quickly praise the pack and send out orders for post-battle cleanup, then I tell Noah to meet me in the office, and send Owen to check on Penny.

"I need you to catch me up to speed."

"Ok well, so after everything that happened with you, my first priority was finding out who poisoned you. The rogues killed the guards on the eastern boarder and were able to sneak in and leave the brownie. We then increased our boarder's defenses. Nothing happened yesterday, but then early this morning rouges appeared. We were able to keep them at the borders, but they made it into the pack. The pack was stressed and disjointed, so the rogues were able to get the upper hand, and well you saw the rest." Noah quickly explained.


"Okay, so we need to make sure our border is secure, and work on figuring out what the rogues are planning. Rogues don't tend to team up, they have to have someone leading them, and that someone has to be planning something. I am going to call the neighboring packs and let them know what is happening."

"No you are not! You have to go pick your sister up from the airport. Her plane should be landing in about twenty-minutes, so you need to get going."

"You're right." I groan.

I love my sister, and I haven't seen her in forever, but now is not the best time for her to be visiting. I run to my room and touch up my hair, and put on a nicer shirt. I pause staring at Pennelope. She is just laying there, the color has come back to her skin, but she still hasn't woken up. I give her a kiss on the forehead before grabbing my car keys. The airport isn't too far, but it is off pack land. It is on the human territory though, so I am not too worried about running into rouges. I park the car, and rush to the baggage claim. I know I am running late I just hope that that she doesn't know.

"Hey there big bro, I am so glad that someone cared enough to pick me up. Seriously I have been in Europe forever, and when I am finally back no one is here to pick me up!"

"I'm sorry, I missed you El, we just had an issue with some rouges." I apologize while giving her a hug. Then pick up her suitcase.

"Don't worry J, I understand. I was just hoping that my new sister would be here as well." her eyebrows furrowed as the smile dropped off her face.


"Yeah, about that. A lot has happened in the past few days."

"Oh my gosh! What did you do to her?! Did you ruin this? Were you an asshole? I swear to the moon goddess James, if you were an asshole to her and ruined this-"

I cut her off, "No Ella, I haven't been an asshole. I'll tell you everything in the car."

She looked skeptical, but nodded picking up her carry-on. We made our way to the car, and I began to tell her everything that has happened.

"Wait, so mom was laughing?" I nod, "I can't believe it. I am so excited to meet her. I hope she recovers soon. I know you aren't a huge fan of talking about your emotions, but I can tell you love her. Just don't fuck it up."

I laugh, "Trust me I won't do anything to mess it up. I am just hoping she will wake up soon, it is driving me crazy that there isn't more I can do to help her. How about you, are you looking forward to finding your mate?"

"I cannot wait! It has been the longest two years of my life. I have my degree in psychology, so I just want to find my mate, so I can settle down and start a small practice. I know you didn't really care, but I have been dreaming about my mate since I was a little girl. What is it like?"

"Well your wolf will know before you do. You will feel a sense of urgency, and then you will smell the most glorious smell on earth, and you will never be able to get enough of it. And once you find them, the second you lay your eyes on them everything else around you will stop. Then when you touch your become alive. Electricity dances between you two, and you know that they are the one for you. Then you will get to know each other, and you find yourself falling more in love with them every single day."

A smile takes over as I think about my mate. I just want to go home and hold her. I know she is safe at the pack house, but I want to be there to make sure nothing bad will happen to her. It kills me that I wasn't there to protect her from her so called brother, and I will strive to make it up to her every day from now on. As we pull into the pack I am glad that the majority of the damage from the battle has been cleaned up. I park outside of the pack house, and go to grab Ella's things from the trunk. As she jumps out of the car a unfamiliar look crosses her face.

"What's that smell? Do you smell that?" she asks putting Ezra on edge. I carefully look around for danger. After taking a deep breath I don't smell anything out of the usual. I just shake my head looking back at Ella.

"Nancy must be making something because I just smell something delicious, come on. How do you not smell that?"

She takes another deep breath and begins walking towards the pack house. I smile because I can guarantee I know what is happening. I quickly follow her into the house. As I walk into the kitchen, I drop the suitcase and let out a growl.

"Oh hell no!"

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