《Green & Grey ✔︎》Chapter 7



I fucking hate school.

It's currently 3am on a Monday, I am doing my goddamn history assignment that's due at 9am sharp today.

Music is the only thing keeping me sane right now.

My music was blasting through my AirPods while I try to finish this assignment.

This is why you don't leave it till the last minute Layla!

I roll my eyes at my inner self.

It's not my fault school fucking sucks.

I decide to take a break and head to the kitchen for a drink and some snacks.

I grabbed them and made my way upstairs.

I plopped down on my bed and before I put my AirPods back in I got a text message.

I'm outside.

I looked down at my phone in shock.

Who the living flying frick is this.

Shit, I'm gonna get kidnapped or murdered.

oh god oh go-

It's Landon.

What the fuck.

I make my way downstairs slowly.

I head straight for the door and keep the safety lock on as I open it and look through the crack.

Landon was standing there with his hood up and head down allowing me to only see his hair, while his hands were buried in his jean pockets.

He stood up straight as he noticed the door and I gasped at the sight of him.

He had cuts and blood all over his face.

I hurriedly opened the door and practically dragged him inside by the arm.

I closed the door and rushed to the kitchen and he followed.

His face looked like he just murdered someone and the victim's blood spattered all over his face, like in those horror movies.

I shivered at the thought.

Though the blood was his, I think.

I grabbed the first aid kit from under the sink cabinet and put it on the table.

I told him to sit down on the counter which he did, while staring at me with intense eyes.

I took out the rubbing alcohol and the rag to dab onto.

I look up at his face and gasp at how bad he was bleeding.

He had a cut above his shaped eyebrow though his hair was flopping down on top of it, so it was hard to see. But you could tell since the blood was dripping down on the side.

His nose was slightly bleeding and he had a cut going across his right cheekbone.

Shit, what did he do?


Starting on his eyebrow I gently moved his hair up to move it away from his eyebrow.

I almost sighed at the feeling of his soft, silky, black hair through my fingers.

I gently dab on the cut and look at him to see if I hurt him.

Not really surprised he didn't even move an inch, just staring at me intensely while I dab his cut.

My fingers graze his left cheekbone which is thankfully clean of any cuts, he slightly moved when I touched him.

His jaw clenched and I continued cleaning his cuts.

Once I was done I looked around his face to make sure everything was done, which to my pleasure I was satisfied.

I put the kit away and turned back around to see Landon standing there, now off the counter.

I sighed, walking up to him and wrapping my arms around his waist.

He immediately wrapped his arms around me hugging me tightly to his chest.

I sighed in his warmth and comfort.

"Please don't scare me like that again." I whispered to him while keeping my face in his chest breathing in his smell, of his cologne and mint.

He pulled away and lifted my chin up to look at him.

His eyes and face were blank but as he spoke his words were gentle.

"You don't ever have to worry about me, love" His deep voice said gently as his thumb ran over my chin slightly.

"Besides, the other guy looks worse." He says, a smirk on his lips with slight mischief dancing in his eyes.

I shake my head at him and laugh.

"How'd you even get my number?" I ask curiously.

He shrugs.

"I have my ways." He says.

Okie then.

"Assignment?" He asks, nodding his head towards my laptop.

"I've got an assignment due in about 5 hours so I'm trying to finish it off." I shrugged.

He just nods his head, staring at me with his grey eyes.

"What happened to you tonight?" I finally asked.

"Just business." His voice said darkly.

I sighed and looked down at my feet.

It's silent for a while.

"Why did you come here? Why me? " I asked.

He stares at me and steps closer to me.

His eyes burning into mine.

"I don't know, you've got no idea what you're doing to me Layla." His deep voice rang through my ears.

I was about to reply but then he continued.


"I haven't ever felt this way before about anything or anyone. You're like a magnet pulling me towards you, Layla, I think about you all the time. You and Your emerald eyes." His words made butterflies erupt within me.

"I'm dangerous, Layla. So fucking dangerous. I've murdered hundreds, I don't show mercy or kindness to anyone or anything in my path." He stops looking at me and continues to talk.

"But only for you, and only towards you, will I be better. To make you happy." His deep voice stops and his hand caresses my cheek gently.

I look up at him processing his words.

Then I smile. A genuine smile.

I don't know what to say or think all I know is that I'm genuinely happy that he feels the same way.

I know he's a bad person and he does things that I cant even imagine, but I cant help the way I feel towards him.

He makes me feel safe and protected. And I've never felt that before.

I've never had someone to protect me and make me feel like I'm at home.

And oh how I'm so attracted to him. He himself was made like a pure greek god and I'm sure anyone who lays eyes on him could agree with me.

He stares at me expressionless, his eyes cold but hold some emotion in them that I cant comprehend.

I lean up to him and kiss his jaw since I can't reach his cheek.

"Thank you." I whisper softly.

His eyes flutter shut for a second and when he opens his eyes again, his eyes are lighter than before.

The dark grey clouds are replaced by a shining silver.

His lips twitch up into a small smile while he looks down at me.

I cant help but smile brighter.

The moment is cut short by his phone ringing.

I'm really about to throw his phone out the window

Nope, probably shouldn't do that he would kill me.


His face turns back into his normal expressionless state and takes his phone and answers.

"What?" He says in a deadpanned tone glaring at the ground.

I feel bad for the person on the other end of the line.

I'd be shitting bricks by now.

His face remains blank while listening on the other line.

I decided to mind my business so I went to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water for both of us.

I turned around to see him now off his phone.

I passed the water to him and he sent me a thankful nod.

"I have to leave." He says and my heart sinks slightly.

"Okay." I say in return trying to not show any emotions.

I start walking towards the door to let him out, but then he grabbed my arm and turned me around making me bump into his chest.

I sucked in my breath at the close contact.

I looked up at him through my lashes and saw his eyes grow slightly darker.

He brought his hand to my cheek caressing it, he stared at my eyes then looked down to my lip that was tucked into my teeth.

He brought his thumb over the bottom of my lip, tucking it out.

His emotionless eyes looked back into mine as he leaned into me closer.

Only inches away, I feel his minty breath fanning my lips.

I closed my eyes as his lush lips made contact with mine.

His lips moved slowly against mine as if savouring my every taste.

My lips moved in sync with his as his pace went faster and deeper.

A moan slipped through my lips, as this happened his hands came around my waist holding me flush against him tightly.

My hand went up to his hair running my hand through the silky mess.

My other hand reached up to his cheek caressing it and slowly moving it down to his jaw tracing it.

He squeezed the side of my hip making me open my mouth and I gasp which lets his tongue slide into my mouth.

His tongue made contact with mine, battling for dominance as the kiss deepened and his hands roaming my body.

His hand now under my hoodie touching my bare skin holding my waist tightly, the other at the back of my neck pushing me impossibly deeper into him.

I pulled away needing air.

I leaned my head on his chest breathing deeply.

His breathing was completely normal.

How the fuck is he not dying right now.

I lifted my head to look at him and his cold eyes looking down at me.

He leaned his head down to my ear.

"I'll come by at 8 to pick you up." His voice is deep and raspy.

Not being able to find words right now I nodded my head.

He leaned down and kissed my jaw sending me butterflies everywhere.

His lips lingered there and then he came up and walked away to the door and left.

Being really tired and not even able to process what just happened now, I went back to my room and quickly finished my assignment.

I turned my lights off and went into my bed.

I closed my eyes and fell into a deep slumber with his grey eyes on my mind.

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