《My Cold Husband》Epilogue - Our Little Family


"I can't believe you Kim Taehyung! You- I'm bearing your child! How dare you call me fat!" She looked him with anger in eyes as she went from emotional to angry.

"Baby I wasn't calling you fat.. You're beautiful to me always." He spoke hiding behind the sofa as she looked at him fuming.

Her phone rang as she huffed before sitting on their sofa as she picked up the call, "Hello eomma" she pouted making his eyes widen.

"Eomma I can't believe this Taehyung. He is calling me fat. Can you believe that? He is such a jerk" She sobbed as he walked near her.

"I didn't mean that princess..." He tried explaining but stopped when she glared at him.

"I want to eat japchae." She looked away from him as he sighed.

"Okay." he walked to the kitchen ready to cook for God knows what time.

But his phone rang as he quickly picked it up without checking the caller ID.

(On The Phone)

"Hello?" he spoke.

"Taehyung ah" the other person spoke as he smiled.

"oh hello yoongi hyung!" he smiled.

"How are you and y/n?"

"I'm fine... She is more bossy and dangerous now.." He sighed hearing a giggle from the other line.

"Kim Taehyung! are you talking behind my back?" She yelled from the living room as he whined.

"No y/n ah. It's yoongi hyung. Do you wanna talk?" He questioned as yoongi smiled hearing them two.

"Oppa!" She gasped, "Eomma, hold on for a minute." She spoke as she got up ready to run to the kitchen but was stopped by a Taehyung who quickly walked to her with widen eyes.

"It's okay! Sit down." he spoke handing her the phone as he pecked her forehead and walked back to the kitchen.

(On The Phone)

"Hello oppa!" she spoke cheerfully.

"Hello y/nie, how are you?" yoongi asked smiling through the phone.

"I'm very good oppa. How are you?" she replied as he smiled again.

"I'm good little sis. Are you bothering your husband too much?" He asked.

"Did he complained?" she gasped.

"No. He didn't. I'm just asking you." he replied.

"I don't mean to bother him too much Oppa. It's just my mood swings gets the best of me." She explained with a pout.

"okay okay. I understand. It's okay. He is your husband after all. If you're bearing the child, he has to bear you." he giggled making her pout.

"are you seriously comparing me to a child oppa?"

Yoongi widen his eyes, "no no. Of course not. You're a grown up women." he spoke.

"Are you calling me old? I'm still young oppa." She sobbed as Taehyung came running to her.

"What's wrong?" he asked gently rubbing her back.

"Taehyung I'm still young." she sobbed as he held her hand tightly.


"Of course baby you have a very young heart and a young soul." He tried comforting as she handed him the phone.

"Oppa called me a baby and then he called me a old lady." She rested her head on his arm as he pecked her forehead.

"You're perfect in all ways. Don't worry about anything." he replied as he sighed before speaking into the phone.

"Hyu-" He was instantly cut off as yoongi Oppa.

"I just wanted to say that eomma wants to go to the hospital with her today for her checkup.. Tell her I'm sorry. Bye." He ended the call as Taehyung sighed before looking at y/n.

"Eomma wants to go with you for your checkup today." he informed as she spoke.


"And hyung apologize baby. It's okay. It's alright hm?" He pushed back her strand pecking her lips.

She nodded her head in response, "Are you done cooking bulgogi for me?" She looked at him innocently making him chuckle a little.

"Wasn't it Japchae?" he asked caressing her cheek as she pouted.

"Stop! Let's just eat Ramyeon noodles." She smiled as he nodded.

"Okay, love." He pecked her cheeks.

•{Time skip}•

"It was nice seeing eomma" she spoke as he smiled.

"I know." he smiled leaning closer to peck her lips but stopped as he felt her belly.

Giggling he made her sit on the bed as he crouched down, rubbing his hand over her belly that was quite bigger now, "Aigoo. My little babies." He spoke caressing her belly.

"Wae? You don't want appa kissing your eomma?" he pouted, "We have to share baby. You eomma is mine too." He spoke as y/n giggled running her hands over his hairs as she caressed them lovingly.

"Please don't trouble eomma a lot baby." he spoke as she hissed suddenly making Taehyung look at her with worry.

"They're kicking." she pouted making Taehyung smile.

"Aigoo. Aren't you gonna listen to appa?" He scolded them as y/n smiled.

"Your eomma will be your birth giver baby, love her and don't hurt her a lot, hm?" He spoke still caressing her belly but looked up at her when he felt their kicks on his hand.

"Appa, eomma loves you." He pecked her belly for the last time getting up as he walked to y/n's side, pecking her lips as well.


•{After Four Months}•

The door opened as y/n smiled lifting the baby girl in her arm as she booped their nose, bringing her closer to her.

"My Ryuminie's appa is here." she giggled as Taehyung came running to the couch placing his office bag aside.

"Aigoo what is my princess doing with my queen?" He spoke taking her in his arms as he pecked y/n's lips before pecking his daughter's Forehead.

"What did my baby do all day hm?" settling her on his lap he combed her hairs that fell onto her forehead.


"Where is Minjae?" He asked y/n as she smiled.

"in the room. He really tired me today." She pouted as he smiled pecking her forehead.

"Aww baby. You were so strong today. Thank you." He pouted as she giggled but pouted when she heard cries coming from their room.

"guess he is up again." she pouted getting up to get him.

She walked to their room, picking her son up in her arms and walked down stairs, "What is it baby? Are you hungry?" She asked him rubbing his back.

"Why is he crying?" Taehyung asked as she shrugged her shoulders.

"Give him to me. He missed me I guess." He giggled, taking him in his arms as well.

"Was eomma scolding you?" He whispered asking her as y/n walked to the kitchen to get him water.

"eomma is scary isn't she?" He giggled as the baby boy in his arms smiled.

"Yah" y/n scowled as Taehyung smiled cheekily.

"I was just kidding." he pouted making y/n sigh.

"I'll go make the dinner quickly.. I'm sorry I couldnt make it before.. Will you be okay waiting for a little?" She asked him nervously as he smiled pulling her down on the couch.

"Let's order something hm? I don't want you working when you're tired" he spoke as y/n pouted.

"Aw. You're such a considerate, caring Husband Taehyung." She poked his cheeks making him smile.

"You deserve and worth it all, baby love" He smiled as he held her hand and pecked them making y/n giggled in response.

"I love you." She intertwined their fingers shaking their hands together, chuckling softly as Taehyung stared at her lovingly.

"I love you more, you pretty woman" He smiled making her peck his cheeks.


(After Four Years)

"Appaaa" The little girl ran toward the men as he closed the door behind.

"Aigoo." He picked her up in his arms, "my princess, where are your brothers?" He asked her wiping off her mouth that had chocolate all over outside.

"Minjae is with eomma in the kitchen and Jaehwa is sleeping" she pouted making him to peck her forehead.

"Wae? Did your brother fight with you?" Taehyung asked her as she nodded her head wrapping her small arms around his neck, burying her face in his neck in a upset way making him smile.

"Aigoo. My baby. Didn't your eomma say something?" He asked her putting his office bag on the couch as he started walking to the kitchen.

"Eomma. I want you to guide me always okay?" The little boy spoke spoke swaying his legs as he sat on the countertop of the kitchen.

"Okay baby." She smiled as she carefully cooked the dinner.

"You're my angel eomma. I love you." He spoke making her giggle.

"You're Eomma's little angel baby. Eomma appa loves you a lot as well, hm?" She caressed his head carefully

"Ryumin only loves appa." she spoke pouting making Taehyung rub her back in response.

"don't say that, baby. You should love your eomma and your brother as much as you love appa, hm?" He spoke as she pouted.

"Appa He fought with me today and didn't let me play with Jaehwa! He played with him and then both of them slept beside eomma! I was so alone." She pouted as y/n furrowed her eyebrows listening to her.

"Baby, that was because your little brother was sleepy by the time you finished your homework. Minjae finished his homework sooner so he played with him." she spoke getting closer to her as she tried taking her in her arms but was stopped by her daughter.

"Baby eomma didn't want to hurt you. I thought you were still completing your homework. I was about to come to you after your brother were asleep." she explained as little Ryumin pouted.

"It's okay baby. Your eomma wouldn't do that again. Please forgive her." Taehyung spoke as Ryumin finally decided to go to y/n.

"Eomma loves you, minnie. You have to come to eomma if you ever feel alone baby. Okay? You shouldn't sit alone when you feel alone. Eomma is always going to be with you." She spoke caressing her head as she nodded in her neck.

"Your brothers loves you too, hm?" y/n assured her as she nodded again.

Suddenly the cries of a baby were heard as y/n looked at Taehyung making him giggle as he pecked her forehead.

"Come on, baby. Let's play with your little brother, hm?" Taehyung spoke taking Ryumin and Minjae in his arms.

"You know appa. I watched this movie today with eomma. And it was so cool." Minjae spoke making y/n smile.

"Really? Do you suggest appa to watch it too?" He asked him furrowing his eyebrows as he started walking upstairs.

"Yeah we'll watch it together. It'll be boys time." He spoke looking at Taehyung with eyes shining with excitement making Taehyung giggle.

"Of course, my little boy." He spoke pecking his forehead.

Y/n smiled seeing them together as the happiness filled her heart seeing her little family.

Wasn't this what she deep down craved for?

Grateful. Thankful. Blessed. Happiness.

These were the only emotions she could feel seeing her family. Indeed, love makes it all beautiful. Love holds you tight on your loose. She was thankful of all the love. She wished love for her family.

A happiness ending it was. Just what she wanted with her Love.


This is where it ends!

Thankyou for reading the story til the end! I hope you enjoyed!!

I hope everyone had a good first day of the new year and I hope everyone has a good year as well!


I love you guys!!


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