《My Cold Husband》Bliss (21+)


(On The Phone)

Y/n :- hello?

Taehyung :- What are you doing?

I giggled hearing his voice as he spoke through the phone.

Y/n :- Im at work Tae. What am i supposed to do when I'm at work?

Taehyung :- Ummm you could be doing what I am doing....?

Y/n :- And what is it that you're doing, Sir Kim?

Taehyung :- Missing you?

I laughed out hearing him as he giggled as well.

Taehyung :- Didn't you miss me?

Y/n :- yes I am missing you as well.

I answer him giggling as I heard him sigh from my phone.

Y/n :- you good?

Taehyung :- yeah I'll pick you up from work soon, okay?

Y/n :- okay.. Is it okay to be dressed in my office clothes?

Taehyung :- Of course baby, you look like a classic women in your office suit. As if you are the wife of a CEO, which you are.

Y/n :- okay... I don't know what to reply for that.. Thank you I guess? I like being the wife of a CEO.

Taehyung :- That's good.

Y/n :- Hmm.

Taehyung :- Are you busy, love?

Y/n :- No, I'm not too busy. What's the matter?

Taehyung :- I was just asking. Can you finish your work sooner so we can spend more time together?

I smiled hearing him as I softly sighed stretching my neck.

Y/n :- of course, Tae.

Taehyung :- okay then see you soon..

Y/n :- Are you upset?

Taehyung :- No baby, I'm not. I can't tell you to finish your work and let mine slide. I need to finish it soon so we can both go out sooner.

Y/n :- alright then, see you.

Taehyung :- y/n.

Y/n :- hm?

Taehyung :- Sugar

Y/n :- Hmm?

Taehyung :- Babyyy

Y/n :- Yes Taehyung, I'm listening.

Taehyung :- I love you.

Aigoo what is wrong with him?

Though just then I was about to reply I heard a loud noise coming through the speaker.

Taehyung :- 'Who is it that you're on a call with, young man? Is that your wife you are confessing your love to?'


Taehyung :- Oh for heaven's sake jimin. What the fuck are you doing here?

Taehyung :- 'hey! I would appreciate the tone you talk to in with your wife the one you love'

I put my hand on my mouth stopping myself from laughing as I heard them.

Taehyung :- I have no other wife except for y/n, Jimin.

Y/n :- I love you too, Taehyungie.

I pressed my lips together to stop myself from laughing as i wait to hear his reply.


Taehyung :- Yah! Shut up for once. I'm not blushing!

I bursted out laughing as I heard him.

Taehyung :- 'at least put her on speaker, you brat'

I heard Taehyung sigh as I still giggled.

Taehyung :- 'Hello y/n ah'

Did he really put it on speaker?

Taehyung :- 'He is so embarrassed don't laugh'

Y/n :- Aw I'm sorry.

I giggled slightly again.

Taehyung :- I'll call you later y/n. Bye.

Taehyung :- 'I love you'

Why is Jimin like this??

Y/n :- yeah bye.

I ended the call laughing once again. I can't believe jimin seriously!


(Author POV)

"How was your day?" Y/n asked Taehyung as they were eating their dinner.

"It was good. We'll be collaborating with a new company soon." He spoke taking a bite from the plate of his dinner.

"That's good Taehyung." She smiled as he nodded his head, smiling back.


"How about we go on a family trip when you find some time?" She suggested making him nod.

"Of course. I'll try to finish my work soon." He replied making her to smile at him in return.

"I'm done eating." He spoke wiping off his mouth with the napkin as she nodded finishing her dinner as well.

Taehyung paid their bill as y/n got up and walked to their car.

"Taehyung" She spoke as he started the car.

"Can we go to Han River?" She requested making him nod.

"Of course" He smiled driving to the direction.

Reaching the destination after some minutes they walked out of their car.

"Y/n ah" Taehyung spoke, clearing his throat as he walked forward with her on his side.

"Hm?" She asked him smiling up at him.

"What did you think of me when we had our first meeting?" He asked her as she giggled.

"I panicked." She spoke making him furrow his eyebrows in response.

"Why?" He pouted.

"You were really handsome. And I was scared that I am getting married." She answer smiling as she felt the fresh air.

"Aw but it didn't turn bad, did it? Getting married to me.." She hummed in response as she smiled.

"I trusted you to treat me right. My family trusted yours. And I trusted you to have manners since your parents are very sincere and sweet. I kind of expected you to be the same." She smiled, "I wasn't scared of you being bad.. It was me who I thought was not ready to get married. I was scared that what if I ruined it."

"But you didn't. You are perfect for me." He smiled holding her hand as he intertwined their fingers together making her to smile up at him.

"What did you think of me when I met you?" She asked him as he pouted thinking about the time.

"Waah it's been really long when I think of it." he smiled, "I didn't really have much thoughts honestly.. I wanted to work on my company, and getting married sounded okay to me. I was getting older." he explained as she nodded.

"You were really shy and sweet that time. I didn't know how to behave. I was awkward wasn't I?" He giggled as she shook her head.

"you were all good." She smiled as he pecked her head.

"I was embarrassed when you kept looking at me and didn't speak you know. I thought you didn't like me." he smiled looking at the sky as she felt her cheeks getting hot.

"I was amazed by your beauty." She answered making him smile.

"Really? I wasnt even dressed up nicely" He looked at her as she shook her head.

"you looked really decent. I was amazed by you. I was so scared when I heard you, I thought you'll reject me because I didn't match your standards." She explained as he pouted.

"You deserve to stand by my side more than anyone else. You are a very amazing and responsible women, baby and I am proud of you. And you should be too. You perfectly match my standards." He caressed her hand by his thumb as she awed and giggled at him.

"You're cheesy." he giggled hearing her.

"I only speak the truth." He defended as he smiled making her to smile back.

"It doesn't seem really long ago." She smiled as he nodded.

"I know right." He swayed their hands as she smiled again.


"How about we go home now?" he suggested as she nodded.

"Yeah it's getting late anyways." she nodded as they walked back to their car and drove away back to their home.

The car ride sat silent but was comfortable enough. Their heart wasn't cold, rather it was warm. Feeling the new love, warmer their hearts.

And they couldn't thank their fate enough to let them meet each other. Oh how much they felt grateful that they married each other.

Love is where everyone supposed to be at the end, and that's what they were as well. Though was it the end? Nah.

Their presence held a different kind of comfort for each other. Surely silently telling each other how they love each other as their eyes spoke to one another.

It was weird to grow a bond so strong in such a time that is so short. Yet they felt their heart connected, their souls tied.

They loved the feeling of being with one another. How weird it would be to not be with each other.

Taehyung smiled at y/n as she got out of the car, unlocking the door as Taehyung parked the car.

Walking inside she took a seat on their couch as she sighed softly due to the tiredness.

But was soon shocked as she felt herself in the air, picked up by Taehyung in his arms.

"Taehyung what are you doing?" She questioned him gasping as she pouted.

"Did you really think I'd let you go after you teased me on the call?" He looked at her as he laid her on the bed.

Pushing himself down to her level he came face to face with her as she gulped, "I was just kiddi-"

"Did I not warn you about teasing me?" He looked at her in the eyes as she blinked her eyes remembering the time they were in her parents' house, "Now should we see how much of my teasing can you endure, princess?" lowering his head down and down to her face he stopped in front of her lips and looked into her eyes.

"...Taehyung...i- you know, i-" She tried speaking but stopped when she felt him holding her hand by her wrist and pinning them above her head.

"Hm? What is it that you're trying to say hm?" He looked with eyes filled with amusement.

"Plea-se I'm sor-ry" She whispered looking at his lips and back to his eyes.

"Do you want me to forgive you?" He questioned making her give him a slight nod in response.

"But you didn't behave like the good girl that you are, baby. Did I not ask you to be a good girl hm?" He asked her in a husky voice as the pitch of his voice kept getting lower and lower as he spoke.

"I'm sorry." She spoke with her pleading eyes.

"Hmmmm" He bent his head to her neck, but still keeping not letting his nose touch her skin as she felt his warm breathe on her naked skin making her shiver.

Lower his body he pressed himself against her as she felt his crotch making her breathe to get stuck in her throat.

"But shouldnt you be punished for being a bad baby?" He whispered as she internally screamed.

"Taehyun-g ple-ase" She spoke in broken words making him smirk.

"Please what, love?" He asked as she felt embarrassed to speak, "Is there something you want?" He asked her rubbing his nose on her nape.

She hitched as she felt him slightly grinding himself on her.

"Tell me baby." He asked her but looked up at her with a amused face when she didn't reply back.

Eyes locked in eyes, but he still had amusement clear on his face, "No way!Are you, perhaps, already giving up, baby?" He gasped dramatically.

She tried freeing her hands from his grip as she looked away with her red cheeks making him smirk, "Uh uh, Wrong moves baby. I'm not letting go of your hands." He tilted his head to hers as he again brought his face infront of hers.

"How about I tie your hands right here and leave you needy all for me?" He suggested as she shot her head to him, looking at him in the eyes.

"Taehyung don't do that.." She whispered as pleadings could clearly heard in her voice.

"Hmmmm and why is that?" He asked as she moved her eyes away from his since looking at him was making her more needy.

"I'm sorry. I won't tease you again." She spoke as he let out a breathy laugh.

"Oh baby, no worries about that. You wouldn't be able to tease me after tonight anyway." He spoke as she looked at him.

"I need you Tae. Please." She spoke looking into his eyes as some tears were visible in her eyes. She felt embarrassed for being so needy. For wanting his touch so badly.

"Are you embarrassed?" He looked into her eyes wiping off her tears with one of his hand that was free.

She looked away not wanting to answer him as he hummed once again.

"Hmmm. What should I do with you then?" he spoke as she quickly answered him, "Please kiss me." She spoke as he looked at her with a smirk.

"You want my lips on yours?" He asked her as she nodded her head desperately.

Pecking her lips he quickly pulled out looking at her frustrated face that made him want to laugh so hard.

"What? Isn't that what you wanted?" He questioned as she looked at him angrily.

"For fuck's sake Kim Taehyung I asked you to kiss me! Stop teasing me now" she spoke making him furrow his eyebrows.

"Tch my baby. You're not supposed to be pleased by your punishment. Didn't you brought this upon yourself?" he spoke holding back his smile as she looked away from him, not wanting to believe him.

"You're such a ass Tae" She spoke angrily making him hum again.

"You sure about that, Baby girl?" He spoke slightly licking her jaw as she shivered under his touch.

"Ye-s" She tried to speak, but stuttered when he harshly grind himself on her.

"I see. You want more of my teasing, don't you darling?" He buried his face in her neck pressing himself harder on her as she breathed heavily not replying him.

"You seem to be having fun, baby." He smirked as she huffed.

"Fun, my ass" she mumbled as his smirk grew wider hearing her.

"Oh they sure are fun baby. Very fun and very pretty." He whispered the last part looking into her eyes as his free hand slide from her waist to her hip and to her butt as he squeezed it.

She gasped feeling embarrassed as hotness crept on her cheeks, "Taehyung stop"

Letting go of her hands he travelled his other hand to her butt as well making her to looked away as he brought his face aside to looking at her again.

"Are you shy?" He asked her making her to give him a slight nod.

"You're shy even after knowing what you want?" He asked her as she glared at him.

"Let me guess, you're probably saying a 'Fuck you' to me in your thoughts aren't you darling?" He smirked as she continued glaring at him.

"Yes I am!" She blurred as his smirk grew wider once again.

Lowering his head to meet her lips, he once again stopped right above her lips and looked into her eyes.

"Then why don't you?" he whispered making her grit her teeth as she harshly wrapped her arms around his neck and slammed her lips on his, making him smile into the kiss.

She moaned into his mouth as he spanked her butt before palming it to cease the pain.

Taehyung groaned as he felt her biting his lower lip harshly wanting to enter her tongue in his mouth. Of course he gladly gave her the access as she shoved her tongue in his mouth devouring every single inch of his mouth.

Picking her up he placed her on him as he laid on her bed, wanting to see her dominating side.

She broke the kiss looking at him in the eyes as they panted heavily, "Undress me." He spoke as she quickly unbutton his shirt and took off his pants before kissing him once again.

He wanted to touch her body so he ran his hand on her curves making her to slap his hand away as he hissed.

"What?" He pouted.

"You dont get to touch me unless I allow you to do so." she spoke as he smirked.

"I see. Fine. I'll let my princess do that to me." He smirked but insidely he was really excited to see her like that.

Pecking his lips one more time she sat on his crotch as she just looked at him.

Sighing softly he waited for her to do something but she didn't. She just sat there looking at him in the eyes.

"Do something." He spoke hands travelling to her waist, wanting to hold her as she lifted one of her eyebrows again slapping his hands away.

"Like what?" She questioned him boldly as he looked away from her.

'Fuck she is behaving too dominating. That's sexy.' He thought to himself as he slightly moved himself up making her to move up as well, not letting him move himself on her.

"Uh uh. Good boys don't do that, do they?" She questioned him as he looked at her smirking.

"Where is this boldness coming from?" He asked her as she leaned closer to him.

"I learn from the best." She spoke, looking into his eyes making him burst out smiling as she smile back to him.

Placing his hands around her waist, she pulled him closer by his neck as she again pulled his lips between hers making him sigh as he gently moved her hips against his, earning a moan from her.

"Take these off, love. I want to see you." He whispered into the kiss as she took her shirt off making him smile.

He took off her pants and her panties as he threw them around the room before laying her down on the bed again.

She panted heavily as he quickly took off his boxers before looking at her.

"Do you want me...?" He asked her as he waited for her answer.

She felt frustrated as he tested her patience, "Yes." She spoke as he pecked her forehead, pulling her hands as he made her sit on the bed.

She looked at him in confusion as he sat on the bed, back leaning against headboard as he pulled him to her.

"Take control. I want you to do that." He spoke as she looked at him nervously.

He gently pulled her on him as she still looked into his eyes.

"It's okay. I'll guide you." He assured her as he sighed at the feeling of her hand on his member.

She aligned his members on her entrance slightly rubbing himself on her as she lubricate him.

"You're really wet, aren't you?" He looked at her with a smile as she nodded embarrassingly.

"Only I should do that to you." He pecked her forehead as he looked at her lovingly.

She placing his tip on her entrance as she slowly started lowering herself on him making him to hold her waist.

Sitting on him, she threw her body on his, panting heavily as she felt him on her, "It's deeper this way." She whispered as he nodded, sighing.

"You okay?" he questioned her as she nodded in response, slowly moving her hips as his hands guided her she rode him, feeling the pleasure.

Taehyung moaned as he felt her warm walls around him, "You're really tight baby." He spoke throwing his head back as she sucked on his neck, "Fuck. You feel so good." he growled.

Unclasping her bra, he quickly took it off and slide off the thin straps off of her shoulder and threw it away, taking her breasts in his palm as he massaged him.

"Taehyung ah." She moaned, whimpering as she started moving herself faster on him making him to stop guiding her and rest his hands on her waist.

"You're so good baby." he pecked her front chest before licking it, "You're doing me so good." He whispered as one of his hand held her neck, bring her to him as he kissed her.

"Mmmm" She moaned into the kiss making him sigh as he palmed her butt humming in her throat.

Breaking the kiss she wrapped her arms around his neck as she started leaving open mouth kisses on his neck.

Taehyung let her do everything as he wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her closer. Her chest pressed against his, as he threw his head back feeling the pleasure.

Taehyung brought his head back to her, looking into her eyes. She slowed herself as she threw her head back and arched her back making him to take her breast in his mouth as he sucked on her nipples.

Thumb rubbing on her stomach he licked her nipples as she moaned his name.

One of his hand pressing on her stomach as she felt herself getting pushed to the edge, "Is it good baby?" he asked her as she nodded her head.

Satisfied by her response he started swirling his tongue around her nipples once again as she suddenly squealed making him to looked at her.

"What is it?" He looked into her eyes as she moved herself, looking down at their bodies.

"I think you just hit my spot.." She mumbled moving herself slowly as he smiled pecking her lips.

His hands stopped her as she looked at him, "let me find it for you." he spoke making her get up as he made her lay on all fours and walked behind her.

"Don't be nervous." He spoke positioning his member on her entrance as he held her waist.

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