《My Cold Husband》Respect


"Come in" Taehyung permitted in his deep voice as he stood straight and walked in front of the table.

I saw his eyes turning cold as he looked at the figure walking inside.

I saw his secretary walking in with a file as her gaze fell on me but she quickly looked away from me.

Ms. Kang, she was? I guess so.

"Sir, here are the files you asked for. They have been checked twice already by Mr. Lee, we'll just need your signature now." she spoke as she slightly stood a bit far from Taehyung.

He was leaning on the table as he slightly sat on it.

He took the file from her hands as he went through the files, flipping through the pages.

I felt awkward since I was sitting on his, The CEO's, chair while he stood there looking at the file.

They talked about the file as she just gave him the answer of the things he asked.

"Hm. I'll sign it. You can go. I'll call you to take it away when I'm done Ms. Kang." He spoke still looking through the file.

"Okay sir." she spoke as she bowed to him and was about to walk away but stopped when he spoke.

"Aren't you gonna bow to Mrs. Kim, Ms. Kang. She has just as many rights as I do in this company. And that makes her the owner of company as well." He spoke, looking up from the file and to her.

"Mr. Kim i-" she was cut off by him again.

"Moreover she will be the mother of the heir of this company, so you should respect her more." He spoke.

The way his voice spat coldness.


I would be scared of him as well if I worked under him.

"I'm sorry sir." She bowed to him apologizing as she turned to me and bowed to me making me bow back.

She turned around and quickly made her way out of the office room.

I heard Taehyung's voice as she closed the door, "Come here y/n ah"

Why is he so serious?

I slowly got up and took small steps toward him as I gulped down.

Fuck. I feel like he is the head of the school I'm the bad kid in.

I stood beside him, maintaining a small distance between us as he put the file back in the table and looked at me.

"Why are you standing so far away?" He spoke gently as I felt total calmness around him.

He was extremely calm right now.

I stepped closer to him as he gently held my hand and pulled me closer to him.

I looked into his eyes as he smiled, "what?"

"Wh-Whats wrong with y-you?" I asked him softly as he narrowed his brows, but quickly gave me a small smiled as he gently picked me up and placed me on the table.

He stood between my legs and pulled me closer to him, "Why? Can I not ask you to kiss me if I want to?" He asked me.


I shook my head as I held his shoulders, "it's not that." I spoke in a very low voice.

"Did I scare you?" he asked me, caressing my cheeks.

"No.. It just felt weird..." I spoke looking away as he looked at me still.

"Was it a bad weird?" He softly asked me.

"That didn't felt like you." I spoke as he smiled faintly.

"I'm sorry, I made you uncomfortable, sugar." He caressed my cheeks as I sighed.

"I don't want you treat anyone in a more special way than me. I want you just for myself. I know that is really childish.. But I feel like there is, for the first time, something that can be only mine. I don't want to share you with anyone." He spoke looking away from me as I noticed him frowning. I frowned hearing him.

How can he not trust me?

I took my hands off of him as I rested them on my thighs.

"I gave myself to you Taehyung. How can you still think that I can see somebody else the way I see you." I spoke, "I may easily make friends, but that does not mean I'll let them treat me in a inappropriate way." I spoke as I found Taehyung opening his mouth to say something but I showed him my hand, signaling him to let me finish.

"I may be immature but I do understand what is right and what is wrong. I do understand when a guy is being friends with me with a bad intention. And suppose even if I make a mistake and not understand his intention, I need you to have faith in me."

"I need you to trust that your wife would never let a man, other than you, touch her. Not for you but for me. I do have self respect Taehyung. I understand you have insecurities and I'm trying my best to be the best for you, but I can not be perfect taehyung. I need you to let me have my freedom." I spoke looking at him as he gulped, looking away from my eyes.

"I do trust you, angel. I trust you with my heart, but the thought of any other men touching you just.... It just makes me crazy princess. I try so hard but I still can not help but to feel helpless. I feel like I need to hide you away or at least be with you for as long as I can. I feel so scared to lose you when you're with other men that I feel like somebody might take you away from me."

"I want to live my life with you baby. I feel like someone will take you away from me and I won't be able to do anything to stop that person. You deserve better than me. And the fact just makes me feel so scared sometimes. I never know when I blink my eyes and see somebody else treating you better than I can." He looked away, standing straight as I saw his eyes getting teary.


I sighed as I held his hand, "I know that I let guys hug me but no other man ever gets to touch me like you do Taehyung. I need you to let me in, and your fears out. You may not be the best, but I want you to know that I'm not even wanting to be with the best. I want to have the best with you, I do not want you to be the best." I spoke letting go of his hand and cupped his face as one of the tears made their way out of his eyes.

"I can not lose you baby. You're my only hope left. I want to feel the life I feel with you." He whispered closing his eyes as I joint our foreheads and wiped off his tears.

"I'm not going anywhere, Tae. Please don't let go of my hand, when I'm trying to hold yours tight. I want us. And I need to understand that I'm only yours." I spoke, "Nobody else gets to have me other than you, that is if it is willingly." I finished giggling slightly as he opened his eyes and looked at me with a pout as his nose was already red by now.

"Don't say like that. I won't ever let anyone do something bad to you. I'll protect you at any cost." He sniffled as I giggled.

"I know you will, now stop crying. I'm not going anywhere. If I'm staying, I'm staying with you." I spoke as he nodded wiping off his nose.

"Aigoo you're such a baby." I giggled.

"But I AM your baby." He spoke through that cute pout his lips had formed as I smiled.

"No you're older than me." I giggled.

"I don't care. You never call me baby." He buried his face in my neck as he wrapped his arms around my waist like a baby.

"Aigoo. Fine. Tae baby, stop crying." I spoke as he sighed.

"Say that again." he whispered as I massaged his hairs.

"Taehyungie baby." I slightly cringed internally but decided to shrug it off since it was normal in couples.

"Whose baby?" He spoke like a little kid making me smile.

"My baby. My taetae baby. Stop it now." I ruffled his hairs.

"only yours." He rested his head on my shoulder as I giggled.

"That's so cringy tae." I laughed as I felt him pouting.

"No it's not! I want you to give me nicknames as well." He pulled out as I smiled hearing him.

"Okay okay. I'll call you with nicknames now." I caressed his cheeks smiling at him.

"Baby." He smiled sweetly as I almost awed.

"yes Tae." I spoke.

"I.. Um.. Uh... Never mind.." he looked away making me narrow my eyebrows.

"no baby tell me." I spoke gently cupping his face.

"um.. How about we go out for dinner today?" he spoke making me nod.

"just that?" I smiled, "We can do that." I pecked his lips as he smiled.

"Thank you princess. For everything." he spoke softly, caressing my head and looked at me lovingly making me smile widely.

"come on now, Mr. Kim! Quickly finish your work so we can go home. It's 6 already." I spoke, pecking his nose tip as he nodded his head.

"There...you go" he helped me down and pecked my head making me look up and smile.

I sat down back on the couch as he sat down and started his work.

He Signed the file after sometimes and called for Ms. Kang.

Soon the door was knocked as Taehyung permitted the person to come inside .

"Here." he slide the file forward, "do I have any meetings left for the day?" he asked.

"No, sir. The schedule for today is done." She spoke as Taehyung nodded.

"Okay, you may leave now Ms. Kang." He spoke looking back at the computer screen.

She bowed to Taehyung and turned to me as she bowed to me as well.

I bowed back to her as she smiled, "Good evening Mr. And Mrs. Kim" She walked out as i smiled at her.

Did she really smile?

"Taehyung." I bite my lower lip nervously.

"hm" He spoke looking up at me.

"I think she saw my neck." I looked at him frowning.

He giggled before pouting as he spoke , "It's okay. At least she will stop flirting with me."

"That is embarrassing for me!" I whined.

"Aww baby. Don't you have your makeup?" He asked me as I shook my head.

"Try covering it with your hairs." He spoke me glare at him.

"You have marked my whole damn neck for God's sake Taehyung." I spoke but he just looked at me innocently.

"Wait" He spoke opening the drawers of the table, "A scarfff" he giggled and pulled a red scarf up, showing it to me.

"There you have it babe" He passed me the scarf as I quickly wore it.

"You're saved." I giggled as he pouted but smiled afterwards.

"It looks good on you princess." I smiled back at him as he stood up.

"We can leave now." he spoke gathering his stuff as I stood up as well.

We quickly left after sometimes as we walked out of the company together and he drove away.


Hope u enjoyed! ❤

The story's gonna end soon :(

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