《My Cold Husband》Growing Relations


"Let's go" Taehyung spoke as we got out of the car.

We were walking inside the restaurant that our families wanted to celebrate new year in.

Jimin jungkook are there as well. Funny isn't it? But that's fine. Haha

Hobi is coming there with Oppa too.

We stepped inside as we already found everyone sitting on the table.

I smiled at everyone before walking to them as I quickly greeted everyone and wished them a new year.

I took my seat beside eomma (Mrs. Kim) as Taehyung took his seat beside me.

There were four seats left still.

Jin Oppa and hobi wasn't here yet.

We sat and talked with each other happily as I noticed appa (Mr. Kim) sitting quietly.

I wonder what happened...

Suddenly we saw Jin Oppa approaching us with hobi.

"Hello everyone!" Jin Oppa bowed at the elders and smiled at everyone as Hobi bowed to everyone as well.

I saw Hobi taking a seat with Taejun as jin Oppa took his seat beside Taehyung.

"should we order our dinner?" Appa spoke as everyone nodded.

We ordered our dinner as it was served to us after sometime and we started eating.

"It's so good to have a family dinner like this, doesn't it?" Eomma spoke as Mrs. Kim nodded her head.

"It's good to see our families being actual families." She spoke.

"Has work been fine taehyung ah?" Appa asked Tae as he nodded his head.

"everything is good appa." He smiled as I noticed mr. Kim looking down.

Is something wrong with him?

I decided to shrug my thoughts off, since it'd been weird if I asked him..

We kept eating and talking as after sometime we finished our food and talked for a while.

"It's 9:45 already, I think we should leave now.." Taejun spoke

Mrs. Kim nodded her head as Mr. Kim quickly spoke up, getting our attention "Taehyung, y/n can I talk to you for a minute"

From the corner of my eye I saw Mrs. Kim smiling at mr. Kim as Taehyung nodded his head and held my hand before following appa (Mr. Kim).

He took us to the booth that was slightly away from the table we were sitting at.

He looked down as I saw Taehyung clearing his throat.

"what is it that you want to talk about appa...?" Taehyung spoke.

"Well, you see that the business.." he was speaking but was cut off by Taehyung.

"I'm doing my best to take care of the business appa.. I'll do everything I can for the business.. I won't disappoint you, don't worry." Taehyung spoke calmly as I stood there confused as to why I was here if they wanted to talk about business.

Taehyung was still holding my hand as I stood beside him silently.

I looked appa's (Mr. Kim) face as I noticed guilt in his eyes, "Son.. I trust you." He spoke as I felt Taehyung stiffening.

"It's not about business. It's about you." He paused himself before looking down, "I know what I have done to you but I blindly continued to do it... I realized how much I have wronged you when you were almost on your death bed.

I know that I have always made you feel like you are my business heir and not my son." I saw his eyes getting teary as he looked up and smiled at Taehyung, "I'm really sorry, son. I should have been a better father to you."


I felt Taehyung's grip on my hand tightening as Taehyung looked away from appa.

"I understand why you did what you did. Im not holding grudges against you." He spoke faintly, still looking somewhere else.

"I should have known what I was doing to you. I always wished you would spend time with us and stop being so cold with me. Though seeing you being soft with your mother and your brother, sister did make me happy.

But I still longed my son's softness for me. I feel proud of seeing how far you have come and how much you have grown in life. But I really wish I could be with you as a father throughout your life journey.

I'm not blaming you for that. It's just me who's wrong. I really am sorry for the times you had to question your hardwork and existence because of me. I know I have never been a ideal father to you, but whatever I did was what I thought was right at that time, my son.

But that was the past.. I do understand now that my forceful and demanding behaviour was doing very wrong to you. Though despite of my wrong doings, I still selfishly hope that you see me as a father and not as someone who's business you're handling.

I know I should have trusted you, because that company is no longer mine but yours. I just wished to see you happy but I forgot that happiness isn't about money." I saw him smiling through the tears as I tried not to look at him, since it'd be awkward for him if I kept looking at him.

I was happy that he was finally realizing his mistakes.

Even though it took an accident of Taehyung for him to understand, at least he did understand.

I looked up at Taehyung as I found him gulping down his saliva. I knew it was hard for him so I intertwined our fingers to let him know I'm here.

"I wish you can know that I love you son." appa's voice broke as I saw tear escaping from his eyes.

I felt Taehyung's holding my hand tightly as I looked at appa.

"Please forgive me. I don't want to lose my son." Appa spoke as he looked down

Taehyung let go of my hand as I looked at him, "I understand you appa.. I may not have done that as a kid, but I know that you only want the best for me."

"I.. Have moved past that... Your decisions have led me to a good life. I don't have grudges against you. You don't need to tie yourself when I'm freeing you.

Despite of what you did or what you do, nothing changes the fact that you're my father. I know I have never been emotionally open with you and that I should have been, for that I apologize sincerely, but I really do respect you as my father.

Not for me, but for Taejun and Jihoon, you're a ideal father. Though I wish for you to give the love of a grandfather to my kids. I don't blame you for what you have done. No matter what. You're gonna remain my father." Taehyung spoke as I saw appa looking up to Taehyung as he smiled sadly.


Im so proud of Taehyung.

I smiled at them as appa spoke, "will it be okay if I hug my son..?" He asked Taehyung.

I saw Taehyung smiling as he took some small steps toward appa before embracing him.

Taehyung rubbed appa back making appa smile as some more tears left his eyes.

"I do love you appa. You're my family. I'm grateful of all the times you worked hard to provide me the best." I heard Taehyung appa pulled out before smiling as he nodded his heart.

"Thank you son." Appa patted Taehyung's shoulder as he turned to me, "I know I have hurted you in the time as well y/n ah. I promised your parents to treat you like my own daughter."

"I wished for Taehyung to give you everything because I know you are a good girl and deserves the best. Please forgive me. I had to take your responsibility but I just gave you away to Taehyung." He spoke as I shook my head.

"It's okay appa. There's no need for you to say sorry." I smiled at him as he smiled back.

"I hope you can actually see me as your father and not as Taehyung's. I know I have not done the best, but I really wish the best for my daughter." He patted my head as I smiled.

"Why would you think like that appa. I call you appa because you are my appa. And what you have done for me is already the best for me. I have no regrets." I spoke as I slightly looked at Taehyung.

"I'm glad you found love." He spoke looking at both of us as I felt shy. From the corner of my eye, I saw Taehyung smiling while his cheeks as a pink tint on them.

"Let's go back now, shall we?" He said as both of us nodded.

We walked back to everyone as we bid our byes to everyone before driving back to home as well.

•{Time skip}•

"Y/n?" Taehyung called for me as he entered the room.

I quickly put my diary aside and into the drawer as I made space for him on the bed.

"Yeah?" I cleared my throat.

He pecked my forehead and took a seat on the bed, "Thank you for everything."

I smiled before jumping into his arms as he quickly held me. I hugged him tight for some second as I had my head on his shoulder but eventually pulled out from the hug as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Taehyung ah." I called his name, looking at him in the eyes.

"Hm" He ruffled my hairs before smiling as he pulled me on his lap.

"I'm proud of you." I smiled at him as he looked at me, "You're appreciated for being a strong man. The most, by me." I tapped on his nose tip before closing the distance between us.

"Where could I have find someone better than you?" I spoke tilting my head to look at him from a better angle as he just smiled and listened to me.

"if it was for anyone else, I don't think they could have handled the situation so maturely today. I'm proud I stand by your side as your wife, a man who has a soft and strong heart." I caressed his cheeks before pecking his forehead.

"Thank you baby. I thank you as well for forgiving appa. I know how much it have hurted you, whether you show it or not. I promise I won't hurt you anymore. And I'll try my best to give you all the happiness of the world." He smiled.

"Just.. Be with me.. I'll be the happiest." I smiled at him as he smiled back and pecked my lips.

"I'm proud of you as well, for being the strongest woman I know." He smiled.

"as if you know so many woman." I giggled as I lightly hit his forehead.

"Oww would you be okay if I knew every woman?" He spoke lifting up his brow as he looked at me.

I opened my mouth to speak, but was cut off by Taehyung as he spoke again, "I may not know every woman, but I know a lots of woman. I have worked with Womens as well."

I slightly pouted as I held his shoulder, "Okay, i am Thankful of you for being proud of me." I spoke.

"hmm?" He held my waist tightly as he pulled me more closer to him. Our bodies were almost touching one another as he smiled.

"Let me go, we have to sleep." I spoke as he pouted.

"I don't want to." He said, looking into my eyes.

I sighed before looking at him, "You act like a kid sometimes." I spoke.

But what he spoke next made me feel shy as I embarassingly looked away from him,"So what? You know better than anyone how well I can be a man." He smiled widely, still looking into my eyes.

"Taehyung." I whined as I patted on his shoulder, signaling him to let me go.

"I have all the rights to hold my only woman." He pecked my lips as I gave up and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I know. I know. But we have to sleep." I massaged his scalp as he put his head on my chest.

"Okay." He spoke before laying down with me on him.

"your body will hurt Taehyung. Let me get off." I tried to free myself from his grip.

"I'm a strong man." He spoke, holding my hand before wrapping my arms around his waist.

I giggled as he smiled and pecked my earlobe.

"Good night princess." he spoke as I smiled at him before placing a peck on his chest.

"Sleep well Taehyungie." He pecked my forehead as I felt him smiling.

I slowly fell into the my dreamland in his warmth.


Hope you enjoyed! Thank you for reading! :)

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