《My Cold Husband》Cherished Christmas


"Oppa! How are you guys!" I attacked yoongi Oppa with a hug as they stepped in, making Taehyung step aside.

"we're good!" He spoke placing a peck on my head as I pulled out before hugging Jin oppa and Namjoon Oppa.

"Hi baby sis" Namjoon Oppa patted my head before hugging me back.

"How have you been oppa?" I pulled out from the hug, still having my arms wrapped around his waist.

"I'm Good. Have you gotten shorter?" He narrowed his eyebrows.

"Oppa." I whined as I heard Taehyung giggle a little making me glare at him as he smiled, pressing his lips.

"Yah Taehyung ah!" Yoongi Oppa spoke looking at Taehyung as I soften my gaze before smiling and pulling my arms back from Namjoon Oppa.

"yes hyung..." Taehyung spoke. I knew he was scared to meet Oppa so I just smiled at him.

"What should I do with you now? Didn't I warn you that I don't want to see even a single tear in her eyes and you made her cry her soul out." I bite my lower lips as I stood beside jin oppa.

I knew Oppa would scold him about the accident. I mean he should for Taehyung's carelessness but not for me..

I looked at Jin Oppa as he looked at me as well shrugging his shoulders.

I sighed before walking toward Taehyung and stood beside him.

"Oppa. Don't be mad at him. Just forgive him this much. Besides, he is also in regret and your scolding won't help." I pouted at Oppa, but oppa just glared at me as well.

I gulped knowing his mad.

"Oppaa." I walked toward him as I held his arm, "Please! I'm happy that he recovered well. He is very sorry as well. I want to move past that. Please oppa." I spoke frowning.

"He is just doing what he thinks he should do as a husband, but he now understands that money is not what I want. Please forgive him." I spoke as I looked at Taehyung bowing as well.

"I'm very sorry hyung. I promise I won't ever be careless like that again. I promise I won't disappoint you now." He said as he bowed, apologising to Jin Oppa and namjoon Oppa as well.

"It's okay Taehyung. We understand. Let's forget that, but take care of yourself from now on okay?" Jin Oppa spoke as he smiled and patted Taehyung's back.

Yoongi Oppa sighed, "Fine. Just this time. You do this kind of thing ever again and i'll break your bones, Taehyung." He spoke as I giggled.

"I'll support you in that, oppa. Don't worry. Now let's go." I said, lightening up the mood as Oppa smiled a little.

I saw Taehyung smiling a little before he looked down. I sighed a little.

"Come on" I spoke and led them to the living room.

"sit. I'll get you water." I said and walked to the kitchen.

I filled glasses for them before walking back to them and handed them the glasses.

Taehyung wasn't there as I frowned.

"He just went to your room. He got a call." Jin Oppa spoke, understanding that I was looking for Taehyung.

"Oh okay. I'll be back." I spoke as I smiled and walked toward our room.

I opened the door as I found him in the balcony, on the phone.

(On the phone)

"Oh okay"

"Yeah Y/n's brothers are here. Don't worry."

"Hobi hyung?"


I wonder who he was talking to.


I walked toward the balcony and spoke, "Taehyungie."

He turned around as he smiled at me lightly.

Is he upset?

(On the phone)

"I'll talk to you later."


"who was it?" I asked him as I stood in front of him.

"Jimin and jungkook. They're also coming here with Hobi hyung." He informed as I looked at him excitedly.

"Really?" I said and he nodded in response.

"It'll be fun." I smiled as he nodded again and slightly smiled back.

"You okay?" I asked him as I tiptoed a little.

He nodded again before speaking, "Let's go."

I held his hand when he was about to walk past me, "What is it?" I caressed his cheek as I smiled at him.

He sighed in response, "Baby Let's talk about it later, hm? Hyung must be waiting. It'll be awkward for them if we take too long here." He spoke and quickly took my hand off of his cheek as I nodded my head in response.

"Okay." I spoke faintly.

Was he upset because of me?

I frowned before following him back, but covered it with a smiled as I sat beside Yoongi Oppa.

Taehyung took his seat beside namjoon Oppa as he spoke, "Uh my friends and hosoek hyung is coming here as well for Christmas.."

"You know hosoek?" Yoongi Oppa spoke surprised.

"Yeah, he is my friend as well..." Taehyung spoke awkwardly.

"Oh okay." Oppa smiled at him as I saw Taehyung smiling back.

"Didn't eomma, appa Miss me?" I cleared my throat.

"They did. They sent gifts for you guys as well." Namjoon Oppa chuckled.

"What? Why are you laughing?" I asked him as Yoongi Oppa rolled his eyes.

"They gifted some babies stuff for you guys." he spoke as I awkwardly smiled.

"Oh." I spoke before looking at Taehyung as he just smiled a little. Though I noticed his cheeks turning pink.

"Don't mind them." Jin Oppa spoke as I nodded.

"Yea.. Do you guys want to eat something?" I asked changing the topic.

Just then the door bell rang as I got up, "I'll get it"

Everyone nodded as I walked to the door.

"Y/n ahhhhhh!" Hobi giggled and hugged me as I backed a little.

"I missed youuuuu cupcakeeee" He spoke, making me smile.

"I missed you tooooo" I said and giggled.

"Where's everyone? I heard Your brothers are here" he pulled out as I nodded.

"living room." I said as he walked past me and to the living room.

"Hello y/nie" Jungkook hugged me right after which Jimin did.

"How are you guys?" I smiled at them as they nodded.

"We're good. Is it okay if we're here?" Jungkook asked as jimin looked at me for answer.

I saw Taehyung coming as he looked at us.

"what's wrong?" he asked as I looked away from him and back to Jimin and jungkook.

"Nothing.. And Of course it's fine. Come on in now." I said as I pulled Jimin by the arm.

They walked in as Tae walked back to the living room with jungkook, followed by me and jimin.

"Is something wrong with you two?" Jimin whispered as we were walking.

I shook my head and looked at him as he frowned, "liar. What's wrong?"

I pouted before speaking, "I think he is upset. He didn't even tell me why, instead he just took my hand off of his cheek." I frowned as he pouted as well.


"That brat! He should be grateful he have you as his wife." Jimin whispered as I giggled.

"I know right." I whispered back as he smiled.

"Don't worry. He'll be all good after sometime." I nodded my head in response as he smiled.

We took our seats in the living room as I saw Hobi laughing at yoongi Oppa.

"Hyung. I'm sorry but it's just really funny." He spoke as Oppa rolled his eyes.

"Yah." Oppa whined as he closed his eyes.

"Oppa." I called for their attention as Taehyung nodded at Jimin and jungkook.

"Hello hyung. You already me, I'm jungkook." Jungkook spoke as he bowed at them.

"Yeah. Thankyou for being by Y/n's side when we weren't there at the time of taehyung's accident" yoongi Oppa smiled at him as I smiled as well.

"It's no big deal hyung. Y/nie is like a friend to me too." He spoke and took a seat.

"And I'm Jimin" Jimin bowed as I smiled at Jimin.

"Ohhh so you got in the accident with Taehyung!" Namjoon Oppa spoke as he nodded awkwardly.

"We're glad you're good now Jimin" Jin Oppa spoke as Jimin bowed and took a seat as well.

"What do you guys want to do?" I spoke as I looked at hobi for suggestions.

"Let's go out." Jin Oppa suggested.

"Where?" Taehyung asked.

"We can go to lotte world!" Hobi spoke as I giggled.

"Yay!" I smiled widely as I looked at everyone.

"Sure." Taehyung smiled as I saw Jimin nodding as well.

"Okay then." Yoongi Oppa and namjoon Oppa agreed as well.

"it'll be fun" Jungkook smiled.

"I need some time to get ready though." I said, looking at everyone as they smiled.

"Take your time, beauty" Hobi said as I chuckled.

"okay I'll be back." I spoke before getting up and going to our room.

I walked in and started looking for something warm in the closet.

I decided to just wear jeans and cardigan on a shirt.

•{Time skip}•

"Let's take one more picture." I said to Hobi who was giggling while looking at Jungkook who was dancing funnily.

Hobi nodded as I took some of our pictures.

I was taking everyone's picture.

"Oppa! Let's take a picture." I walked toward yoongi Oppa as he nodded and took the phone out of my hand.

I hugged him as he lifted the phone a little higher and clicked our pictures.

I giggled as I looked at our picture, Oppa smiled as he gave me the phone back.

I walked toward Taehyung after that as I tapped on his shoulder. He turned around as he smiled at me, "Can we take some pictures as well?" I asked him as he nodded and smiled sweetly.

"Let me take your picture." Jimin spoke as Taehyung gave him his phone.

I pouted, "why do you always our pictures in your phone?" he poked my cheeks as he smiled.

"Just send them to yours later." He said as I smiled, I looked at Jimin to find him already taking our pictures as I felt a little shy.

"Natural moment. You looked good together." He said as Taehyung smiled.

"Y/n ah, hug Taehyung" Namjoon spoke as he stood behind Jimin looking into the phone.

I awkwardly wrapped my arms around Taehyung, as he looked down at me.

I looked up at him as they took our pictures again.

I gulped feeling nervous under Taehyung's stares.

There's something different about his stares lately.

They're too intense that I just look away from him.

Taehyung and I pulled back as we made some other pose as well.

They took our pictures as after that we took some group photos as well.

"Let's go have dinner. It's 8 already." Yoongi Oppa spoke as we nodded.

Taehyung and I went to his car as Hobi went with jimin and jungkook, and yoongi Oppa with namjoon Oppa and jin Oppa.

"y/n" Taehyung called as I looked at him.

"I'm sorry for my behavior at home. I was just upset with myself that I disappointed hyung and you." He spoke as I sighed.

"You didn't disappoint us Tae. Oppa was just worried. And I was just kidding about the beating you up thing" I pouted, "I'm happy with you. I'm not disappointed. Stop thinking like that." I said.

I saw everyone driving away as we stood infront of Taehyung's car.

"I'm still sorry princess." He spoke as I smiled.

"It's okay. Don't worry." I said softly.

"Can um.." He stopped as he looked away.

He looked embarassed.

"what's wrong?" I asked him as he looked back at me.

"Can I.. Get a ki-kiss...?" He looked at me with puppy eyes as I struggled to not smile.

"Here?" I said, biting my lip since I felt kind of shy too.

He nodded his head, still looking at me with a pout.

I giggled a little before resting my hand on his chest as he placed his on my waist.

I leaned closer as Taehyung bent his head, looking into my eyes.

I felt so shy.

I quickly placed my lips on his as I pecked his lips and was about to pull away but Taehyung held my waist tightly as he put his other hand on my back and pushed me to him.

My hands made their way to his shoulders. I held them tightly as Taehyung slowly kissed me, making me melt into his kisses.

I kissed him back as he slowly placed his hand back on my waist.

I heard him let out a sigh of relief as he continued to kiss me.

I felt his breathe on my lips as he tilted his head.

I shut my eyes close more, in a comfortable manner as I felt beautiful feelings in my heart feeling his lips moving perfectly against mine.

I moved my lips with his as he slowly caught faster pace, making me kiss him back more quickly and intensely.

I broke the kiss and pulled out as I heard people coming in the parking lot.

I looked away as I stepped back.

"Wae?" He asked me pouting again as I rolled my eyes.

"we need to go Taehyung. Come on." I spoke before pushing him in to drive.

I walked to the other side and sat on the passenger seat as he started the car and drove away.

•{Time skip}•

"It was so fun." I said taking a seat on the bed.

After eating our dinner in a restaurant, we bid our byes to everyone as they went back home.

"It was a good day." Taehyung said, "Let's sleep" I nodded my head in response before laying on the bed.

I faced the wall and sighed before closing my eyes and turned off the lights.

"Good night." I smiled and sighed.

"Can I hug you?" I heard Taehyung as I nodded my head.

"Why are you sleeping so far away from me?" he spoke again as I felt the bed sinking down.

"I'm sorry" I said and moved a little back, toward him.

I felt Taehyung gripping my waist as he slowly slide his hand to my stomach and hugged me tightly before possessively whispering, "my darling."

I smiled shyly as I slightly lifted his hand and turned back to face him before placing his hand back on my waist.

I placed my head on his chest as I slightly pushed him to lay straight and wrapped my arms around him.

I heard him sigh as he wrapped his arms around him and placed me on top of him before pecking my forehead.

"Good night honeybear." He said as I smiled and pecked his neck.

"Goodnight" I whispered before drifting off to my dreamland.


Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed!!❤

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