《My Cold Husband》The ups after the downs


Y/n had her head beside Taehyung and her interlaced hands.

She fell asleep without even knowing it, of course she wouldn't know.

She planned on staying awake but ended up falling asleep because of tiredness.

She has been taking care of Taehyung and jimin all day.

A soft snore left her pouty lips as she continued to sleep peacefully.

At least she had peace near him.

The door suddenly swung open by a jungkook who came in with food and snacks for y/n.

"oh" He said as he saw y/n sleeping.

It wasn't new to him though, her sleeping with him. She did it often but he expected her to be awake when he comes here since they talked just a while ago.

"Did I came too late?" jungkook questioned himself.

He turned around putting the food on table and plugged in his phone for charging as there was a switch.

He was about to walk away to Jimin's room but just then he heard his name's whispering.

He turned around to see Taehyung calling his name.

"What the fuck hyung? when did you wake up?" He asked shocked to see Taehyung awake.

"lower your voice jungkook it's late and y/n is sleeping." Taehyung said, "I just woke up."

"Oh my God! Let me wake y/nie up she'll be so happy!!!!" he said but was quickly stopped by Taehyung.

"Don't! She must be tired. Let her sleep." he spoke but quickly went stiff when he heard her voice.

He was scared of her reactions. He wanted time to prepare himself.


My sleep got disturbed as I heard some whisperings that didn't exactly sound like whisperings.

I looked up rubbing my eyes and saw jungkook.

I smiled at him but his face was clueless and straight.

I looked at him confused as I averted my gaze to were he was looking.

"Taehyung." I said faintly.

And i found taehyung Sitting on the bed as he had all his Attention toward jungkook.

How is he up?

Is really up?

I need to call the doctors to check up on him!

"Uh I'll go meet Jimin." Jungkook said and headed out.

I saw Taehyung turning his head to me as he nervously smiled at me making my eyes turn glossy.

Is he stupid or something?

"I just got up." he said softly, his voice coming out weak as his face looked pale as well.


I nodded my head, looking away from him since I didn't want him to see me crying right now.

And I know if I look at him, I'll start crying.

"I'll call the doctors." I said but my voice betrayed me as it cracked in the last.

From the corner of my eyes I could see his eyes softening so I quickly got up and called doctors.

I saw jungkook outside the room as he smiled at me, "I told you he'd wake up."

I nodded my head as I smiled at him a little but he seemed to notice my teary eyes as he frowned.

"Why are you upset?" He asked as I shook my head.

"I'm okay. I'm just happy." I smiled at him.

Was I really happy?

Yes I was. But seeing Taehyung made me emotional.

I was mad at him for being so careless.

"We're here. The patient got up?" The doctors said as they came with nurses.

We nodded as we walked in with doctors.

"You're finally awake." The doctor smiled at Taehyung as he nodded.

"that's a good thing. Everyone was extremely worried for you." The doctor said as he checked Taehyung's heartbeat in the machine.

"Do you feel pain?" He asked Taehyung as he shook his head.

"I'm okay doctor." He said.

"Are you sure your head doesn't hurt?" the doctor asked.

"It hurts a little but it isn't bad." He said making me frown.

"Okay. I'll give you this injection just in case." Doctor said as Taehyung nodded.

The doctor injected him, as he smiled right after.

"Can you take some of these off?" Taehyung asked the doctor pointing at the wires attached to his body.

"right. We'll do that." The doctor said, signaling the nurse to take off some of the wires.

"You'll totally recover after some days so it's choice whether you want to get discharged or not. We'll give you the medicines and some ointments to put on your scars." The doctor said as Taehyung nodded and looked at Me and Jungkook then back to the doctor.

"I would like to get discharged soon." He spoke making the doctor nod.

"Okay." The doctor said as he turned to jungkook, "You'll just to fill up some forms, you can get them from reception."


Jungkook nodded his head and the doctor turned to me "The patient might also be needing massage if there's pain so I suggest you get the oil, I'll write." I nodded my head in response before looking at Taehyung.

To my surprise, he was already looking at me with a sad face.

The doctor wrote everything on a paper as Jungkook got out to buy all of them.

After they were done, the doctor went outside with the nurses.

And I was left alone with Taehyung. It was awkward.

"So uh" Taehyung cleared his throat, "can you pass me the water....?" I heard him.

I filled the glass of water and passed it to him as he drank it wholly.

"Taehyung ah!" The door bursted open revealing jimin who was supported by a Jungkook.

"How are you now?" He asked.

"I'm fine bro. How are you?" he asked jimin.

"I'm good. I've been recovering well." jimin replied making Taehyung nod.

"y/n ah? Can I get some minutes alone with him?" Jimin asked as I nodded before walking out of the room.

I feel awkward being with Taehyung.

I wanted to hug him but he's just reacting weirdly!

I saw jungkook coming out of the room as he approached him.

"We can take him home now.. But it's night. Will you be able to manage or do you want to stay here tonight?" He asked me.

"I can take care of him.. But you should ask him I guess. If he's okay with it, we can go home now." I said as he nodded.

"Let's go in" he said.

"Are they done talking?" I asked him as he smiled.

"of course." he took my hand as he walked inside.

"Hyung. Do you want to go home now or tomorrow?" Jungkook asked Taehyung as Jimin came by my side smiling widely.

"Now." Taehyung replied as I looked at Jimin, lifting up my brows to ask him what happened.

But he shook his head, "can you guys drop me to home as well. I wanted to get discharged with Tae" He said as Jungkook nodded.

"Let's go complete your paper work quickly Jimin hyung. Y/n ah can you take Tae hyung to the car?" Jungkook asked me as I nodded.

They walked out as i sighed looking at them.

I looked at him and his expressions clearly told he was waiting for me to speak up.

"Let's go.. Should I bring a wheelchair or can you walk?" I asked him.

"Ca-can you bring t-the ch-chair?" He asked stuttering as I frowned at why was he stuttering but shrugged it off as I nodded.

I walked out and back in as I brought a chair for him.

I helped Taehyung sit on the chair as I took him to the car.

After I helped him sit in Jungkook's car I kept the chair back where it was before.

When I reached back to the car, jungkook and Jimin were already in the car.

I sat with Taehyung in the backseat and jungkook started driving.

•{Time Skip}•

"Take care. Good night." I said as They helped me take Taehyung inside the room.

Jungkook gave me his medicines as they soon left the house.

We were back.

Since it was Taehyung's medicine time, I filled a bottle of water and took a glass as well and walked to our bedroom, giving him his medicine.

He gave me the glass back.

"Can I put on the ointment on you?" I asked him as he nodded.

I took a seat beside him and started putting on the ointment of his injuries.

I sighed as I felt Taehyung's eyes on me.

I looked into his eyes for a second right after which I diverted my gaze from his eyes to his face.

"Y/n?" He called still looking at me.

He looked scared and restless. Was he scared of my reactions?

I sighed after I was done and got up to put his medicines and the ointment in their place but was stopped when I felt Taehyung's hand holding onto my wrist.

I took his hand off of my wrist as I gently put his hand on the bed and walked to the drawer putting his things in it.


Thank you for 10k BTW guys! It's really unbelievable like oh my God! It's 10k already :( you guys! I can't really express it but I'm extremely happy😭 Seriously Thank you so much!!!!

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