《My Cold Husband》Stand By


(Author POV)

It's been 2 days since Taehyung's accident. Y/n has been staying with him day and night. Though Jungkook, Taejun and Jin would come and stay with y/n and Taehyung one by one but they couldn't leave work.

But Y/n was already permitted to take leave.

"Please wake up soon" She faintly said as she frowned.

Of course Taehyung was out of danger but he didn't wake up yet.

Y/n would just sit by Taehyung's side as the machine near him would beep again and again indicating his heart is beating normally.

"I'll go and check up on Jimin." she said pecking his forehead as she got up but there was no response resulting in her to sadly smile.

She walked out of the room and toward jimin's.

"Hello Jimin ssi" she said stepping in as she saw Jimin reading magazine.

He couldn't use his phone. It was totally broken in the accident.

"Y/n ah!" He smiled putting the magazine away, "I was so bored why didn't you come before?" He pouted making her smile.

"I'm sorry, I was with Taehyungie." She said taking a seat.

"Oh okay. How is he?" He asked as she nodded.

"He is okay." Jimin nodded in response.

"I'm sure he will wake up soon" He said smiling, melting her heart.

"I hope so." She smiled back, "what were you doing?"

"Magazines. Good thing the nurses keep new new magazines everyday or else I don't know what would I have done" He said slightly frowning as she giggled.

"I would have told them to give you interesting things if you told me!" She said smiling.

"Oh! There's a very beautiful nurse. I don't even want to leave but I'll be out of here soon." He said looking at her with puppy eyes.

"hm? Really Jimin ssi" She giggled.

"What? she is very beautiful." he said looking at her with a innocent face.

"Okay fine! Does she talk to you?" She asked and he nodded at her cutely.

"I start the conversation but she replies to everything sweetly and also laughs in my jokes" Jimin said but turned super excited when he spoke the next words, "She doesn't even mind when I flirt with her, instead she just shyly smiles" He said making her burst out laughing.

"Y/n!" He said upset that she was laughing.

"what? I'm sorry!" She giggled, "jimin ssi, you shouldn't flirt with just anyone. What if that somehow offended her. She might think you're some sort of pervert." she said as she stopped laughing.


"Why would she think that?" He whined.

"Because Im telling you from experience." She said pursing her lips to stop herself from laughing again.

He gasped at her words, "you! Did you really think of me as a pervert?" He asked her in a very low tone.

She nodded her head slightly.

"Oh my God!" He gasped again, "I'm no pervert! It just comes out!" He defended himself.

"I know! Now I know." She said smiling, "but she doesn't."

"Fine. I wont just flirt around." He said as she looked at his cute face.

"You can flirt with her, she doesn't mind as you just said." y/n said making Jimin happy again.

To her, indeed he looked like a little kid.

'Just how different he is from Taehyung' She thought to herself as she recalled the moment when Taehyung defended jimin saying he's no pervert.

Taehyung may act cold but he's very sweet and caring internally.

And that indeed made her heart warm knowing the person who owns her heart, is someone who can keep it safe.

She was happy to give him her everything. And that meant everything.

She was willing to share everything with him.

"Jimin ah, I'll check on Taehyung.. If that's okay, I'll come back to you once Taejunie is here. He said he'll be here in half an hour" she said hesitantly scared he would find it offensive if she left him again but luckily he understood.

"No of course I understand. We can't leave him alone yet. Don't worry, you can go." He said smiling but his lips soon turned into a pout, "but come here first, I've been so lonely! I have no girlfriend! I envy tae"

She giggled hearing him as he opened his arms for a hug. Y/n quickly walked to him hugging him tightly as he hugged back smiling softly, "Thank you y/n ah. You're strong." He said caressing her hairs.

He did hug her for him but the hug was meant to be more for her, more than him. He knew she was trying to stay positive. He knew it was hurting her.

It hurted him as well to see his best friend in such condition.

Although he have seen Taehyung. He forced everyone to let him do so because he was scared. Scared that everyone was lying and he lost his best friend.

He knew how bad the accident was. He witnessed. He was scared to death even with safety precautions but Taehyung didn't even had a seat belt on, how was he supposed to be safe?


But to his luck, everyone gladly let him see him. Everyone knew he needed assurance. His pain was reduced seeing his best friend lying on the bed. He did hoped he would wake up soon.

But he still felt her pain. Pain of what she must be going through.

Seeing a loving person was what he could feel more than anything

Of course her inner beauty was something so beautiful and pure and he knew just exactly how hard it must be for her.

She loved people deeply in her heart and even before she herself knew, Jimin has figured out that both the souls have been connected to each other.

Both the souls are in love. They found their home.

He felt bad to see how hard she's trying.

Losing people is not a easy thing, more hard when you have a heart connection.

There's this fear that takes over and inside you.

Oh just how bad you wish you could throw the feeling away. Just how bad you wish you could do something, just anything to make it all right or at least lessen the feeling.

But the feeling stays with you. You feel it as if it'd kill you.

Y/n slightly rubbed his shoulder before hugging him more tightly. He didn't mind though. He knew she needed to feel warmth.

If not Taehyung's then somebody else. He understood that of course nothing can replace his warmth for her but he wished to do at least a little for her.

"Thankyou jiminie" she smiled before pulling out.

"No worries, bubs. I'm all yours to hug." he flirted, trying to lift up the mood, but that only made her roll her eyes and chuckle afterwards.

"i'll be back soon" She said as she stood up before walking out.

Heading inside the room she's been in a lot these days she sighed seeing his pale figure without any movement.

"Come back to me. I miss you." She said caressing his cheeks before pecking them.

She looked at his face as she slowly felt herself getting lost in his beauty.

Even if he's weak, he still looked ethereal as ever. No matter what happens, he never fails to look good.

His face still showing the same innocence his eyes would show to her.

She loved how his eyes would change everytime he was with her. Did he like her back or was it because she was his wife and he wanted her as his wife.

She was always amazed as how he managed to keep his eyes blank with people but show extremely deep emotions when he was with her.

To her, he was the most precious and very adorable. Of course he was a very handsome man and anyone would drool over him.

But what made her, to be the most special to Taehyung was the affection and respect she showed to him.

He appreciated her to be a woman who respects him instead of a girl who runs behind him for his handsomeness and his good looks.

Any girl who would marry him would try to get his attention by doing what she possibly can, but y/n stayed real with him.

He loved how she naturally attracted him to her. She attracted him by her own real self. She attracted him unknowingly.

Taehyung loved how she was extremely caring and affectionate with him, resulting in him being loving and gentle as well.

For him, they were perfect together.

Suddenly the door opened revealing Taejun, "oh noona. I'm sorry, should I come in after sometime?" He asked nervously.

But she shook her head and smiled, "Come on in."

"I got food!" Taejun said taking a seat on the couch as Y/n got from from the chair that was kept beside Taehyung and sat on the couch as well.

"Really?" She asked as he nodded.

"I didn't eat yet!" He pouted making her poke his cheeks.

"Aigoo. Eat now." She smiled warmly as he smiled back at her.

Taejun was matured enough to understand that she wasn't actually very happy but he decided to go with the flow of course.

"Noona." He said taking a bite as Y/n did the same and hummed in response.

"Do you think we should let jihoon see hyung now?" He asked.

"Let's wait for some more days.." she replied.

Jihoon knew Taehyung got in a accident but their family didn't let her see him yet.

She was young. At least young enough to see hospitals.

She did agree with them but wanted to see Taehyung for assurance.

"anyways. Is everything okay at work?" Y/n asked as Taejun nodded.

"Good." she smiled.


I hope you enjoyed guys!

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