《My Cold Husband》Apart


(Author POV)

She felt a pang in her chest as she heard the doctor's next word.

"He may or may not survive" The doctor spoke with a frown.

Y/n's trembling legs finally gave up making her fall down but she was quickly held by jungkook who was supporting her.

She looked at Jungkook who was shaking his head, "He'll be alright y/n. Doctor there must be a way! You have to save them!" He almost yelled as he felt his eyes getting teary looking at y/n's condition.

She looked broken. She felt her chest empty.

She felt like her most precious thing was being taken away from her and she could do nothing but just watch it being taken away and cry.

Jungkook hugged her from side while supporting as his heart ached seeing her.

They became really close with time. Jungkook almost called y/n his female best friend.

He was upset. Upset that her happiness is on the the verge and he could do nothing.

"We're trying our best, sir. Mr. Kim will be needing more blood which is very necessary, we need people to donate blood of his blood group. You need to be patience. We're trying our best." he said and walked away.

"Y/n be strong. Taehyung will be fine. You need to be strong for him." He said slightly rubbing on her back.

"Jungk-ook he ca-nt le-ave me" She spoke in between her sobs as she silently cried in Jungkook's arms.

"He won't y/n. They won't leave us. Please don't give up on it yet." He spoke slightly caressing her hairs as Taejun walked in and frowned seeing his mother and his noona crying their heart out.

Taejun looked at Mr. Kim whose eyes held guilt as he looked at his wife and his daughter in law.

He felt responsible for Taehyung's condition and the crys of everyone.

If only he hadn't always put so much pressure on Taehyung, he would he alright. No one would be crying.

"Noona. Don't worry, Hyung will be fine." Taejun spoke walking toward her as he sat beside her.

Jungkook looked at Taejun as he signaled him to go talk to the doctor treating Jimin.

Taejun nodded as he stood up walking to the doctor inside the room, "Doctor, is he fine?" He asked the doctor.

"He is fine but he may not wake up yet. It'll take some time but he is not under any danger, luckily he have no damage on his head or else it could affect him very badly." He spoke as Taejun nodded.

"Will it take too long for him to wake up?" he asked her as the doctor smiled.

"That depends on him. There are more chances of him waking up by tomorrow morning." Taejun nodded his head as the doctor walked out before nodding as well.

"Hyung." Taejun spoke as he looked at Jungkook who was sitting beside Mrs. Kim as y/n sat on the other side.

Jungkook looked at Taejun and quickly stood up walking away to talk to him, "what did the doctor say?" He asked.


"Jimin hyung may wake up by tomorrow morning." Jungkook nodded his head before speaking.

"Tae hyung's condition is bad. He might not make it. The doctor's are still in the operation room." He spoke as Taejun frowned feeling his eyes getting glossy as well.

"Be strong Taejun ah. We need to be there for Y/n and eommeoni." Jungkook spoke as Taejun nodded.

"I'll call noona's family." Taejun spoke as Jungkook nodded his head and walked back to everyone.

•{Time skip}•


What if he leaves me? What will I do?

He promised me that nothing will happen to him. How could he be so careless?

I bit my lower lip to stop myself from sobbing as I rubbed eomma back trying to console her but deep down I was scared.

I don't want to lose him.

I didn't even tell him I love him yet. How can he leave me?

The doctor came out of the operation room as the light on the door of the operation room turned off.

"We did our best, sir. He may wake up soon. We will be needing more blood. You have deposit more money. Only then we can transfuse more blood to him." The doctor said as Jungkook nodded.

"We'll deposit the money. Please continue your job." He said as the doctor nodded and walked away.

How can money mean more than a human life to them ?

How cruel can people be?

"Y/n ah." i heard Yoongi Oppa as Namjoon Oppa walked behind him.

"Oppa." I said standing up as I almost felt like crying once again.

I saw Eomma appa rushing in as well.

Oppa quickly ran to me and pulled me into a hug as I wrapped my arms around him back.

"Oppa the doctor said he may not make it." I said biting my lip harder.

"He will make it y/n ah. He have to. Think positively. He will be fine and back to you." Oppa said soothingly as he caressed my hairs.

Oppa pulled out as I hugged Namjoon Oppa, "Don't cry baby sis. I'm sure Taehyung will wake up soon." He said smiling warmly as I tried to smile back.

I pulled back and sniffled as I felt my eyes getting glossy again.

I can't be happy with him.

"Y/n he will make it." Oppa spoke again as he frowned seeing me.

"Hyung, I'll take her home to get fresh. It's already 9 P.M. she needs to eat something." I heard someone say which, I think, was jungkook.

Namjoon Oppa nodded his head as I felt someone's hand on my elbow.

It was Jungkook, "come on y/n ah."

"I'm fine. I need to stay here." I said wiping off my nose as I sniffled again.

"You need to eat something y/nie. Hyung wouldn't want to see you pale when he wakes up." Jungkook said as I looked at him before nodding and gulping.

I started following jungkook as he took me to his car and drove away.


After some minutes we reached home as Jungkook waited for me in the living room.

I gave him water and walked to Taehyung and my room to change.

I changed my clothes into some comfortable clothes and quickly washed up before walking back down.

"Should I make something for you?" I said clearing my throat, trying to speak since my voice was very hoarse by now.

He shook his head and lightly smiled, "Let's get something from any restaurant. We can also take some food for others." He said as I nodded.

I quickly locked the house and walked to his car with him.

Again he started driving and took me to a restaurant.

He wasn't very crowded. I'm glad he aren't at some very active place.

I needed peace. At least in my surrounding.

I sat down and sighed as I put my palms on my eyes after rubbing them together.

They felt sore. Warming my eyes up felt a little better.

Jungkook ordered our food as he told them to pack some as well.

"Y/nie?" He spoke as I looked up at his face.

"Don't stress out too much. You might get sick." He spoke making me sigh.

"I'm okay, don't worry." I said in a almost inaudible voice.

"You're not. Do not worry too much. Tae hyung will wake up soon. Please trust him, he will come back just fine for you." he spoke as I frowned.

"He told me to trust him and I did. Where did that got him and I? he ended in a bad accident." I said.

"Dont lose hopes yet y/n. You didn't end up here and hyung didn't end up there. It isn't the end! You need to try to stay strong." Jungkook said as I nodded my head.

"I understand." I said looking back down.

"I'm just telling you to try y/n. Hyung will be fine soon. The doctor's are trying their best. Let's put trust in each other please?" He spoke as I nodded.

"How is jimin?" I spoke but I ended up whispering.

I cleared my throat as jungkook spoke, "He will wake up soon. The doctors said he is fine." he said making me nod.

After that the food was quickly served to us as we ate silently.

I honestly didn't wanted to eat knowing Taehyung is not well. But I couldn't say anything to Jungkook.

I know he's stressed and worried as well. I shouldn't bother him too much.

After we were done eating it was already 11. We paid and took our orders before jungkook drove back to the hospital.

(Author POV)

Soon they reached hospital as they took everyone to the cafeteria so they could eat.

After everyone started eating, Jungkook and y/n went back to the hospital.

"Y/n excuse me for a minute. I need to go restroom. Will you be okay here alone?" Jungkook spoke as y/n nodded.

"Take your time jungkook ah." She spoke slightly smiling at him.

"I won't take long. Stay here okay?" He said and walked away as y/n looked at his figure.

She sat there sighing and silently prayed for him to get better.

She wanted to feel his warmth again.

She haven't even seen him yet. The doctors didn't allow anyone to do so.

They were informed that the blood has been transfused to him but that it's not in the hands of doctors but his, himself, if he wakes up soon.

She sniffled again and wrapped her arms around herself.

She was wearing a sweater but she was still feeling cold.

"Um who are you to the patient mam?" The nurse, who came out of room Taehyung was being treated in, spoke.

"I'm his wife." She said standing up.

"You can go and see him." She said and smiled sadly seeing her red nose and puff eyes.

Y/n nodded taking small steps toward the room as she opened the door, walking in like a little kid scared of going to school for the first time.

She was scared she would burst out crying again if she saw his pale figure on the bed.

She walked in as the doctor looked back and saw her, "We have done everything we could for him. He may not wake up any sooner yet. He is extremely weak.. So we suggest somebody stays with him here in the night.." The doctor spoke as I nodded.

Of course she was going to stay here whether the doctor suggested or not.

"You can see him now. If there's any movement, please call us right away. However, there are nurses that will come for checkup from time to time." The doctor said as she nodded and bowed to the doctor before averting her gaze to him.

The doctor walked out of the room as she slowly walked beside him, taking a seat near him and looked at his face.

He looked very weak, indeed he was extremely weak.

The lips she kissed in the morning were now dry and colourless.

The body she hugged some hours ago, now looked almost lifeless.

She felt an ache in her heart.

It was hurting her seeing him like this.

Wrapped up in bandages. Wires connected to his body. Barely living.

Her eyes getting glossy again as she slowly held his hand before wiping off her tears.

Gently she caressed his cheek as she pecked his forehead and lightly put her forehead on their intertwined hands before pecking them as well.

Meanwhile Jungkook who saw her from outside the door sighed.

He was very worried about Taehyung's health.

He was more upset because it all happened because of a meeting.

They got in a accident because they were rushing for a meeting.

He didn't want to tell it to y/n since he knew how upset it would make her, but little did he know, she already knew it.

"Please Wake up soon Hyung. We need you." Jungkook whispered to himself before sitting back outside the room.


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