《My Cold Husband》Losing You


Taehyung have been really busy these days. He leave home with me of course but he's like too rushed. He quickly does dinner and starts working again.

Then sleep with me, then he wake up early in the morning again, works and does breakfast after I cook it and the same routine goes on.

The last time we spent time together was when 2 weeks before, when he took care of me on my red days.

He was very loving and gentle. Though I told him that im fine, he still took care of me in a very special way.

I'll be grateful forever. What did I even do deserve such a amazing Husband?

Anyways. November is about to end soon... It's getting colder.

"Taehyung ah! Breakfast is ready." I called him as I soon, after some minutes, saw him coming toward the table.

I quickly served him and sat beside him.

He ate his food in his really quick pace as I frowned, "Taehyung, don't eat like that. You can take your time to eat. The food might get stuck in, if you eat like this."

He smiled at me before pecking my cheek, "It's okay. Nothing will happen to me don't worry." He shook his head and spoke.

"You told me the same thing before" I sighed as I stood up taking his and my plate to wash them.

I walked to the kitchen and starting doing the dishes as I felt footsteps coming near, indicating Taehyung is here.

"Y/n ah I have to leave earl-..." He said as he stepped his feet in the kitchen and stood behind me.

"That's fine I'll just take my car. You can go without any worry." I said giving a small smile to him but insidely it did make me upset.

"I promise i'll be done with this soon. Please trust me." He said slightly hugging me from back since I was doing dishes.

"That's okay Taehyung. I understand work is important. Just take care hm?" I said as he nodded planting a kiss on my head.

He pulled out as I quickly dried my hands and handing him his bag and coat.

He quickly wore the coat and took the bag, "Take care okay? Drive safely. It's okay even if you reach late, don't rush yourself okay?" I said as he nodded before smiling.


"Why are you so worried? it's okay. I'll be all good, I'll take care." he chuckled a little as I looked at him.

I know he's only doing this for me. I can see it in his eyes. That he is extremely worried but still he pretends even if he doesn't have to.

"I feel uneasy Taehyung. I'm just telling you to be careful." I said as he cupped my face.

"don't worry. I'll be all good and nothing will happen to me. You take care as well okay? Give me a call when you reach okay?" I nodded my head in response as he smiled.

I sighed smiling back a little as well as he put the bag aside on the drawer near the front door, "Aigoo."

He leaned in a little as he rested his hands on my waist gently pulling me to him as well and lowered his head before giving me a genuine smile.

A genuine smile of assurance that everything is going to get good.

He captured my lips with his as he slowly and gently sucked on my lower lip and kissed me sweetly as I kissed him back as well.

He poured his emotions into the kiss. Not only assurance but his fear and worry as well.

I know the meeting is very important today. And I know he doesn't want to disappoint appa as well.

Slightly licking onto my lower lip before again kissing me, he tilted his head and held the back of my neck pulling me in more while deepening the kiss.

I tilted my head as well giving him a better access.

A muffled moan accidentally escaped my lips as Taehyung moved his lips perfectly against mine.

He eventually pulled out after some good minutes before pulling me into a hug and caressing my hairs soothingly.

"Don't worry okay?" I nodded my head, closing my eyes as my head rested on his chest.

He pulled out and pecked my lips once again before pecking my forehead.

"Have a good day hm?" He smiled as I smiled back as well.

"Yes I will. You take care of yourself!" I said as he nodded.

"I will madam." He said making me giggle.

I bid him a good bye as he walked out of the door and into his car.


I waved for the last time before he drove away.

Sighing I closed the door.

Why do I feel this uneasy? There's nothing wrong that is gonna happen. I hope there is nothing.

I shrugged off the unknown feeling as I went to our room to take all my stuff.

I eventually left the house after half an hour for office.

"Good morning mam" The receptionist wished me cheerfully as I smiled at her.

"Good morning!" I walked to my cabin and texted Taehyung.

You :- Did you reach safely?

I decided to just left it there since Taehyung must be busy. He didn't saw the message yet.

•{Time Skip}•

It was 2:30 P.M. as I suddenly felt a weird feeling inside me.

A chill ran down my spine.

It wasn't because of winters. Is something wrong?

Suddenly my ran phone.

I quickly looked at the screen hoping for it to be Taehyung but rather, it was Jungkook.

I furrowed my eyebrows as I took my phone, placing it near my ear after picking it up.

(on the phone)

"Hel-" I was cut off by Jungkook, whose voice was extremely shaking.

What could have happened ?

"y/n. Tae hyung and Jimin hyung got in a accident." He spoke as I went stiff.

Accident? No it can't be.

(Author POV)

"Y/n? Are you listening?" Jungkook spoke as Y/n's handss slowly started getting shaky.

"Whe-re are you jun-gkook" she said trying not to let her voice break as she tried to stay calm.

"Y/n don't panic. They'll be all good. I'm currently in xxxx hospital. Come here. Tae hyung's family must be here soon as well. You need to come here." He spoke trying to give her some assurance. But deep in his heart he knew he was scared as shit.

Y/n couldn't less about anything right now as she quickly ran to her boss's office .

"Ms. y/n? What are you doing here?" the CEO spoke slightly offended and surprised by her behavior of barging in his office room.

"Sir I need to go. My husband got in a accide-" She spoke as her legs started shaking in fear. She tried her best to stand still as her shaky legs almost giving up on supporting her.

"You can go. Do you want me to send someone with you?" He asked worriedly.

"No. Thank you." She said quickly running out of his office and to hers, to take her bag and things but was met by a Taejun who was looking at her worriedly.

"Noona." He spoke trying to hold her arms but she quickly shook her head.

"We need to go quickly Taejun ah." Taejun nodded his head in response letting y/n take her things.

They were out of the building in a minute as Taejun started driving y/n's car.

"Please be safe." Y/n said in a audible voice but it wasn't unnoticed by the boy driving.

"You promised." She spoke again as he felt his heart started feeling bad seeing her like this.

For him, y/n has always been a happy and positive soul.

Someone who always loved people.

"Noona. They'll be fine. Please be positive." He said as she look at him with teary eyes and nodded her head wiping off her tears.

She was scared. Scared she would lose him.

He was the first person to ever win her heart.

She didn't want to lose her first love.

They reached the hospital after sometime as y/n quickly ran inside and found Appa (Mr. Kim) consoling eomma (Mrs. Kim) and jungkook talking to a doctor.

She quickly walked to jungkook, "jungkook ah"

"Y/n." He turned around as she quickly came and stood beside him.

"I'm sorry. Mr. Park may wake up soon but Mr. Kim's condition is critical because he was probably in the driver's seat and had no seat belt. The Injuries on his head might affect his brain and he have also lost so much blood." The doctor spoke as y/n felt the ground beneath her feet slipping away.

She felt a pang in her chest as she heard the doctor's next word.


I hope you liked the chapter! I'll try to post the next one soon.

Take care til then! I love you guys!!! 💜💜

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