《My Cold Husband》Altruist


I woke up from the nap I took and it was 6:00 P.M. already.

I wasn't feeling well today so I decided to come home early from work. Luckily the CEO understands.

I rubbed my chest a little as I felt like vomiting for no reasons. I didn't even eat anything bad yet I'm feeling dizziness and also throwing up.

Getting up from the bed I decided to drink water so i could feel a little better.

Suddenly I noticed blood stains on the bedsheet.

Oh no. I don't have pads! I was going to get them soon but It literally just slipped out of my brain.

What am i supposed to do now? Back when I wasn't married I would just send eomma to get me pads...

It'd been weird if I asked Taehyung. Like what am I supposed to say? 'Taehyung can you get me pads?'


but what else can I even do?

I have to think something. There must be a way.

I got up and quickly changed the sheets putting them in the bucket of dirty clothes.

I have to call Taehyung. It'd be more embarrassing in person than in call.

But seriously how can I ask him?

But he's my husband... Periods are not something someone is unaware of... Plus I'm his wife so it's no big deal..

But seriously what if he feel embarrassed to buy them? Should I really ask him?

I have no other option! I'll just... Do something else if he tells me he won't buy them...

I decided to just call Taehyung but to my unfortunate luck, he picked up on the second ring.

I didn't get the time to prepare myself...

(On the phone)

"Hello?" I heard his voice.


What were you thinking y/n?

"Y/n? Are you there?" He asked again as I nervously gulped before speaking.


Right. That I have no other option.

"Yeah... Where are you...?" I asked him quietly.

"I just left office 5 mins before.. It'll take sometime for me to reach there.. Is everything okay?" He asked me.

"Um yea.." I said lightly biting the nail of my finger that I kept between my teeth due to nervousness.

"Did something happen?" He asked as I paused, gathering some courage before speaking.

"Um Taehyung ssi." I waited for him to reply.

"Yes princess. Is there something wrong" He spoke softly as I noticed worry in his voice. I frowned in nervousness.

"I.. Um.."

"What is it baby?" He asked again.

"Is it possible if... Um you could... Get.." I stopped feeling awkward.

"What do you want me to get, hun? You can speak openly. There's no big deal." he spoke gently as I cleared my throat before making a fist of my palm.

'I can do it! Fighting!' I chanted to myself internally before speaking.

"I just got my periods." I spoke boldly but quickly covered my self as I heard silence on the other side.

"Oh." He spoke as I started feeling more embarassed, "I get it don't worry. What is it that you use? Pads?" He asked me.

"Yea.. Can you get them..? I forgot to buy them..." I spoke lightly hitting the floor with my foot.

"I'll get them. I'll be there in ten minutes. Is there anything else you want?" He asked.

"Um no.. That's it.." I said.

Did he get disgusted?

"Okay.. I'll be home in some minutes." He spoke as I frowned.

"Okay.. Take care.." I spoke.

"hm" I heard Taehyung before he ended the call.

I quickly ran to my closet to find at least one pad there but of course there was nothing.

Wait my office bag!

I have pads in my office bag just in case you know? I quickly checked my bag and found one last pad on the packet as I sighed quickly running to the bathroom.


I put it on and changed my clothes as well.

Should I just tell him to not get it? I can quickly go and get them now that I don't have stained clothes..

He's probably near home now what if he already got...

Just then I heard the doorbell indicating He's probably already here.

I ran downstairs and opened the door and found him standing there with a smile as I bit my lower lip awkwardly and moved aside letting him in.

He had some bags in his hand including his office bag that I quickly took from his hand.

"Here." He said handing me the bag as I nodded and quickly ran upstairs to put the pads in my closet.

I went back downstairs but didn't find Taehyung anywhere so I walked toward the kitchen to find him there.

He was there putting some things in the fridge. Snacks, chocolates, ice creams.


"oh you're here. I got these as well." He said smiling as I looked at him.

"W-why would you... Buy these..?" I asked him embarassed.

"I once read somewhere womens like to eat these when they're on their periods?" He said looking at me nervously as I looked back with the same emotions.

He doesn't feel disgusted. Thank God!

"Well.. Uh thankyou.." I said quickly walking past him and handed him water.

He quickly drank the water before turning to me, "Don't get too awkward. I'm your husband." He said and smiled at me.

I nodded my head in response, not knowing how else to reply.

He smiled at me and pecked my forehead before pulling me into a hug.

"Does it hurt...?" He asked me.

"No.. I'm fine. My cramps aren't that bad..." I said as he nodded.

"Okay. You can go rest I'll cook." He spoke as I pulled out.

"No I'm fine. I can cook. Don't worry" I said assuring him with a smile as he looked at me worried.

"I'll help y/n ah. Don't feel bad. It's all good." He spoke as I shook my head once again.

He must be tired.

"I'm fine. Besides I can call you if I need help okay?" I said as he looked at me.

"okay but do call me for help if you want it okay?" He said as I nodded.

Taehyung walked to our room as I started cooking for him.

•{Time skip}•

"Good night." I spoke before laying on the bed.

Taehyung turned off the lights before laying down as well, "Good night." He said hugging me gently as he slowly started caressing my hairs.

Taehyung kept planting kisses on my face again and again as I smiled at him.

He smiled back before pecking my lips.

"Come on now. Let me sleep." I said as he smiled widely.

"Okay." He said and pecked my head once again.

We slowly fell deep into sleep as I continued hearing his heart beating against my ear.

I love how he is so gentle and caring. I love how I'm the one he married.


Thank you guys for 8k reads! I appreciate your support so much seriously! You guys don't know how much it means to me. 😩❤

My exam was well today though my day was extremely shit. But anyways. Thank you for wishes guyyysss!

Tomorrow is my English exam. No worries. I got it.

And I'm sorry if the chapter is a boring, I tried.. My cold is still not gone but I hope the chapter is at least readable.

Thank you for reading! I hope you liked it.

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