《My Cold Husband》Surprise?


It's Saturday today. Pft. No work day.

I turned off my alarm, taking off Jihoon's hand off of my waist.

She's been sleeping with me from 2 nights. I don't mind though. But Taehyung and I haven't been able to talk much.

Taehyung is supposed to be back by tomorrow, that is Sunday.

I got up taking a shower and quickly got ready for the day before walking downstairs.

It was currently 8:30 A.M.

I saw Taejun already ready for work. He gave me a smile as he looked at me, making me return a smile as well.

"Good morning noona." He spoke.

"Good morning Taejunie" I wished him back before walking toward the kitchen.

"Good morning eomma." I wished eomma.

"Good morning y/n ah, can you give this to your appa?" she said handing me a cup of tea.

"Of course eomma." I smiled at her walking toward the living room to see appa reading newspaper.

"appa, your tea." I put the tea on the table before taking a seat beside him.

"Thank you." he smiled before patting my head, "When is your husband coming back?" He asked me.

"He told me he got some urgent work there, so they'll be staying for more 2 days there..." I informed as he nodded.

"I'm glad he's a hard working man." He said making me smile.

"Indeed he is appa. I appreciate his efforts." I said as he smiled.

•{Time skip}•

I looked at the time and it was 2 P.M.

We were watching k dramas.

Just as I was about to put my phone back, I received a call from Jimin.

"eomma. I'll be back." I said as she replied in a nod.

I went away from there, picking up the call and putting the phone near my ear.

(On the phone)

"hello Jimin ssi." I spoke.

"hello y/niiie. How are you?" He asked.

"I'm fine. How are you?" I said.

"I'm good haha." He said chucking a little, "do you wanna hangout?"

"Are you not busy?" I asked him.

"Not really. We hangout til like 4-5 P.M. I'm not much busy rn. I literally have nothing to do. Even Kook isn't here." He spoke.

"Yeah.. I understand you must be bored. Sure though, I'd love to hangout." I spoke happily.

"Great then. Can you come to the xxxx restaurant? It's near our company. We can meet up there then decide where to go." he spoke.

"Sure. I'll be there in 30 minutes if that's okay..?" I asked hesitantly.

"Of course. Take your time." He said.

"Just tell me whenever you're about to reach there so I can get there as well." He added.

"sure. Thank you. I'll see you soon." I said.

"Yep. Take care." he spoke before ending the call.

I walked back where everyone was and spoke to eomma, "eomma I'll be going out for sometime... Is it okay?" I asked for permission.


"of course sweetie. Have a fun time. Be safe okay?" She spoke making me smile.

"I will eomma. Bye." I said hugging her before walking to Taehyung's room to get ready.

I quickly got ready and walked out before getting my keys and started driving to the restaurant.

I kept listening to music for sometime but stopped and called Jimin before 5 minutes of reaching there.

He picked up the call after some rings.

(on the phone)

"Hello y/nie?" He spoke.

"yeah.. I'm almost there." I said.

"Oh okay, I'll leave then. Drive safely." he spoke before ending the call.

I reached the cafe after some minutes and walked inside, taking a seat on the booth and started using my phone.

As after sometime I felt someone standing infront of me, I looked up and saw Jimin.

"Hey!" he spoke making me get up smiling.

"Hello jiminie" I giggled before hugging him as he gently hugged back and took a seat infront of me.

"It's been so long!" He spoke making me nod.

"true." I said smiling at him but soon looked around as we heard girls whispering.

He was wearing a navy suit. He looked extremely good though, no wonder why they were whispering while looking at us.

"You look good." I complimented after averting my eyes back at him.

"Really? No! You look more beautiful!" He said cutely making me giggle.

"Oh please. Look at these fangirls fangirling over you." I chuckled.

"It's because there's not much guys in here. This restaurant is filled with girls, god." I laughed again hearing him as he pouted

"You know it's good there is not much guys in here. Or else I'd have to protect you from them and If I couldn't then I'd get scolded by Tae." He smirked as I rolled my eyes.

"Oh shut up." I said.

"I'm not lying. He'd murder me for letting guys see you. He's so possessive over you." he laughed.

"He's not possessive. Just a little too protective" I spoke trying to make sense but he laughed again.

"He's literally head over heals for you. I'm not kidding." He said smiling.

"ummm" I didn't know what to say honestly.

Just then a waitress came over making me sigh in relief and asked for our orders.

He told me he didn't have lunch until now so we decided to eat as well, I ordered fries for me and Jimin ordered noodles for himself.

The waitress walked away after taking our orders.

"do you like him?" He asked me pulling me back to the topic.

"Well..." I spoke hesitantly.

"It's okay if you aren't comfortable." He smiled, "I was just asking since you're just as close to me as any friend."

"It's not that.. I do like him I guess..." I spoke looking at him.

He smiled, "that's good then. Why are you nervous."

"What if he doesn't like me and is only protective because I'm his wife?" I said pouting.


He chuckled a little "Don't worry. He'll like you someday if not now. You're gonna spend your whole life together."

"yeah I guess.." I spoke, "anyways how's everything?"

"All good! The company's good, I'm good, my family is good... Yeah!" He spoke making giggle.

We then kept talking about each other and our life's after sometime He took me to a amusement park.

We rode many rides and had lots of fun after which we decided to go back to our places.

I came back home and saw it was 5 P.M. already.

"eomma I'm back." I spoke.

"did you have a good day?" she asked as I nodded.

"Hehe okay jihoon is in your and tae's room. She wanted to spend some time with you." eomma said.

"oh okay eomma." I spoke and headed to the room.

•{Time skip}•

"eonni, wait I'll be back." Jihoon spoke as I nodded. She walked out and I started using my phone.

"Noona! Can you come out to the living room?" I heard taejun speak as he knocked on the door.

"yeah I'll be there." I spoke wearing my slippers and putting my phone aside.

I walked out of the room as I heard noises in living room.

"Yayyy finally you're back!" I heard jihoon speak as I walked toward the living room and found Taehyung.

I looked at him in surprise as eomma hugged him before rubbing his back. He hugged eomma back and looked at me.

He just blinked his eyes once looking at me in the eyes, he didn't smile but his eyes showed some emotions. He acted extremely calm though.

Just like always.

"How was the trip hyung?" Taejun asked him before giving him a hug.

"It was good." Taehyung replied with a slight smile.

"That's good. go put your bag in your room." appa spoke.

"um I'll take it to the room.." I spoke but stopped when he spoke.

"No its okay.. I need to change anyways.." I nodded at his response as he took his bag and walked past me before making a eye contact again.

"Y/n ah.. Can you give him water? I'm cutting vegetables." Eomma said making me nod.

I quickly filled a glass of water and walked toward his room.

I opened the door and found him on the bed, "Here.." I said giving him the glass as he took it from me.

It's not supposed to be awkward but it is! Why isn't he saying anything? he acts as if he never went away from me.

"Thank you." He said handing me the glass back and took his clothes walking toward the bathroom to change.

I sighed before walking to the kitchen, "Eomma let me help you." I spoke

"No why? You should go and spend sometime with Tae. Go." She spoke.

"It's okay eomma. I want to help you." I said as she frowned.

"Did you two fight?" eomma asked me.

"No, why would we?" Taehyung suddenly came and replied, "Y/n ah where's your laptop? I kind of need it.." He spoke.

"I didn't take my laptop when we were coming here..." I frowned.

"Oh we might need to go back home then..." He spoke, "There's some important work in your laptop that I have saved.. My laptop stopped working.."

"oh um.." I looked at eomma who looked back at me.

"at least do your dinner then go back home." Eomma spoke.

"okay... I have to mail it to Jimin before tomorrow morning so we have to go back home today, it's okay if it takes time as long as the mail is sent before morning." he spoke nodding.

We nodded our head and started cooking as he went back to everyone.

•{Time Skip}•

"visit us again soon." eomma spoke as I hugged her.

"we will eomma" I said as she hugged back.

"I wish you guys could stay." Jihoon frowned.

"your oppa have important work hoonie" Appa spoke ruffling her hairs.

"we will meet you again soon." I said and hugged her before hugging Taejun and appa.

"You guys have been married for almost 4 months now. When are you going to give us a grandchild?" Eomma spoke glaring at us as I looked down embarassingly.

"We'll think about it eomma." Taehyung spoke making me more awkward.

"I want you guys to work on it and not think about it." Eomma spoke.

Why? Just why?

Infront of everyone?

Why eomma why?

"I don't want to rush things eomma" Taehyung spoke.

I internally cried as Appa spoke, "Let them be honey, give them their time."

"stop taking too long you guys." Eomma spoke.

"Uh anyways. Take care hyung, take care noona." Taejun spoke smiling as I smiled back nodding my head.

We walked toward the car as Taehyung started it and drove to home.

Taehyung didn't speak anything for the whole drive and only replied shortly when I asked him something.

Is he probably mad at me for some reason?

I don't remember doing something that could hurt him.

He silently drove back to home as I didn't speak anything as well.

Although I tried to start the conversation but he just ended it

What's wrong with him?


2.5k reads in just 1 day? Do you guys know how amazing you are seriously :((( THANKYOU SO MUCH SERIOUSLY.

6.5k reads. I remember now happy I was when I had 100 reads awh! Time passed really quick 😖💕

Did you guys see the concert today? I couldn't stop screaming 🤣🤧

Anyways :( I just recovered a little from dehydration and now got very bad cold. What's wrong with me?

I hope you aren't too disappointed with the chapter...

The book is about to end soon :(

Anyways.. I hope you enjoyed!

Thank you for everything seriously guys 💜

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