《My Cold Husband》I Miss You


It's been two days since Taehyung went to Busan.

Although he checks up on me in the days and also called me in the nights, I still can't help but to miss seeing him...

But the happy thing is that he's be there for today only and will be here in the morning tomorrow.

"You okay, sweetie?" eomma asked me making me nod.

"you see upset. Is it because of taehyung?" she asked smiling cheekily.

"Eomma!" I whined, "I'm just worried... If he's okay or not..." I spoke quietly as she smiled at me.

"Of course I understand dear. It's your first time with him sending for a business trip. I'm sure he miss you too." she spoke as I blushed remembering last night.

(Flashback of last night )

I heard Taehyung groan loudly and turning on the sides again and again that seemed to be out of frustration.

"is work not good?" I asked calmly.

"No. It's good. Everything is going well." he spoke letting out yet another sigh.

"you don't sound too good.." I frowned.

"I just feel weird..." He said concerning me.

"Like what?" I asked him opening my eyes, which were closed due to tiredness and sleep, waiting for him to reply.

"I feel like something is missing.. I know it's you.. And I also know that it may be weird to you but I'm just so used to you..." He spoke sighing softly.

"I wish you could be here.." he said.

I felt shy due to his words. Though he was acting very whiny and cute but I still couldn't help but to get shy.

"You sound like a baby who miss their mother." I giggled.

"I haven't seen my wife for two days, can I not miss her?" He spoke seriously.

"I'm talking to you taehyung. I understand what you are feeling. We have to manage. Work is important." I said smiling since he was being too loving.

"I know. I'll quickly get this done." he said sighing as I felt him frowning.

"please do. The feelings are mutual" I said giggling.

"Aww." I felt him smiling.

"It's my first time hearing you say aww" I chuckled.

"you make me do things I have never done." he said as I stopped laughing.


"Anyways... Goodnight.. I'm feeling sleepy" he said

We both once again slept with each other on the call.

(End of Flashback)

"what happened?" eomma asked pulling me from my thoughts.

"nothing eomma.." I said.

"noona let's go." Taejun came as I nodded.

"We'll leave now eomma. Take care. Call me if you need anything okay?" I said smiling.

"Eonni." jihoon came toward us whining, "please get me more chocolates and bring a chocolate syrup as well. I want to try putting it in my coffee. They says it tastes good." She said pouting while hugging.

"You and your obsession with chocolates. Oh my god." Taejun said face palming himself making Jihoon's eyes teary.

"Taejun!" She spoke looking at him angrily with tears in her eyes.

"Yah! Where are your manners? Did you eat them while thinking of chocolate?" he said faking a glare at her as she let go of the hug.

"I don't care!" she whined with tears threatening to spill from her eyes.

Taejun widen his eyes seeing her and quickly embraced, "aish look at you. Stupid chill. I was just kidding. We'll get you everything. Stop crying." He said lovingly caressing her hairs as I smiled seeing them.

These siblings literally are the cutest.

"Okie Oppa." She smiled at him before embracing me once again.

"eonni you too don't forget okay?" she said looking at me cutely.

I poked her cheek as I smiled before speaking. "My baby. Of course I'll get you everything. Is there something else you want me to get."

she shook her head head in response as I nodded.

"Okay. We'll leave now. Take care okay?" I said, "call me if your stomach hurts too much. I'll get some medicines for you hm?" I caressed her hairs to which she smiled.

"okay eonni."

We walked outside after saying a bye to everyone.

"Noona can I drive your car today again?" Taejun asked me smiling cheekily.

"Sure. Here!" I said throwing the keys to him as he quickly caught them.

We took our seats and he drove to the company.

•{Time Skip}•

"Did you get everything?" I asked Taejun who was buying chocolates for jihoon.

"Yeah. Let's go."

We sat in the car and drive to home.


After some minutes we reached as I took the bags and walked inside while Taejun was parking the car.

"Oh y/n you're back." Appa said who was sitting on the couch.

"Yes appa." I smiled walking to him to give him a hug.

"is eomma in the kitchen?" I asked him as he nodded.

"yeah. hoonie is waiting for you as well. She's in her room." He informed as I nodded.

"okay appa." I smiled walking to the kitchen.

"Eomma what are you cooking?" I asked her.

"Japchae." She said making me nod.

"I'll come in a minute then I'll help you." I said as she nodded and I walked toward jihoon's room.

"Jihoonie" I called making her look up at me and give me a wide smile.

"eonniiii" She spoke as I giggled.

"Here." I gave the bag of the chocolate, "take anyone you want I'll go put the others in the fridge." She nodded taking one chocolate.

"Thank you eonni" She smiled making me pat her head.

"Anything for you sweetie." I smiled.

"eonni? Can I play the game I installed in your phone yesterday?" she asked.

She does have her phone though it's just she says she has lots of game in her phone and she feels like playing those when she touches her phone.

"of course, here." I giggled handing her the phone.

She said a 'thankyou' as I walked toward Taehyung's room to change.

After I was done I walked back downstairs and helped eomma in cooking.

We kept talking about things like my day and she told her childhood memories.

"Y/n ah. Can you call Jihoonie? I'm almost done with the dinner."

I nodded my head walking to her room but found no one inside so I went to Taejun's room

"Taejun ah? Is jihoon not here?" I asked him but he shook his head.

"No.." he spoke.

"oh okay.. Dinner is ready.." I informed as he smiled while nodding.

"okay noona. I'll be out in a min." He said as I nodded and walked toward my room since she could be there as well.

"No Oppa. Just get me anything." I heard jihoon's voice.

Who is she talking to?

"We miss you. Come back home soon. Eonni miss you too." is that Taehyung?

I opened the door and walked inside, "jihoon ah. Dinner is ready."

"Okay eonni. Do you want to talk to Oppa?" She asked

"um sure?" I said as she handed me the phone and walked out of the room.

(On the phone)

"Hello?" I spoke.

"y/n ah." Taehyung spoke.

"Yeah. How's your day?" I asked him.

"It's good.. Um I have something to tell you.." He said.

"What is it?" I asked him.

"Um I got some important work.. Therefore I'll be coming back after 2 days.." He said as I frowned.

I thought he would come back early.

"Are you listening?" he asked me when I didn't reply.

"Um yeah.. That's fine.. Don't worry. Take care." I said sighing.

"I'm sorry..." He spoke.

"no no its okay." I said, "I'll talk to you later Taehyung ssi.."

"Okay... Bye." He spoke.

"bye" I said and ended the call.

I sighed putting my phone on charging and left to eat dinner.

•{Time skip}•

"you sound tired." Taehyung spoke.

We were talking on a call just like we do every night.

"Yeah just have a lot of work in the company. Because of the upcoming holidays you know?"

"Um yeah. Take care though." he said.

"Yeah. You too." I said just then I heard a knock on the door, "Taehyung, jihoon is here. I'll talk to you later okay?"

"do you have to end the call?" he asked me making me frown.

"Yeah.. She wanted to sleep with me today, she came now." I said as I heard him sigh.

"Okay.. Good night princess." He said.

"Good night Taetae." I said, "Sleep well."

I heard a beep sound indicating he ended the call.

"eonni can I come inside?" I heard.

"Yeaa!" I said loudly but not too loud as I saw Jihoon entering the room.

She laid down beside me and hugged me.

we both slowly drifted off to our dreamland.

Taehyung sounded upset.

I hope he sleeps well.


It was a boring chapter😵I'm sorry I couldn't focus much but I tried.

Thank you for reading anyways! ❤

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