《My Cold Husband》Each Other's


But what he spoke next made her completely lose her all the control she tried to keep.

“yes I don't want you to know about us! Because I knew you would overreact! I fucking knew it! But you know what? Fuck it! Yes i fucked her and cheated on you! So what?” He yelled with eyes filled with rage and anger.

She looked at him in the eyes, lips trembling as she bite her lower lip trying to stop herself from sobbing loudly.

She nodded her head lightly before walking toward the bed, burying her face in his knees and bursted out in tears while trying to hug her own self.

He looked at her eyes which showed pure hurt. He felt a Stab in his heart as the realization hit him.

Realization of his harsh words as he looked at her crying loudly while hugging her own knees.

His lips trembled as he tried to be coherent as he moved his lips slowly trying to form a sentence but only felt a lump forming in his throat realizing how much he just crossed his limits.

“Y/n..” He spoke blinking his eyes slowly walking toward her as nervousness took over him.

He feared how his wife would react now. He literally just ruined it all by losing his calm.

‘If only I had talked maturely’ He thought to himself as he felt a unusual pain in his heart. Pain that was making it hard for him to breathe seeing his wife melting down like that just because of him.

“I'm sorry.. I didn't mean it. It's nothing like that please forgive me.” He spoke taking a seat infront of her.

He felt his heart beating faster when he didn't get a response from her.

He hesitantly pulled her in his arms with his shaky hands as she still ignored him and continued to cry in her knees.

“Please baby I didn't mean it. I just said it out of anger. I used to know her in my past even before I met or married you. I, no longer, have any kind of relation with her please trust me.” He said feeling his own eyes getting teary.

“I'm so sorry please just look at me once princess.” He spoke with his now trembling and unstable voice, “please y/n.” he begged as one of his tear fell down on y/n's shoulder wetting her shirt.

Looking up y/n met Taehyung's teary eyes, “I'm really sorry” He spoke faintly which again made y/n burst out into tears.


But this time she cried while clutching his shirt tightly in her fist as he hugged her back slightly rubbing and patting on it, in a attempt to calm her down.

“I'm really sorry. I never meant it. None of it. I promise there's nothing between us. I'm sorry for being so harsh. I was scared. Scared that you would leave me if you saw my ex girlfriend being comfortable with me.” He sobbed a little along with her as she sobbed louder in his neck.

"I'm so sorry. I was scared you would misunderstand. Im really sorry. I was scared you wou-” He stopped when he heard her.

“I know you didn't mean it. It just hurted me even thinking about it. I shouldnt have misunderstand you. I should have trusted you but I thought you wouldn't tell me the truth about her when you didn't say anything even in the car.” she spoke in between her sobs making his heart ache as he hugged her more tightly.

“Im sorry. I know I should have spoken truthfully, but my insecurities and fears took over me. Please forgive me.” He said caressing her hairs before pecking her shoulder.

“I thought you were ashamed of me. I thought you only showed care because we were arranged and you were obeying your parents.” She complained like a kid wrapping her arms around his neck more tightly as he pulled her on his lap.

“it's not like that y/n. I respect you. I treat you with care because I respect the woman that you are. I know I say many rude things to you when I'm angry but I promise they're never from my heart. There's no loathe or any kind of negative feeling for you in my heart. Trust me when I say this that I would like to cherish you my whole life and if I could meet you sooner I would.” He caressed her hairs assuring his wife that she's the only one for him.

“You're not lying right?” she sobbed quietly as he shook his head.

“I would never lie to you baby. I may take my time to tell you things but I would never lie to you. I can never.” He said as she quietly listened to her.

His heart felt a tingling sensation inside as he realized he's been accidentally calling her by nicknames and she isn't resisting them.

“And about me being ashamed of you. I could never be. You're so beautiful that I have no reasons to be ashamed but to go around telling people that my wife is so beautiful and gorgeous. But I wouldn't because I don't want anyone to lay their eyes on you y/n. You're only mine to look at, aren't you princess?” he asked her. He felt her sobs getting quieter as she slowly nodded her head still not letting go of the hug.


He smiled at her response, feeling his heart at ease as he got assured by his wife.

He spoke again making millions of butterflies roam and fly around in her stomach, “Good. Because I'm only yours as well. And I want you to remember it. You'll do that for me right?” He snaked his arms around her waist safely capturing her small figure in his arms.

“Hm.” She replied shortly still pouting while she had her head on his shoulder.

“Good girl. You trust me right?” He spoke as she nodded again. He felt his heart calming as he saw her responding with a ‘yes’.

Taehyung slowly got up with her in his arms and laid down on the bed, putting her head on his chest as she laid herself on him.

Slowly caressing her hairs he spoke again trying to soothe the pain he caused in her heart, “The thing I had with her was nothing like us. She's just comfortable because she's extroverted and we ended things on good terms. But just because we ended things on Good terms doesn't mean I have something for her in my heart. I promise there's nothing.” He said pecking her earlobe.

She laid on his chest silently, “Im proud of you. I could never in my life be ashamed of you. I didn't want to tell her about marriage but I knew she would ask about inviting her. I don't want to have any kind of relation with her. That's why I wanted to avoid the topic..”

“Please don't misunderstand. I want you to tell me if you ever feel wrong about anything. Just know I would never do wrong to you. At least not intentionally.” He pecked her head.

“I meant it when I told you that I need you always. Please never leave me. I'm afraid to lo-” He stopped talking as he heard small snores with soft breathing. He gazed down to look at y/n in his arms as she slept peacefully while listening to him.

He caressed her hairs again before massaging them as he pulled the duvet over them and hugging his wife who slept on him like a teddy bear.

He drifted off to his happy world which now seemed similar to his reality. Holding her tightly but carefully, not to hurt her, in his arms.

“Good night baby.” He said smiling at her baby figure in his arms.

•{Time skip}•

(Y/n POV)

I woke up feeling pain in my neck as I lifted my head up to see Taehyung.

Did I really slept on him?

I remember our argument last night as I frowned a little but sighed remembering how he tried so hard to make it up to me gently cooing assuring words in my ears, saying sorrys.

I felt him moving a little in his sleep while still holding my waist in his arms.

His body must hurt, I literally slept on him for the whole night.

It was already 6:15 A.M. so I decided to wake up. I got up a little taking Taehyung's hands off of my waist but he tightened his grip before letting loose, slowly letting me go.

I put my pillow on him in case if he wants to hug it since he has a habit of hugging things in his sleep.

I got up and got fresh as I quickly took a shower as well.

I quickly got dressed for work before checking the time.

It was 6:45 so I decided to let him sleep and quickly headed downstairs and started cooking.

I looked at the time after some time and it was 7:25 Already.

Shit I should have checked the time before what's wrong with you y/n ah?

I walked to our room and saw him buttoning his sleeves.

“Oh you're up.” I said as he nodded while looking at me.

“Good morning.” He wished me happily as I nodded.

“Good morning Taehyung ssi.” I spoke taking the tie out of his hands which he was now walking toward me with.

I wrapped it around his neck and started tying it.

I didn't speak anything to him as I was still embarrassed by my childish behavior yesterday but I did felt his gaze on me the whole time.

I felt awkward as I quickly tied his tie.

“The breakfast is almost ready. You can come down stairs.”, I said holding the door knob to walk out but he held my hand making me turn back around.

“What's wrong?” he asked making me confuse.

“what?” I asked.


Update! ♡

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