《My Cold Husband》With You


“I'm here.” I looked at the notification of my phone.

Taehyung's message.

We were going to his house. Mr and Mrs Kim invited us for dinner.

Taehyung just got back from office and decided to just go straight to there.

I walked as I saw Taehyung in the car. I smiled seeing him. He looks very handsome.

I don't know how does he even manage that always?

I opened the car door and hopped in, making Taehyung give me a smile.

“Hey you look good.” He said starting the car.

“Thank you Taehyung ssi. Well you always look good.” I giggled a little as he smiled.

“how was work?” He asked me driving as he moved the steering wheel with his palm and hand making him look like a God of attraction.

“It was good.” I said clearing my throat as he nodded.

“How was your day?” I asked him.

“It was fine.” He said.

“Really? I'm glad it went from okay to fine.” I said smiling, he just gave me a small smile in response.

The rest of the drive was silent as Taehyung drive to eomma appa's.

We reached after half an hour.

We kind of live far away from our family I guess.

Taehyung parked the car as we stepped out and rang the door bell.

“y/n! Taehyung sweetie! Come in.” Eomma (Mrs. Kim) greeted us with a hug after which we walked inside.

“How are you eomma.” Taehyung asked.

“I'm very good tae.” she smiled.

“how is everyone?” He asked.

“Your appa and Taejun is good. Jihoonie is good as well. She's at your grandma's.” she informed as we nodded.

“Hyung! How are you?” Taejun ran and started clinging onto Taehyung to which he just replied with a hug.

He's very calm and patience.

“I'm good. How are you?” Taehyung asked patting his younger brother's shoulder.

“I'm good. Just th-”

“Won't you greet y/n Taejun?” Eomma spoke.

“It's not that eomma. Its just I meet Noona everyd-.” he stopped himself seeing eomma glare at him as I giggled.

“but anyways. Noona!” he said dramatically and hugged me, putting his head on my shoulder.

“it's okay Taejun ah!” I said hugging him back. “it's okay eomma” I said smiling as he pulled away.

“Aish. Okay but don't mind him. He's very stupid.” she said sighing.

“Eomma.” Taejun whined making all of us giggle.

•{Time skip}•

We were eating our dinner right now. Just as appa (Mr. Kim) suddenly spoke getting everyone's attention.

“Taehyung.” Appa said.

“Yes appa” Taehyung spoke diverting all his attention toward his appa.

“I'm glad you got the deal. The company would have faced a big loss if you hadn't. I almost thought it's over when he said no at first.” Appa spoke as I frowned hearing him.

Taehyung had no expression on his face. He just nodded his head in response.

“Taehyung I want you to know that the company is important. And we always need positive results.” He said smiling feeling proud.


Taehyung nodded his head again, “I understand appa.”

I looked at Taehyung as to why is he not even trying to speak up but averted my gaze to Appa again.

But just as I opened my mouth to speak I felt Taehyung holding my hand under the table. Somehow I understood that he doesn't want me to say anything.

I sighed as I kept eating while listening to appa.

“You earn my trust my giving me good results Taehyung.” He said as Taehyung slightly smiled but didn't let go of my hand.

“I hope you keep giving the company best in the future as well.” He spoke as I frowned hearing him.

“I'll try my best appa.”Taehyung said.

“You have to do it Taehyung. There's no such thing as Trys and hardwork if there is no good result. And I expect big from you.” He said.

Why is it all about the profit?

“I understand appa.” Taehyung said as he finished his food.

“I'm done eomma.” He said as I finished my dinner as well.

I quickly finished my food as well, “Me too..” I said.

“Let me help you wash the dishes eomma” I said getting up as eomma smiled and nodded, taking the dishes and walking away to the kitchen with me.

•{Time skip}•

After quickly helping eomma, we walked back.

“Um we'll be leaving now.” Taehyung said getting as I nodded while looking at him.

“Why don't you stay the night?” Eomma spoke.

“Um we have work tomorrow eomma. We'll stay for the weekend someday.” I smiled as she nodded.

“Okay. Feel free to come here anytime. It's your house as well.” she smiled at me making me nod.

“Taehyung. There might be another deal with HJ enterprise. I want you to succeed okay? I don't want a no at first just as we had a no by Mr. Jang.” Appa spoke.

This is very weird to me. Pushing someone is okay but Taehyung is literally doing everything he can at this moment. He's giving the best he can. Why does have appa have to say such things to him. The only depress and stress him.

“appa...” I opened mouth ready to speak but was instantly cut off by Taehyung once again.

“I will get it appa. We'll be leaving now. Take care.” Taehyung said.

I sighed before looking away from him, “Take care appa Eomma. You too Taejun ah.” I said as I hugged everyone and walked out with Taehyung.

Why is being so quiet? If he tries to speak up, appa might understand that he's being wrong in this. This is so wrong.

Doing wrong and bearing wrong.

Taehyung held my hand as we walked to his car. I let him do that. I don't want to make a big deal.

Though it is a big deal.

“You okay?” Taehyung asked me as he started driving.

I just nodded my head in response to him.

I should be asking this to him.


I don't understand just why he is so much like this. Putting every single person first but him.

“Is something wrong?” He asked once again.

“No.” I said softly and looked out of the window, “Are you okay?” I asked him.

“Yeah.. What would be wrong with me.” He said as I frowned closing my eyes before letting out a sigh.

Why is he doing this? Does he not realize how toxic it is. Or maybe he is just too used to it.

“Okay.” I said ending the conversation.

After sometime we reached home as I got out of the car along with Taehyung.

We took a seat on the couch right as we entered the home.

“I'll get you water.” I said walking toward kitchen.

I got a glass of water and handed it to Taehyung. He didn't took the glass for some seconds as he kept looking at me.

I somehow managed to avoid eye contact as he soon took the glass from hand, drinking the water.

“Did I do something wrong that perhaps hurt you?” he spoke looking at me with softness in his eyes.

I shook my head in response, giving him a smile.

I shouldn't act odd. Its probably making him feel bad. What's wrong with me?

“I'll be upstairs.” I said walking to us bedroom as I sighed.

I quickly walk to our room taking some comfy clothes from the closet and walking toward the bathroom.

I quickly got changed and sat infront of the mirror taking out my accessories.

Taehyung isn't here yet. Where did he go?

I saw the room door opening as Taehyung walked in, sighing softly.

He kneeled on the ground taking a seat infront of me as I faced him blinking my eyes as to what is he trying to do?

He held my small hands in his big ones, before speaking, “What is it y/n ah? How am I supposed to know if you don't tell me?” He said softly.

“It's really nothing serious Taehyung. You don't need to worry hm?” I sighed but he shook his head in response.

“Whatever it is. I want you to tell me.” He said.

I can't complain to him about his father. Why isn't he getting it? No matter how much wrong appa is doing, he's still Taehyung's father.

“Taehyung..” I just looked at him as he held my hands more firmly.

“Is it about appa...?” He said looking at me with worry filled in his eyes.

Why is he worried about me? I should be worrying about him.

I looked away not making eye contact.

“Look at me y/n.” He said, making me look at him in the eyes, “Is this about that? Are you upset because I didn't let you speak?”

“why is it like this taehyung? If you don't want to speak up, then why can I not either? Why didn't you let me? You know how wrong it is. I get it that appa has big expectations from you, but it literally mess up with your mental health everytime.” I said.

“Why don't you speak up? is it really okay with you? The way appa spoke today just made me feel as if it's all about work. What about you? Are you okay with appa only talking about business? Do you not want appa to ever sit and have a dad-son talk with you?” I said looking at him to which he just sighed.

He didn't say anything to me. He kept listening to me as he kept holding my hands, “It's not right Taehyung. I just feel so weird. He shouldn't push you off your limits. Just how much you will bear?”

“I understand that, princess. But do you think I haven't tried?” He spoke, “When I was new to this. I would Literally keep talking to appa about it. I tried so hard to make him understand y/nie. He just doesn't understand. I have to live with it.”

“I'm already done trying it. It's of no use. I don't want appa to see you the way he once saw me. Before I actually left all the tries behind and started working hard for him.”

I sighed, “I'm sorry I shouldn't get involved anyways.”

“Please understand.” he said caressing my cheeks before holding my hand once again, “Moreover it doesn't matter now. I have you. I know I'll get through anything. You'll stay by my side, won't you?” He said as he pecked both of my palm.

“I will Taehyung. I'm with you, always. I'm just worried about you. What if something happens to you? What am I gonna do?” I said.

“I promise I won't let anything happen to me. Hm?” He said intertwining our fingers while looking at me in the eyes.

“Okay.” I said as he smiled.

“Please don't get upset. I know you only want me to be fine but I'm fine like this as well okay?” He said getting up as he helped me get up as well.

“hm” I said as he pecked my forehead, “I'm sorry.. I shouldn't have reacted like this.”

“No. You don't need to be sorry. I understand what you feel.” he said smiling as I looked at him lovingly.

“How are you so calm about everything literally always?” I said lightly hitting him on the chest.

He just shrugged his shoulders and smiled at me.

“Come on let's go sleep now.” He said making me nod.

We laid down on the bed as he pecked my forehead once again, before pulling me to him.

My back was pressed against his chest as he held my hand which was rested on my waist.

We slept as he held close and tight in his arms.


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Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed.

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