《My Cold Husband》The Deal


“Don't stress too much. It'll go well this time. I'm having a positive feeling.” I said to Taehyung Who said standing on the door wearing his coat.

It was Saturday. My Saturday is usually off at work.

I know I work in a big company but the CEO gives us a break of 2 days but sometimes it's only Sunday.

He's a nice person indeed.

“I really wish it does go well.” He said looking at me.

He looks very stressed. I know he's trying to be strong in front of me but I know deep in his heart he's scared.

“It will be okay Taehyung. Don't worry. I promise I'll pray your meeting goes well.” I said smiling. He nodded his head in response as he smiled back.

“Thank you. I'll see you in the evening.” He said taking his office bag from my hands.

“Yeeep. Have a good day! Drive safely! Everything will be good. Take care of yourself okay?” I blabbed to which he sighed.

“Yes eomma” He said making me giggle.

“But seriously though. Don't stress out too much hm? I don't want you to end up messing up because you stressed yourself too much.” I said looking at him in the eyes.

“I won't. Take care hm?” he said caressing my head as I nodded and smiled.

“bye.” he said softly before bending his head to my level and pecking my lips.

I blushed a little due to the sudden physical contact as he smiled caressing my head, knowing I'm shy.

“Bye take care” I said softly as he nodded before walking out the door.

I waved my hand at him as he drove away.

I decided to clean our room now since I was already done eating with Taehyung.

I walked to our room and started cleaning it as my phone rang.

I looked at the screen and it was Jin oppa. I picked up the call and spoke.

(On the phone)

“Hello oppa.” I said smiling since I missed him a lot.

“How are you princess?” he spoke sweetly.

“I'm good oppa. How are you? I missed you so much.” I said pouting.

“Aw i miss you too. Why didn't you call me though?” He asked me as I imagined him pouting. I giggled a little due to his voice that sounded like a baby's.

“Oppa. Taehyung have been extremely busy in work so I need to take care of him. He's been really stressed.” I said.

“Oh. I see. Well is it possible if you guys could be free tonight?” He asked.


“Why? Is there a special occasion?” I asked smiling since I couldn't remember today being a special day.

“Yah. I missed my sister. Do I need a special occasion if I want to see my sister and her husband?” He said trying to sound offended.

I giggled at his reaction, “oh! awe! Oppa of courseee noooottt! Im really sorry! I'll talk to Taehyung don't worry.” I said.

“Um okay. Tell him I'll give you guys a good discount if you come to my restaurant today.” He said giggling as I chuckled as well.

“I will Oppa. I'll do my best to make him agree.” I said still smiling due to his silly idea of making Taehyung agree.

“Good. Tell me if he says yes okay? I'll cook delicious food for you guys.” He said.

“Yep. I'll call you before we arrive there.” I said.

“Okay princess. Take care of yourself and Taehyung hm?” He said as I smiled.

Its amusing to me as to how my family is literally always telling me to take care of Taehyung.

“I will oppa. You take care as well.” I said.

“Yep. Bye.” He said before hanging up.

I then continued cleaning the room after which I quickly did the dishes.

I decided to watch television for sometime as I was done with everything.

I started watching a random movie which was finished after 2 hours.

It wasn't that bad but it was kinda boring. Not too bad though. It was interesting in some parts but they ruined the ending.


I checked the time and it was 2 already so I decided to take a nap for sometime since I literally had nothing better to do.

•{Time skip}•

I woke up from the nap as I yawned softly before looking at the time in my phone.

5:48 P.M.



I saw 2 missed calls from Taehyung and 1 message as well.

I decided to check the message first opening the lock.

Taehyung :-

Are you busy?

I decided to call him since he mustn't check his message box right now.

He picked up the call after some second of ringing.

(On the phone)

Taehyung :- Hello?

You :- Um hey I'm sorry I was taking a nap I just got up. I'm sorry. Did something happen?

Taehyung :- Oh it's okay. I... Um no well nothing happened. I just called you...

You :- Oh Okie.. How did the meeting go?

Taehyung :- It went well. I was kind of nervous but they agreed to work with us.


You :- Really? I told you it'll go well!

Taehyung :- *Smiles* I wanted to tell you first.

You :- Really? *giggles* Well that's a honor Mr. Kim. Thank you. *giggles*

Taehyung :- *giggles along with her*

You :- but seriously though. I'm very happy for you.

Taehyung :- Thank you. I couldn't have done this without you. You were with me throughout all this. Thank you for cheering me up.

You :- You don't need to thank me. I'm your wife.

Taehyung :- still. But um okay. *clears his throat*

You :- Taehyung? Are you busy?

Taehyung :- Um not really. Why?

You :- can we go meet Jin Oppa today? He invited us to his restaurant.

Taehyung :- Jin hyung owns a restaurant?

You :- yeah. I never told you, did I?

Taehyung :- You didn't.

You :- well Jin Oppa owns a restaurant and Namjoon Oppa is a lyric writer in a idol company.

Taehyung :- oh that's amazing.

You :- I know right? Hehe. Um so can we go there tonight?

Taehyung :- Sure.

You :- really? Thank you *smiles*

Taehyung :- hm.

You :- When will you be coming back?

Taehyung :- I'll be leaving soon.

You :- oh okay.

Taehyung :- I miss you *mumbles quietly*

Did he really said he missed me?

You :- Me too hubba Bubba.

I confessed back smiling as I blushed due to his sudden confession but soon heard a loud voice coming from the phone.

Taehyung :- 'Who you talking to in your office Young man? Is that your wife you're missing?'

That's sounds like Jimin.

Taehyung :- what are you doing here? *Cold voice*

I quietly listened to their conversation though the phone.

Taehyung :- 'Aw look you weren't talking on the phone with this voice.'

Taehyung :- 'did y/n say she miss you too?'

Taehyung :- 'Y/NIE HE IS BLUSHING' I almost bursting out laughing at how jimin is literally exposing his friend.

Taehyung :- Yah! Shut up. Hello? Y/n? I'll talk to you later okay? Bye.

Taehyung :- 'hmmmmmm laterrrrrrrr'

I accidentally let out a giggle before speaking.

You :- uh I'm sorry. Bye.

I said before quickly ending the call.

I decided to inform oppa about our arrival.

•{Time skip}•

“You look good” Taehyung said as I walked out of the house and to his car.

We were heading to the restaurant now.

Taehyung told me that he'll be picking me up from home and we'll leave right after he arrive home.

“Thank you Taehyung ssi.” I smiled at him taking a seat in the car.

“Um so where is his restaurant?” He asked starting the car.

I told him the directions as he kept driving.

“did you have a good day at work?” I asked him.

“Yeah. I called appa to tell him about the deal. He sounded happy.” he replied.

“I'm glad everything is good.” I smiled as he nodded.

Soon we reached the restaurant as he walked inside and was immediately greeted by Jin Oppa who was probably waiting for us.

“Yay! You guys made it.” he said pulling me into a hug right after which he hugged Taehyung.

“Have you been good Taehyung?” He asked him with a smile.

“Yes hyung. Thank you for concerning.” He smiled nodding his head.

“That's good.” Oppa nodded in response, “Come on take your seats.” he took us to a table taking a seat beside me.

“So check the menu and tell me your order.” He said.

We ordered our food as after sometime jin oppa came with two servants who had our food and delivered it to us.

Jin Oppa sat with us as we talked and told each other about things.

Oppa seems to like Taehyung. And Taehyung too seems comfortable around Oppa.

I'm glad he isn't nervous. Indeed very professional.

Anyways so. After we were done eating Oppa even treated us with dessert which we politely denied but was served anyways.

Taehyung looked happy.

Taehyung paid the bill which jin Oppa rejected at first. Taehyung didnt stop and still insisted on paying the bill when finally jin Oppa agreed but gave us a discount.

After 1 hour or so, we decided to leave for home since it was 8:30 P.M. already.

“Come here again.” Oppa said as Taehyung nodded

They were very comfortable I just stood beside Taehyung as he spoke to jin oppa.

“We will hyung. Thank you for today.”

“no problem. I had fun with you guys.” oppa said hugging us.

“We had fun as well” Taehyung replied looking at me as I nodded my head in response.

“Take care.” oppa said while smiling making Taehyung give a small nod in response.

“Bye oppa!” I said to which oppa patted my head.

We walked out and to the car which Taehyung soon started and drove back to home.

Today was a good day!


it wasn't a very good chapter was it? I'm sorry I have been kind of busy in my studies...

I hope you guys understand..


Please share if you like the story!

Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed.

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