《My Cold Husband》Good Days


I woke up by the sunlight as it hit my face.

I opened my eyes as I struggled for a bit but soon adjusted to the light.

I felt a heavy weight on my chest as I saw Taehyung sleeping with his head on my chest and hands still hugging me.

A pout was formed on his lips as I suddenly remembered our first kiss yesterday.

We kissed for the first time.

I blushed a little as I started caressing his hairs.

I looked at the time and it was 5:45 A.M.

I surely did wake up early.

I heard Taehyung groan as he moved himself a little finding a more comfortable position but still laid himself on me.

“Good morning.” He said in a really deep voice with his eyes still closed.

This is the first time I'm hearing him speak in the morning. Pft. His voice sounds very deep and sexy.

Oh but as if everything isn't already so hot about this man.

“Morning. Why'd you wake up so early?” I said as he sighed softly.

“I don't know.” He said as I nodded taking my hand out of his hairs.

“Don't stop.” He groaned again snuggling into my neck as he pulled the blanket over us more.

I kept my hands back in his hairs and started massaging him.

“Hmm.” He moaned a little as he let out a breath.

“Did you sleep okay?” I asked him as he nodded.

“Did you?” He asked me.

“hm” I said.

“Should I get off of you? Am I heavy?” He asked pulling his head up as he looked at me.

I shook my head as I smiled at him.

He smiled back, placing his head onto my chest again.

“It's so calm like this.” He spoke making me smile.

This is the first time he's ever talking to me like this in the morning.

“Isn't it?” I said as he looked up at my face again and smiled.

“Thank you. For everything.” He said pecking my forehead as he laid on his side and pulled me to his chest.

I smiled against him, “Mm hm.”

We cuddled with each other for a while as after sometime I felt my phone ringing.

It's the alarm.

“Come on let me get up. It's 6:30 already.” I said pulling myself back.

He let go of me as he got up with me.

“you can sleep for more if you want.” I said as he shook his head.

“I'm okay.” I nodded my head at him.

“I'll use the guest's room bathroom. You can use this one.” He said making me nod.

He took his clothes and walked out as i took mine as well and walked toward the bathroom.

•{Time skip}•

(On the phone)

“Hello?” I spoke into the phone as I picked up yoongi Oppa's call.

I wonder why'd he call so early.

“Y/n ah? Is taehyung okay?” Oppa asked me.

“Yeah oppa. Don't worry.” I said.

“Take care of him okay? He seemed pretty upset yesterday..” He said.

“I will Oppa. Thank you for being concerned.” I said.

“It's okay. You're married to him. He's just as precious to me as you are.” Oppa said making me smile.

“I couldn't say anything to Mr. Jang yesterday since he left right after Taehyung did. He has never worked with Taehyung before so he's just a little insecure about the collaboration. Don't worry I'll Do what I can. I've talked to him already. He said he's think about it.” oppa said.


“Oppa. You're so amazing. What did I even do to have you as my oppa?” I said as I smiled knowing how my brother is willing is to do so much for Taehyung.

“millions of good things? I guess?” he said making me giggle.

“Oppa.” I said

“what? I'm just answering you.” He said as I literally imagined him smiling so cutely making me giggle again.

“Who are you talking to?” Taehyung said as he came downstairs wearing his suit.

“Oppa I'll call you later okay? Bye. Take care. have a good day!” I said.

“Hm you too Lil sis.” he said before ending the call.

“It was Yoongi Oppa.” I said putting my phone down.

“okay..” He said standing behind me.

“He was asking about you.” I smiled at him, taking the tie out of his hands as I wrapped it around his collar.

“oh.” he spoke just as his phone rang, “Wait.” He said picking up the call as I nodded and tied the tie.

(On the phone)


“Good morning Mr. Lee”

“After 2 days?”

“Oh okay..”

“Yeah add it in my schedule.”

“Okay. Thank you.”

He ended the call.

“It was Mr. Lee.” He said informing me as I stepped back after I was done.

“What did he say?” I asked him.

“Mr. Jang wants to re-think his decision and and have decided to set up a meeting again after 2 days.” He said making me smile.

“It'll end up well.” I said patting his shoulder as I brushed off the fake dust off of there.

He let out a breathy laugh as he looked at me.

“Come on let's have our breakfast” I said quickly averting the attention.

He nodded and walked toward the table taking a seat as I did the same before serving us.

•{Time skip}•

“Let's go.” Taehyung said as I nodded getting up and taking his bag with me.

He started going to office at 8 since I started going back to office.

He drops me off to work and then drives to his company.

“Taehyung?” I said to him as he was driving to the company.

“hm?” he said.

“I'll going to the mall for grocery shopping after I leave from work. Is it okay if I go there?” I asked him as he nodded.

“Just call me when you're done. I'll pick you up.” He said with his eyes on the road.

“okay. Thankyou.” I said as he nodded his head.

We reached to my destination after minutes I took my bag, “Have a good day okay? Take care of yourself.” I said ready to leave but was stopped by Taehyung who held my hand.

I looked back at him as he pecked my forehead making me smile, “Be safe.” He said as I nodded my head getting out of the car.

I waved at him as I watched him drive away.

“Good morning noona.” I heard a voice as I got startled and looked at the owner of the voice.

“Taejun ah. Good morning.” I smiled at him.

“You and hyung seem to have a good relation” He said teasingly as I pulled his ear.

“Ow noona that hurts” He said as I let go.

“I was just saying.. But okay..” He said mumbling as he smiled cutely.

We walked inside and to our cabins as I wished him a good day.

Oh! Work let's work!

•{Time skip}•


“I'm here” I read Taehyung's message as I was paying on the counter.

“Thank you mam.” The cashier girl said as I bowed again little and left the super market.

I saw Taehyung in the car holding his hand as I walked toward his car.

“Hey” I awkwardly said as I sat in the passenger seat putting the grocery bag in the back seat.

He nodded a little as he smiled.

“How was your day?” I asked him.

“okay. Yours?” He asked me.

“It was good. Did something happen?” I asked him as he shook his head driving.

“Okay...” I said as I sat silently looking out of the window.

“Are you tired?” he asked me as I quickly looked at him.

“No. Are you?”

“No...” He said but I knew better.

I just nodded my head in response and looked out again while resting my head on the headrest.

I closed my eyes letting out a sigh.

“What's wrong?” Taehyung asked me in a low tone.

“Nothing. why would you ask?” I asked him

“You seem bothered.” He said making me look at him.

“Do I? I'm fine don't worry though.” I said as he nodded.

We reached home after sometime as we decided to cook dinner together.

“You dont have to...” I said still letting him know I'm okay cooking alone.

“Let me help.” He said as I sighed before nodding my head.

He smiled before rolling up his sleeves.

“Did something happen at work?” He asked me cutting the vegetables as I stood beside him helping prepare all the ingredients.

“Not really.” I said.

“Nothing at all?” He asked as I smiled secretly but then looked at him with a boring expression.

“You're talking a lot today.” I said looking for his reaction but he just frowned.

“I'm just kidding.” I giggled as he smiled.

“I almost thought you don't want me to talk.” he mumbled silently but I heard it.

“No I love it when you start the conversation.” I said as I hugged him a little from his left side.

He just smiled at me in response.

“Well it was just a boring day. But Taejun is starting get too comfortable around me. I may be nice but he should know I'm scary as well.” I said complaining to him as he just heard me.

“hm? What'd he do?” He spoke trying to control himself from smiling but Pft. Boi. I'm smart.

“He's been talking a lot. I mean isn't it normal for you and me to develop a good relation with time?” I pouted.

“Aw Did he tease you about us?” He asked me as I nodded my head.

“That day he just left me here with you awkward and embarassed as well.”

“were you awkward and embarrassed with me?” he looked at me.

“I was back then.” I said taking a piece of tomato that he just cut and eating it.

“Are you now?” He asked me looking at me in the eyes.

I cleared my my throat before speaking, “I'm more comfortable around you now.” I said shyly as I avoided eye contact.

He pulled my chin slightly up and then made me face him as he narrowed his eyebrows a little.

It was getting awkward again so I just put my hand on his shoulder wiggling my eyebrows trying to not make the situation a little awkward.

No one avoid any kind of intimate moments but I kind of did just now.

He just giggled a little as I smiled as well.

“Come on get side I need to cook.” I said as he shook his head.

“No I'll help.” He said

“Aish. Kim Taehyung.” I said as he looked at me.

He wants to say something to me. But he isn't saying it. What is it?

“You okay?” I asked him as he nodded.

“Um yea” He said awkwardly and turned on the stove.

I'm literally just standing here while he's doing everything on his own.

“Okay then! I'll go while you're cooking.” I said as he widen his eyes but soon went back normal.

“No stay here. I'll need your help” He said as I nodded.

Taking a seat on the counter I looked at him as he cooked dinner for us.


“hm?” he looked up at me as he replied

“You're adorable.” I said as he looked back down again.

“you're more.” He mumbled cutely as I giggled at him.

“what?” he asked me. I shook my head and smiled mischievously.

“Okay now. It'll take some time to be cooked” He said covering the colander.

He stood in front of me, putting both of his hand on my sides as he caged.

“What are you doing?” I asked him.

“you stare at me all the time. Cant I stare at you as well?” He said as he came closer to the counter.

“It's not that..i was just asking..” I mumbled as he smiled.

I started feeling embarrassed as I felt hotness creeping up my cheeks.

“Taehyung stop.” I said lightly pushing him away.

“I'm not doing anything.” he smiled.

“I need to go.” I said looking at him.

“No you don't.” He said still smiling.

What has gotten into this man? He's being too talkative and playful.

I knew he wouldnt stop teasing me so I put my face on his shoulder trying not to show him that I'm very shy right now.

But guess he already seen it.

He chuckled slightly hugging me as his hand rubbed my back lightly.

“You're so bad.” I said as he chuckled again pushing me further into the hole of embarrassment.

“am I?” He said cooing into my ear.

“Come on now stop.” I said pulling out as I pushed him and ran to our room.

Oh I want to hide right now. Why does he do this to my heart?

I Literally can't stop blushing everytime he does such a thing.


•{Time skip}•

Taehyung and I were done eating after which we were now heading to bed.

Indeed Taehyung is a great cook.

Anyways. I was done changing clothes as Taehyung was already on the bed.

He put his phone down, keeping it aside as he saw me coming.

I sighed a little as I laid down on the bed which Taehyung did as well.

I faced the wall putting alarm on my phone as I place my phone back on the drawer.

I turned back around to see a frowning Taehyung.

“what's wrong?” I asked him.

“nothing.” he smiled as I moved myself a little finding a comfortable position to sleep in.

“y/n?” he said hesitantly.

“hm? What's wrong?” I said caressing his cheeks.

“Can..I hug you..?” He asked in a small voice making me smile as I nodded.

He smiled a little before putting his hand on my waist.

He was hesitant and awkward so I decided to lean closer and hug him as well.

Soon he smiled as hugged me tightly.

“Goodnight” he said placing a peck on my head.

“Good night Taehyungie” I said.

We slept with each other peacefully as the beautiful night took over making everything calm.

Things are beautiful.


This was a long chapter indeed.

I had fun writing this. I hope you enjoyed as well. I hope everyone is well and good!

Please share if you like the story!

Thank you for reading!

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