《My Cold Husband》Business party


It's been some days since I last slept in his office room with me.

It's always weird as to why did I always ended up in the bedroom. I wonder if Taehyung carries me to our room.


Taehyung has been kinda better behaviour wise but only a little. He still gets mad at me but not a lot..

But good thing he doesn't work like crazy now. He sleeps in our room and eats with me.

Right now I was heading to his company.. Since he said we'd be going to be a party tonight.

He didn't exactly say where but he just said its a business party. I have to dress formally and we'll leave right from his company. Appa (Mr. Kim) will be there as well as yoongi Oppa and hobi.

I mean it's a big party I guess.

It was already lunch time and since Taehyung said we'll be leaving at 5:45 from his company, I decided to just go now so that he could have home cooked meal as his lunch.

I stepped into the company as the receptionist recognized me.

"Good noon, Mrs. Kim!" she said cheerfully.

"Good noon to you too!" I smiled at her.

"Um are you heading to Mr. Kim's office?" She asked me nervously. I nodded my head in response.

"Should I send someone to show you the way ?" She asked me again

"Oh that'd be a great help if you could." I said awkwardly. She nodded her head and smiled at me while dialing a number.

(On the phone)


"Yeah Mr. Kim's wife is here." "She's here with me."

"Okay." I heard her say and then she ended the call.

"Mam Mr. Kim's Secretary will come get to you in a minute." She said as I nodded my head.

"Thank you." I said and smiled as she smiled back.

Soon I saw a guy coming toward us.

He's looks very young.

"Good afternoon, mam! I'm Lee yeoseok, Mr. Kim's secretary." He spoke as he bowed down to me.

"Good afternoon, it's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Lee!" I smiled at as he nodded.

"It's a pleasure as well, Mrs. Kim" He smiled, "please follow me." he said as he started showing me the way to Taehyung's office.

We reached Taehyung's cabin as he knocked on the door.

"Come in." I heard a tired voice from inside.

Mr. Lee opened the door walking inside with me, "Sir, Mrs. Kim is here."

Taehyung looked up at us and nodded his head as Mr. Lee bowed down to us and left.


"Why's you come so early?" Taehyung asked me as I took a seat on the couch.

"I just thought you could have your lunch as well so I came here....?" I spoke as he nodded.

"I'm sorry if I disturbed you.." I said as he looked at me again.

He shook his head and smile, "no it's okay. You can come here when you want."

I just nodded my head and smiled at him.

Taehyung got up after some second and sat down on beside me.

"Um Taehyung ssi? Can you call Jimin and jungkook as well? I brought lunch for them as well."

He smiled as he nodded before calling one of them I guess.

(On the phone)


"Uh yeah.."

"Okay bring kook as well."


He ended the call before looking at me, "They'll be here." I nodded my head in response.

"Did you tell them you were coming?" He asked as I nodded.

"Hm they asked me to bring lunch for them too." I said as he nodded.

I served him his lunch as the door swung door by a Jimin smiling widely with jungkook behind him.

"Hello y/n ah!" Jimin said and quickly hugged me as I hugged him back.

"hello Jimin ssi." I said as he pulled back and sat beside Taehyung.

"Yay! I missed your cooking." He said before smelling the food. I giggled a little at his reaction as I noticed Taehyung smile lightly as he looked at me.

"And I missed you, Y/niee" Jungkook hugged me as he giggled.

"I missed you too jungkookie" I smiled at him hugging him back.

We pulled back as I said, "come on, i'll serve you." he nodded his head.

He sat down as I served him and Jimin.

We talked as they were eating but Taehyung didnt really speak much. He looks really stressed.

After they were done eating jimin proposed a idea, "Let's spend some time together. You'll be leaving for The Party in evening anyways. It's 2 right now. You'll be bored if you just sit for hours."

I looked at Taehyung for permission as he nodded, "okay I'll come in a minute. You can go ahead. I just need to put everything in the bag." He nodded his head in response.

"You know the way right?" He asked. I nodded my head.

"Okay then." he smiled as he nodded and walked out with jungkook.

Taehyung went back to working as I was packing everything back.


But soon I heard him sigh making me look at him. He was rubbing and massaging his temples.

"Taehyung ssi...?" I called him as he responded with a 'hm'.

"Um is everything okay?" I asked him as he responded with a 'hm' again.

"Don't stress out too much. It'll work out just fine. I know you're trying really hard and I really wish you would succeed but don't push yourself too much please. I don't want you to be sick." I said in a low tone afraid he might burst out on me for getting involved.

I didn't hear any response from him indicating I either pissed him off or he didn't listened so I just sighed and spoke, "I'll be leaving now. I'll keep the lunch boxes here if that's okay..." I said but he responded with a 'hm' again.

I frowned due to his lack of attention to my talk but I decided to not let it get into my head since I need to understand that he's already stressed out because of work.

I sighed getting up ready to leave but stopped when I heard him, "Y/n ah?"

"Yeah?" I said looking at him waiting for him to finish.

He got up and walked to me, "Don't worry about me too much. I need to do this for us. I'll trying to finish this as soon as possible. I know I'm hurting you, I'm sorry. I'll be done with this soon." He spoke as he held one of my hand and caressed my cheek with the other one.

I unknowingly leaned into his touch as I looked at him in the eyes.

"I know. I'll always be here. Just don't push yourself too much. It worries me." I said as some tears made their way into my eyes making them look glossy.

Taehyung pulled me into a hug as I wrapped my arms around his waist as well. "Aigoo. Why are you getting so emotional hm? Nothing will happen to me." He whispered into my ear gently as he caressed my hairs.

"Trust your husband, hm?" He said as I nodded while hugging him more tightly burying my face into his hard chest.

We pulled out after some minutes as I wiped off my eyes.

He smiled at me before pecking my forehead making me look at him as he smiled again.

"I'll go now. Fighting Taehyung ssi!" I said as he smiled.

"Hm" He said as he watched me walk outside.

He knows how to lighten up my mood.

I smiled shyly as I walked to Jimin's cabin.

I opened the door to see him talking to jungkook.

"Aren't you working?" I asked them as they shook their heads.

"Not right now." Jungkook said.

I spoke, "Aigoo. Do you guys just make my husband work his ass off?"

"Did he complained?" Jimin said with widen eyes as a pout formed on his lips making him look really cute.

"No I'm just asking." I said as I took a seat beside him.

"Oh" Jungkook said as I nodded.

"um there's a big project this time. If we succeed in making the other party agree in doing the project with us, it'll be a great success for us since the other party is very famous and known as well." jimin explained.

"Oh." I said as I nodded.

"Yeah but it'll be a little hard for the company if they reject our offer to do the project together..." Jungkook said making me frown.

"Taehyung needs to do this for the company as well as for his family since he doesn't want them to get disappointed." Jimin said as I frowned more.

"I wish it'd work out well." I said as they nodded.

"yeah. Everyone's working really hard because of all of this. Once they agree, it won't be this hard. Since we'll be working together." I nodded my head in response.

"What's the party for today?" I asked them.

"It wasn't necessary for our company to be there but since the other company's CEO decided to tell us his decision at the party, we need to be there." Jungkook spoke.

"will you guys be there as well?" I asked once again as jimin nodded.

"Oh okay." I said.

We kept talking to each other but soon Jungkook went back to his cabin since he needed to work as well.

I sat with jimin as he kept telling me about stuff. He's a interesting person.

One thing for sure is that you can't get bored if you're with him.

"you're the same age as jungkook, aren't you y/n ah?" He said as I nodded.

"You should call me oppa then." he said as I looked at him.

"Oppa? Jiminie oppa?" I giggled as he chuckled as well.

"Yah" suddenly the door opened.


There you guys go! :)

Please share if you like the story!

Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed.

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