《My Cold Husband》Changes


I've been seeing Taehyung working late nights these days. He's even getting moody.

Is he probably getting tired of me or is he just stressed about work?

It's not that he yells at me for no reason. Well um kind of for no reason.

We have a argument, he gets angry and storm away. This is exactly what was happening right now.

“I told you not to touch those files y/n.” He said trying to control himself.

“But Taehyung I couldn't leave your office room messy. I just put them on the table right after cleaning.” I explained.

“They're not in the right order!” He spoke looking at me with eyes wide open.

“Taehyung the page inside are just in order. You can put the file back in order! You know what's in them so you can easily put them back in order.” I said.

“why don't you understand it y/n ah? I don't so much time to waste!” he yelled at me.

“It won't take long Taehyung. And okay if you don't have much time then let me help you. I'll put them back in order. You can go continue your work.” I spoke looking at him.

He glared at me before speaking, “whatever I'll do it! Just... Don't touch my stuff ever again.” He walked away before slamming the door shut.

It's just tiring me. I understand that Taehyung is somehow hurting but why can't he share it with me?

Again he's just gonna spend his night in his office room working til morning and then will leave to office right after having breakfast.

I may sound selfish but Its just hurting me too. The way he behaves and gets mad at me for no literal reason makes no sense to me.

The Taehyung I married wouldn't get mad if I gave him his coffee some minutes late.


He's being too stressed and punctual.

He comes back home from the company and change before walking to his office room.

He didn't even had his dinner yet.

I sighed before hesitantly walking to his office room.

The last time I went to call him for dinner he just got very angry at me. What if he yell at me again?

I knock on the door lightly but I got no response so I knocked again but a little louder this time.

But sadly there was no response again.

I opened the door a little but to my no surprise Taehyung was inside. He was working with so much concentration.

“Taehyung...?” I spoke in a low tone. But I frowned when I heard no response from him.

I called him again, “Tae..hyung..?” I said a little louder.

“what is it now y/n?” He said making my frown more deeper.

“Do you want to eat now?” I asked hesitantly.

“No.” He said and went back to work.

“Taehyung ssi. You shouldn't skip meals. Please at least eat a little.” I said coming inside the room.

“I'm not hungry y/n.” He said sighing but still didn't move his eyes from the computer screen.

“Taehy-” I started speaking again but was instantly cut off by him.

“Leave.” He said in a low tone.

“What..?” I said making sure he actually told me to leave.

He looked up at me and spoke, “didn't I say I don't want to eat? Why can't you understand?”

Why is he being so rude?

I kept looking at him in the eyes as I sighed a little before leaving.

It's of no use. If I stay more longer he's probably gonna say much more rude things.

I fell on the bed letting at least my body relax, even though my heart couldn't.


Why can't he open up? I'm trying to be there for him. Why can't he let me in?

I laid down on the bed for sometime as I kept turning nd tossing around thinking about how to make him feel better. But it was all in vain. I didn't even felt sleepy.

I just couldn't sleep knowing my husband is working day and night, putting his everything into it.

I looked at the time and it was past 1:30 Already.

Did the time really went by that quick?

I decided to check up on Taehyung again if he need anything.

I soundlessly walked toward his office room again and opened the door peeking in to see Taehyung sleeping on his chair.

It's nothing new. This is what he has been doing from about 1 week now.

What is he working so hard on?

I sighed as I walked in the room taking a good look at his face and features.

He's getting more pale. His lips are kinda dried up. He looks weak as well.

‘Why are you hurting Taehyung? You're hurting me as well.’ I mumbled silently as I caressed his cheek gently.

‘I think I like you.’ I smiled sadly to myself.

I held his hand which was kept on his thigh and sat down with my head on his lap.

To my surprise some of my tears, which I didn't knew were there, made their way out of my eyes.

I quickly wiped them off with my hand as I kept holding taehyung's hand with the other one and laid my head back down on his lap.

I slowly closed my eyes as I tried to sleep near him. And sleep eventually took over me as I fell into the blankness again .

(Author POV)

He woke up suddenly by the feeling of someone holding his hand.

He looked at his phone to check the time.

3:45 A.M.

He averted his gaze down to see his wife sleeping with her head on his lap as a cute pout was formed on her lips which made him smile.

His happy smile eventually turned into a sad smile as he remembered just how has been he treating his wife.

‘why are you like this Taehyung?’ He questioned himself as he tucked her hair strands behind her ear so that his Sleeping Beauty isn't disturbed in her sleep.

‘I'm sorry for hurting you like this.’ He mumbled caressing her cheek gently, feeling her soft skin against his thumb pad.

He gently picked her up, as if she was a light feather even more fragile than a butterfly wing, and started walking toward their room.

‘I want you to sleep comfortably. Don't hurt yourself because of me.’ He mumbled lightly as he smiled at her.

‘She's so beautiful. No way this beautiful angelic woman is my wife.’ He thought to himself as he continued to smile.

He gently laid her down on the bed as he laid beside her as well.

Pulling her a little closer to keep her warmer, he pulled the duvet over them pecking her forehead.

“Goodnight.” He whispered before smiling at the feeling of her body near his. He fell asleep with her.

Both the souls were hurting silent as they unknowingly held each other tight.


The reads have been increasing really quickly! Yesterday I was 1k and now it's past 1.5k. thank you so much you guys! You're literally so amazing!!❤

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