《My Cold Husband》Friendly Dinner


It's been some days since we met our families and honestly. I miss them.

I started going back to work. It's good to be back though it's kind of stressful. It's still good. Everyone welcomed me.

“Noona, I'll be leaving now. Take care.” Taejun said as he informed me.

“Oh okay. Take care well. Drive back home safely.” I said as he nodded and left the room.

I usually leave at 6 Since taehyung arrive back home at 7

Hobi and I had plans to have dinner together at home tonight so he was coming to pick me up. It's been long since we met.

Taehyung doesn't know about it yet since it was planned on the moment when I was about to leave so I just decided to call Taehyung when I reach back home.

Suddenly I heard a 'ding' sound indicating that there's a message on my phone.

I looked at the screen and saw Hobi's message which said that he is already here waiting for me.

I took my things along with my purse and started walking outside.

After I reached outside I saw Hobi waiting in the car making me instantly smile as a smile reached up his lips as well.

“I missed you!” I said quickly jumping in the car.

“Me tooooo! It's been really long.” he said as he giggled

“Yep how are you?” I asked him as he started the car.

“Good! How was Paris?” he asked excitedly.

“Amazing! You need to visit Paris once in your life.” I said with the same excitement.

“really?” he asked chuckling since he could feel my excitement just as i felt his.

“Yeah! And guess whaaaaat” I said dancing a little.

“what what what?” He asked.


“WHAT? NO WAY! REALLY? OH MY! THIS IS WHY I LOVE YOUUU” he said making me laugh.

Hobi and I kept talking about things that happened while we were away. We talked about Paris and our time there but then moved to taehyung.

“I'm glad he's opening up.” He said as I smiled.

“he makes it look as if it's not hard for him but I know it must be really hard.” I said as I smiled sadly thinking about how uncomfortable and hard it must be for him to change his habits like this.

“Don't worry. He's a strong man.” He said as I nodded.

“he is. Indeed.” I smiled remembering how he was okay showing me his emotions when we had argument in Paris.

“Do you like him?” He asked casually but his question somehow made me feel shy as I looked out of the window.

“Im not sure yet.” I said in a low tone.

“you're so shy.” he giggled a little making me embarrassed but suddenly he gasped as he looked at me.

He can probably see my half red face.

“DONT TELL ME YOU ALREADY DID IT.” he said almost making me choke on my saliva.

“wha- oh my god! It's nothing like that hobi ah. Oh my god I cannot believe you.” I said as I buried my face in my hands.

“Aigoo look at you. I wonder what will happen to you when the moment actually come.”

But his sentence made me feel more embarrassed.

“Stop! Stop stop!” I said as I hit his arm with my purse.

He started laughing, “okay stop hitting me! I'm driving.” he said giggling as I sat back on my seat.


After sometime we reached home. Hobi parked his car after which we stepped inside.

I sat Hobi down on the couch as I got water for him.

After sometime we decided to cook since it was 6:30 already.

I told Hobi I'd be calling taehyung first as he nodded his head.

I called Taehyung but he didnt respond so I decided to call him after some time.

•{Time skip}•

It was already 7 now so I decided to call him again.

“I'll go try calling him again.” I said to Hobi as he nodded his head once again.

But this time the call was picked up.

(On The Phone)

You :- Hello?

Taehyung :- Hello y/n ah!!!

It didn't sound like Taehyung

Taehyung :- I'm Jimin. Taehyung is driving.


You :- Oh um.. Where are you guys?

Taehyung (Jimin) :- jungkook and i are coming along with Taehyung.

I could hear someone talk in the back.

“Hyung. You know how to introduce someone who's your friend but you hate that person?” that sounded like jungkook.

“How???” I could hear a tired taehyung but it made me laugh since he sounded mad.

“‘Hello this is mf.’ if someone ask what mf means just say *my friend* isn't that so cool and useful?” He said making me laugh.

“ok whatever mf.” Taehyung said clearly done.

You :- oh okay.. Hosoek is here as well...

Taehyung (jimin) :- really? Taehyung ah hosoek hyung is there as well.

“okay” I heard taehyung's voice.

Taehyung (jimin) :- y/nie we are almost there. We'll see you in a bit okay?

You :- yeah okay. Take care.

I said as he ended the call.

I walked back to hobi and spoke, “jimin and jungkook are coming here with Taehyung”

“Really? It'll be fun.” he said as I hesitantly nodded my head.

I continued cooking as hobi just say there and talked to me. Suddenly we heard a doorbell.

“They're probably here. I'll go see.” I said as hobi nodded and took out his phone.

I opened the door and saw a jungkook smiling widely, “Y/niiieeeee” He said and pulled into a hug.

“Hey!” I spoke gently as I hugged him back.

He pulled back and spoke, “How have you been?”

“Oh come on let me greet her! Y/n ahhh” Jimin said and hugged me as well. I hugged him back awkwardly, “Hello jimin ssi! How are you?”

“I'm very goood!!! How are you?” He said still not letting me go but he was soon pulled back by Taehyung as he stood there tiredly.

“what are you guys doing? Don't make her uncomfortable.” He said as they stepped inside.

“Stop making excuses. You're just jealous that we openly hug your wife.” Jimin said as I pressed my lips to not laugh. Why is he always teasing him?

My Taehyungie looks so tired! Give him a break already.

Taehyung glared at him in response and spoke, “shut up.”

I cleared my throat and took Taehyung's bag from his hand, “um I'll get you guys water.” I said as Taehyung nodded.

“Where's hobi hyung?” Jungkook asked.

Just then Hobi came out of the kitchen, “Here!” He started giggling making me smile.

I put Taehyung's bag on the couch as I quickly got them water.

I took Taehyung's bag to put it into the room and walked toward our room but soon saw Taehyung in the room as well.

He took out the hoodie I bought for him and a sweatpants to wear as he walked into the bathroom.


He looks really tired.

I went downstairs as I saw all of them laughing, “what are you talking about?” I said to which they shook their head.

“Well it's nothing special. What were you guys doing before we came?” Jimin asked.

“We were cooking.” I spoke.

“Hosoek hyung! I didn't know you could cook.” jungkook spoke.

“Well I was sitting and talking and y/n was cooking.” He said rolling his eyes.

“do you want to eat now?” I asked them.

“Yeah it's 7:48 Already anyways.” kook said.

“Okay. You guys go and take your seats. I'll get Taehyung.” they nodded and walked to the kitchen.

Just then i saw Taehyung coming out, “Um y/n have you seen those files I kept on the table of my office room?”

I think for some seconds and spoke “Yeah I put them inside your bed side drawer.. The maids needed to clean your office room.” I said as he nodded.


“Let's go have dinner. Everyone's there already.” I said as he nodded again.

Taehyung took his seat as I got the food on the table so that everyone can eat as much as they want to.

I served everyone and served a plate for myself as well.

I took a seat next to hobi with jimin on the other side.

Everyone took their first bite as I asked them, “Does it taste okay for you guys?” I asked jimin and jungkook since hobi and Taehyung has already ate the food I have cooked for like many times now.

“It's delicious! Why don't bring lunch for us as well when you do for tae, y/n ah?” Jimin spoke as he took another bite.

“Really? Do you like it that much?” I said as I smiled.

“Of course! It taste amazing!” Jungkook spoke with his mouth full making me giggle a little.

I took a bite and it actually tasted good. Wow well..

The whole we kept talking except for Taehyung, he just sat silently and ate.

Did he perhaps not like the food? Or he's tired? I thought he'd talk since his friends are here as well...

“What's wrong?” Jungkook asked me as I came out of my thoughts and smiled at him.

“Nothing. Why do you ask?” I asked him.

“You were frowning while looking at Taehyung hyung.” He said shrugging as I heard jimin speaking.

“Jungkook ah. Are you interrupting y/n?” he said smiling mischievously

“What...? Do you mean...? I'm not doing anything.” I said looked at him cluelessly.

“Yeeeeeep.” He said still smiling.

“Yah! I told you guys not to bother her, didn't i?” Taehyung said rubbing his temples.

“Aigoo. You're too possessive.” Jimin said.

“Anyways I'm done! Thank you y/n ah. It was a great meal. Pack us some food when you give lunch to Taehyung next time.” Jimin said smiling.

I nodded my head and smiled back, “sure.”

Everyone got up to go to the living room as I picked up the dishes to wash them.

I quickly did the dishes as I heard everyone talking.

“don't tell you didn't even kiss her yet!” Jimin said making me feel embarrassed. Oh. He's being too loud. Whats wrong with him?

“Yah! That's their personal life hyung. It isn't Only tae hyung but also Y/n. So we need to respect their privacy.” Jungkook spoke.

Do they really talk about that stuff? This is so awkward. How will I go out now? I'm almost done with the dishes.

“Aish. Go back home.” I heard Taehyung.

“You can't kick us out hyung.” Jungkook said.

“I can.” he said.

“oh come on Taehyung ah.” Hobi said, “Jimin stop asking him about their personal life.”

“Okay! I'm sorry.” he said.

“I hope y/n didn't hear you. It'd make her so comfortable if she did.” Hobi said.

How can I not when you guys are this loud?

I decided to go there since if I stayed here for long, it'd be obvious that I heard them since there werent a lot of dishes.

I dried my hands and walked to everyone, “Um I'm back.” I said clearing my throat.

“Yay! Take a seat here.” Jungkook said pulling me down.

After I sat down we talked for a while. I noticed Taehyung looking at me but I didn't looked back. I'm embarrassed.

•{Time skip}•

“oh it's look it's past 9 already.” Hobi said checking the time, “We should leave now, it's late.”

“Yeah.” Jimin and jungkook agreed while nodding their head.

“Bye y/n ah! We'll meet you again soon!” Jimin said as he genuinely smiled and patted my head. I nodded my head as I smiled back at him.

“Take care.”

“You too!” I smiled as jungkook came.

“Bye y/nie! I'll miss you! Take care.” he spoke.

“Aww me too. Take care as well.” I said poking his cheeks as we smiled.

They bid their bye to Taehyung as I said a bye to hobi.

“I'll miss you.” I said frowning as I hugged him tight.

“Aww boo! I'll do too. You take care of yourself okay? We'll meet again.” He said as I nodded still hugging him.

“I love you.” He said as I smiled.

“Me too! Take care! Meet me again soon.” I pulled out as he smiled and nodded.

I said a bye at them as he went to the car with jimin and jungkook. He said he'd drop him off to Taehyung's company so that they can get their cars as well.

Before closing the door, I waved at them for the last time as they drove away.

“Let's sleep.” Taehyung said as I nodded.

I changed my clothes quickly as I was Taehyung with some files on the bed.

I quickly took a seat on my side of the bed as Taehyung put his files aside and spoke, “Um about what Jimin said.. Don't mind him he's just like that. But he genuinely thinks of you as a friend, I can tell that. He isn't a pervert. He's just easily comfortable around people..” Taehyung said. How did he know I heard them?

“How did yo-” He cut me off as he spoke.

“Um it was obvious since he was really loud. Plus you seemed pretty uncomfortable to me...” He said.

“Um.. It's okay.. I'm sorry you have to get embarrassed in front of your friends because of me..” I said awkwardly since it was a awkward conversation. It isn't supposed to be but it is for me..

“Hey. You don't need to feel like that okay? It's nothing like that. Besides its our personal life. I'd never want to make you uncomfortable and I'm sorry if I ever did, I did that unintentionally.” he spoke, “I won't ever touch you unless you're comfortable with me and give me the consent to do so.” he explained as he looked at me but I couldn't look back at him.

Why am I so shy around him?

“It's okay Taehyung ssi..” I said in a low tone since I was extremely shy by now!

Taehyung nodded and smiled sweetly as he looked at me for a while but I kept looking down.

“Uh let's sleep.” I said I looked anywhere but at him.

He nodded his head again lying down on the bed as I did the same.

He pulled the duvet over us as I faced the wall.

Taehyung turned off the lights as I felt him pecking my head from behind and whispering a 'goodnight'.

I smiled at his gesture and spoke “goodnight Taehyung”.

I felt him smile as he let out a sigh. And we both slept silently.


Thank you guys for reading! I'm so shocked we had 700 reads already. It's a lot for me really!

I hope everyone is well and happy! Please tell me if I can help in any way. I appreciate your support.


Please share if you like the story!

Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed.

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