《My Cold Husband》Home


"Finally! home sweet home!" I said happily as taehyung plopped himself on the couch.

"Should I get you water?" I asked Taehyung since he looked tired.

"hm." He said as I nodded.

I walked toward the kitchen and quickly filled a glass of water for him.

"Here." I said handing him the glass.

He took the glass from me as he drank it, handing me the glass back.

"I'll go change." He said standing up.

Taehyung took the some suitcase with him to the room as I helped him with the others.

Taehyung took his clothes and went to the bathroom to change.

I decided to change as well since my clothes werent very comfortable either.

I quickly went to another room to change after which I came back to our room.

Taking out our suitcase to put back the clothes in the closet.

Taehyung came back from the bathroom as he looked at me.

"what are you doing?" He asked.

"Putting our clothes back?" I said looking at him.

"Oh okay... I'll go quickly cook something for dinner in the meantime." He said.

"Do you how to cook?" I asked him surprised since I didn't knew he had time to learn cooking.

"Um yeah.. I do.." He said.

"Um okay.. Do you want me help? Or I can make something and then quickly finish this?" I said offering help as he shook his head.

"No. That's fine." he said.

•{Time Skip}•

"Y/n ah. Dinner is ready." Taehyung called.

"Oh okay." I said getting up.

I was almost done with the clothes. I just had some of Taehyung's clothes to put back.

I put aside the suitcase that had gifts in it.

"What did you make?" I asked him.

"Tteokbeokki" He said as I sat down ready to taste the food he cooked for us for the first time.

He served two plates as he put one infront of me.

I took a bite which made Taehyung swiftly look at me.

"It's very good Taehyung ssi." I said giving him a thumbs up as he smiled at me.

"Is it?" He asked taking a bite as well.


"yes. I didn't knew you could cook so deliciously. If I knew I've made you cook all the time." I giggled joking as he said smiled at me.

"Where did you learn cooking?" I asked him.

"I used to cook for myself when eomma appa used to be busy in Company back when I was a kid." He said as I looked at him

"It must be hard." I said smiling sadly at him.

"It's okay now." He said giving me a assuring smile.

I nodded my head and mumbled quietly, 'I'll take care of you now.'

"Where did you learn cooking though?" he asked.

"Yoongi Oppa and Jin Oppa. Jin Oppa and namjoon Oppa used to visit us often back then so it was easier to spend time with them doing anything." I said as he nodded.

"you know once. Yoongi Oppa and jin Oppa had a argument since I accidentally cut my finger while cooking with Jin Oppa. But it wasnt very serious though Yoongi Oppa was so mad at jin oppa, jin Oppa didn't mind and kept saying sorry. They looked like little kids." I said chuckling remembering my old days.

"Yoongi hyung is very protective over you, isn't he?" He asked as he smiled listening to me.

"Hm." I said, "why would you ask...?"

"Uh nothing." he said.

"Tell me. Did he say something to you?" I asked gasping.

"No it's not that. Well I dont really mind since I understand his point of view." he said making me nod.

"Im done." He said as I finished as well.

"I'll go do the dishes quickly." I said running to the kitchen.

After I was done. I went to our room and saw Taehyung on the bed putting his clothes in the closet.

"I'm sorry I was just about to do it.. You can sleep. I'll do it." I said.

"It's okay. Let me help." he spoke.

"You're tired." I said.

"You're too. Let's do it quickly so we can both sleep." He said as I sighed and nodded my head


After I was done I asked taehyung what was in the suitcase that he kept near the gifts.

"Oh these? Um I bought some things as well." he said taking out the suitcase as I sat on the bed.

"This is for eomma and appa. And this for Jihoon." He said showing me the gifts he bought for them, "This for Taejun since he always wanted this." He said showing me a pair of shoes.

"um I didn't knew what hyungs would like so I just got them all gucci belts. Is that okay?" He asked.

"Hm. It's fine of course." I said smiling at him but what he spoke next surprised me.

"And um I kind of got these for you?" He said in a questioning way.

I saw him taking out a chanel bag. It was brown in colour.

"How is it?" He asked as I tried on the purse on myself.

"It looks very beautiful. I like it." I said happily as he smiled.

"I'm glad you liked it. Um put it on as well..." He said taking out a small box.

"I thought it would look good on you..." he said taking out a silver necklace and handing it to me. It's Dior's I guess.

I put on the necklace and looked at Taehyung.

"It looks pretty does it?" I said after I looked at myself in the mirror.

He just nodded and smiled, "Hm" and then turning around again, "These for you. As well." He said taking out another box.

"What is it?" I asked excitedly with a smile.

"Heels." He said.

"Heels?" I said looking at him.

"Yeah since you wear them a lot." he said making me nod.

"Try these on" He said putting away all the other things except for the suitcase that still had a lot of things in it.

They were Gucci's. They look pretty though.

I put those on as Taehyung stood up looking at my feets.

"Are they okay?" He asked holding my hand since the heel was kind of longer than the ones I usually wear.

"Yeah.." I said holding his hand as he helped me walk closer.

"Are they comfortable?" he asked me as I nodded my head.

"Yeah they're comfortable than the ones I usually wear but the heel is kind of longer. Don't worry I'll get used to it." I said as he nodded.

He made me sit on the bed as he gently started taking the heels off of my feets.

"I'll do it taehyung." I said pushing him a little but he didn't budge.

"Its okay. Let me." he said making me sigh since I knew he wouldn't give up.

"don't wear them a lot if they get uncomfortable okay?" He said as I nodded my head.

"Um these are also for you." He said taking another box but it had shoes in it.

Gucci as well.

My man is a Gucci boi.

He helped wear those as I stood up looking at my feets and then at Taehyung. He was just smiling.

I look short..

"Are they comfortable?" He asked holding my hand again as I looked down at my feets once more.

"Hm thank you!" I said smiling.

"Wear these often." He said as I looked at him, "I don't really mind people. I like your height. And I want you to be as real as you can be. You don't have to change yourself for me." He said making me smile.

"Thank you." I said looking at him as he smiled and patted my head lightly.

"it's okay." he said, "Let's sleep now."

I nodded my head and took off the shoes putting them in a place.

Taehyung went under the covers as I did the same after putting the gifts in my closet.

"Thank you Taehyung ssi. I loved everything." I said.

"Hm. Sleep well." He said as I smiled.

"Good night." I said.

He turned off the lights as we both slept next to each other.


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