《My Cold Husband》Day Two


“Are you ready?” Taehyung asked me.

“Yep. Let's go.” I said coming out of the bathroom after getting dressed.

He nodded walking out of the room as I followed him as well.

We were now going to have our breakfast first. It's 11 A.M. I let him sleep today. I mean it's a vacation so why not? I should let him rest.

We sat down on a table as a waitress came over our table to get our orders.

“What would you like sir?” She asked him.

“Two pasta with cola.” He ordered as she flirted with him.

“Anything else you would like sir?” she asked him as he shook his head turning to me.

“You can ask my wife if she wants something.” He said making me almost snort infront of her. Pft my man is already married sis.

“Do you want something?” She asked with a annoyed face.

“can you instead bring one fruit juice and one cola?” I said.

“Ok.” she said and walked away. Taehyung looked at my face as I did the same. But just as I turned to look at him he turned his face to the other side.

After Taehyung and I were done eating. The same waitress came back again.

“Did you enjoying the food sir?” she asked him passing the bill to him.

“Yes thank you.” he said politely as he paid the bill. She handed him a slip though. I wonder what it has.

I saw Taehyung looking on slip as I could see some numbers on it from the back. Did she gave him her number? Infront of me? His wife?

I saw Taehyung taking the slip and standing up smirking as she smirked as well. I stood up. Is he happy about this?

“Don't ever dare try this with me again if you don't want to lose your job.” he said as the waitress' smirk was dropped down.

“Let's go.” He said looking at me with a straight face again. He just rejected her infront of me.

I saw him quickly leaving from there after throwing the piece of paper in her feets. I ran toward him to keep up with his pace but he eventually slowed down seeing me struggling.

I kept walking beside him as I felt his hand brushed against mine. I decided to ignore it and not think much but not until he held my hand in his.


He held my hand tight, not tight enough for it hurt, as I looked to him walking with a serious face.

Is he mad about that waitress ?

He's such a cute baby.

I intertwined our fingers as I looked down shyly and walked quietly. Surprisingly he didn't say anything he was okay with us holding hands like this. But I did noticed his expression softening.

We reached a shop as I noticed nice things in it.

I took taehyung inside as he followed me quietly and didn't say anything. What has gotten him so quiet?

I saw braided bracelets as I instantly wanted to get it for us. They had a couple pair which they quickly showed after seeing us. Pft. We do look like a good couple.

To my surprise Taehyung didnt mind me buying a couple pair. He just paid for it and wore it since I wanted him to, after wearing mine.

After i was done we decided to visit some places. He knew so much about Paris though. He took to so many places as I just decided to follow him and enjoyed a lot.

Well. He didn't do much though he just stood there with a little smile and took my pictures when I told him to.

I even took some pictures of him and forced him to take pictures together. He's very patience. He doesn't mad at me when i whine like a kid. Instead he would just huff and say okay.

After sometime Taehyung took us to a mall as I wanted to get something for our families too. I got jihoon plushies and a bottle of branded lotion hehe and hand bags & lipstick for both of my eommas. I got both of my Appas wrist watch. And decided to get Taejun a shirt.

I decided to get something for him as a gift. So I got a perfume for him.

“Do you like the fragrance?” I asked him as he tried it.

“Hm.” He replied shortly making me frown as little as I quickly smiled again.

“should I get another one?” I asked him.

“No. It's good.” He said as I nodded.

“Okay.” I said as I got it for him. He insisted on paying but I didn't let him. I'm giving a gift. Obviously I wouldn't let him. But he somehow managed to get me to let him pay for other things.


I was confused on what to get for yoongi Oppa but decided to get a tie for him, it'd look good on him though since oppa likes to wear tie with his suit. I then got a wallet for Jin Oppa and a book, that according to them was the best & a pair of shoes for Namjoon Oppa.

I decided to get hobi multiple pair of clothes. They were branded of course. The costed me tons of money. But okay anything for my besssstieeeee.

I started looking for more things for him as I suddenly noticed a hoodie. It was a simple grey hoodie with ‘belle floraison fleur’ written in black. It meant ‘Beautiful blossoming flower’ I decided to get it for Taehyung.

Where did he go? He was with me just now and now it's gone somewhere. So I decided to just get it.

After I was done paying I saw him coming with some bags in his hand.

Did he buy something?

“Where would you go?” I asked him.

“Nowhere. Let's go quickly Its getting dark outside.” He said as I nodded and followed him.

7:48 P.M. woah is it really that late? I didn't noticed it though. It was a tiring day.

“Let's put this in our room then we can go and have our dinner okay?” He said as I nodded.

He had a lot of bags with him. And after seeing me struggling with my bags, he took some from me too.

‘Oh my husband. Why are you so sweet and caring? Don't! My heart started melting’ I internally said to myself as I mentally cried.

After we reached our room Taehyung put the bags down near our suitcase.

“Do you want to go out and eat or do you want me to order here?” he asked as he crouched down settling the bags.

“Let's just order here.” I said as he nodded.

“Okay. Go get changed.” I nodded my head and took some of my clothes.

After I was done I came out to see him on a call. He's probably ordering food.

I took out the bag which had his hoodie in it.

He sighed softly and sat down on the bed.

“Are you tired?” I asked him.

“A little bit. Are you?”

“a little bit.” I said repeating his words as he faced me.

“I got this for you..” I said handing him the hoodie.

“This one too?” he said as I nodded nervously.

Did he not want me to get anything for him?

“you already brought so many things y/n ah. You could called me. I'd have paid.” he said looking at him.

“I know you don't want me to spend too much of my money but that is okay Taehyung. Just because I use the money I earned doesn't make you any less of a good husband. You're always the best. And I want to do just as much as I can for you.” I said looking at him.

He sighed again, “I know but I want you to spend the money I earn for us Y/n ah.”

“Okay okay. I'll spend all your money now okay? I'll waste it all and then you'll have to keep on working hard for us. I'll go back again tomorrow and get the whole mall. With your money.” I said seriously as he chuckled a little.

Did he just chuckle for the first time ever? He sounds so good. I should have recorded him.

I looked at him lovingly as he spoke, “I want you to spend our money wisely not waste it like that.” he says chuckling a little.

“You're so handsome” I said unknowingly as I kept looking at him.

His eyes showed softness as he dived his eyes into mine as well.

“And you're beautiful.” I heard him as he gently held my hand pulling me closer.

We leaned into each other slowly as I could feel the whole world slowing down more.

Something, there was. In his eyes. Something I couldn't understand. He gently held my neck with his other hand as he stopped right infront of my face.

He caressed my cheek with his hand still on my neck. I looked at his eyes which seemed to pour some different emotions in them as he kept his gaze fixed on mine.

They were different. Was it perhaps trust? Do he trust me?

We slowly closed our eyes ready to devour each other's lips for the first time.


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