《My Cold Husband》Day One


“Ah! I feel good after sleeping.” I said stretching out.

We just came out of the plane and got our belongings. I was pretty comfortable in the plane though.

“You sure did sleep well” Taehyung mumbled.

“Why? Did I do something?” I asked panicking.

“Huh? Um No..? Just guessed...?” He said nervously.

“Oh okay.” I said smiling walking toward the taxi as Taehyung followed me.

The ride to our hotel was pretty quiet. taehyung didnt say much, I didn't either.

I looked outside of the window

quite often. It was very good view. Though I had a better view on my other side. If you know, you know?

We reached the hotel and walked in. After some minutes Taehyung got the key to our room. Surprisingly our room was booked as well.

“Do you want to eat something?” Taehyung asked as he took my suitcase in his hand and put it near his.

“No.. I'm good for now.. Are you hungry?” I asked him.

“No I was just asking you.”

“Are you tired?” I asked as he nodded a little.

“I am. A little bit.” he said.

“Oh um you should rest and sleep. I'll go take a bath.” I said as he nodded.

I let him change his clothes first as he went to bed.

I walked to the bathroom taking my clothes with me.

I came after taking bath for 1 hour.

Took too long didn't I? Im taking my time to enjoy in Paris.

I dried my hairs and laid beside him.

I wasn't sleeping though. I just had nothing else to do.

Suddenly I saw taehyung waking up.

“You're sleeping?” He said wiping off his eyes so cutely.

“no.” I said as he just nodded.


“Should I order something?” He said as I nodded. He is probably hungry though. He didn't eat anything.

“Okay.” He nodded getting up.

He order our food after he was done washing his face.

I used my phone and he used his laptop doing something as our dinner was not yet delivered.

“are you working?” I asked him.

“Hm? No.” He said taking a look at me and back to his laptop.

“Oh um okay..” I said

“Do you want to do something?” He asked me.

“Sure?” I said nervously.

“Okay... Do you want to talk?” He said.

“Sure.” I smiled. He nodded his head, putting away his laptop after turning it off.

“Uh so how'd you and hosoek hyung meet?” he asked me.

“Oh hobi and I? Ummm we met at a library. I didn't really have much friends that time except for my Oppa. Although jin Oppa was like a friend but he can't be with me all the times.” I said as he nodded.

“I used be a pretty emotional back when I met him. He was a really considerate and good human. So we slowly became friends.”

“Yeah. Though our companies have never worked together. We still are friends.” He said.

“How do you know him though?” I asked.

“Jimin. They were friends. Really good friends. Jimin and I have been friends since childhood. Yoongi hyung doesn't know him though. We didn't go to the same school. Yoongi hyung and I would neighbours so we played together all the time. Anyways so we were parted since we had to move to Australia. We'd still contact each other back then. Even though we were in different countries. That's why I would consider him as my soulmate.” He said smiling making me smile as well.


“really? Do I have a competition then?” I pouted.

“No.” He said making me smile shyly as he continued, “I know we're arranged but that doesn't matter.”

“even If we're arranged, I'm still yours and..." he spoke coming closer to my ear and whispered, "you're mine" he smirked seeing me. My embarrassed state.

How did this man changed from cold to flirty.

Why do you do this to me Kim Taehyung? I bet he is enjoying seeing me like this.

I didn't react anything. I couldn't. It was so awkward. It's not often for me to encounter such moments.

Just then the doorbell rang making me sigh in relief since Taehyung, whose eyes was on me, averted his eyes to the door as he smiled a little.

It's probably the food.

And I was correct. Taehyung and I ate in silence which was kind of awkward for me. But okay?

After we were done eating. We laid down on the bed to sleep.

The bed is actually pretty comfortable. Though our bed is more comfortable. It's good as well.

“Where do you want to go tomorrow?” He asked.

“anywhere.” I replied.

“okay.” he said.

He didn't speak anything after that. Did he sleep? I'm kinda sleepy too.

Do I sleep a lot these days? Oh my. What if it comes a habit?

It won't.

I hope.

He suddenly faced my side. Is he starting to get comfortable around me? It warms my heart. He looks so good even when sleeping. How is he so ethereal.

The way the moonlight makes his skin shine more beautifully bright. The way he slowly breathe as his chest slowly goes up and down.

The way he moves his lips a little in his sleep like a kid is so cute but if he isn't the most manly man when awake.

Don't get me wrong. I'm just admiring his beauty. Anyone would be amazed by how this man is so beautiful when he literally doesn't do much for his face. It just comes naturally.

I'm not in love with him though. It's just I'm grateful to him. For being a good human to me. If it was for someone else they probably wouldn't treat me this nicely.

He respect me and my choices. I'm glad he doesn't treat me like a nobody.

He's perfect though. Not his face. Well his face is perfect but it's his personality that attracts me more. He may show himself as a little cold but he knows how to behave and when. He knows what kind of emotions are needed to be used at what situations.

I sometimes feel like wow my husband is so mature but look at me. So immature.

Anyone would wish to have a husband like him. He may be cold but he never talks coldly with me. And I know he's trying hard to not bring his cold side infront of me.

Is it hard for him?

It must be.

I looked at him asleep as I slowly move his bangs from his eyes. I'm proud of him.

“I'm so glad you're my husband” I mumbled quietly and closed my eyes to sleep.


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