《My Cold Husband》Date Night?


(Taehyung POV)

I was coming back from the meeting room with jimin and jungkook, it went for two hours I wonder if Y/n is okay.

It was 5:48 P.M. right now.

“so.. How's everything between you two?” Jimin asked me.

“Good.” I said simply as he nodded his head.

He reached by his cabin as I saw y/n sleeping silently.

Aish this girl. She's too cute.

A soft smile took place on my lips as jungkook nudged me, “Mm hm?” He said wiggling his eyebrows.

“what?” I said and cleared my throat. I almost got caught.

Isn't that obvious for a husband to like his wife to be happy and peaceful. What's wrong with them and their looks?

“I'll take her to my cabin.” I said as jimin stopped me.

“We're gonna work for a while. Just leave after some minutes. Go complete the files left and let her sleep here for a while then you can leave with her.” he said as I sighed and nodded my head.

She might wake up if I carry her there.

I went to my cabin and started working on the files kept on my desk.

After sometime I checked the time and it was 6:55 P.M. already.

I should leave. Y/n is probably up by now.

I went to Jimin's cabin and saw him working.

“Where's y/n?” I asked him as I couldn't find y/n anywhere.

“She's with jungkook. They left some minutes before. I had to make them leave since I started working.” he said and sighed, I nodded my head and walked to Jungkook's cabin.

“Jungkook ah, did he really do that? Aigoo he's so cute.” I heard y/n laughing. I smiled hearing her smile for the first time.

She's usually nervous around me, she sounds happy with him.

Who are they talking about though?


I opened the door and saw y/n and jungkook still laughing. No wonder why Jimin kicked them out.

I cleared my throat to get this attention which I succeeded in.

“oh hyung.” Jungkook said looking at me meanwhile y/n turned to me smiling widely.

“Hm” I replied to jungkook and turned to y/n, “I'm done working for today. Let's go back home.” I said as she got up making jungkook get up as well.

“I had a great time with you today jungkook. Thank you! See you soon.” She smiled at him.

But jungkook, being the bunny he is, quickly leaned in for a hug.

That's my wife bro.

Y/n hugged back making me internally sigh.

“No problem. I had fun too. I'll text you later.” he said as she nodded.

They broke the hug and followed me after she said bye.

(Y/n POV)

I was silently following him as he walked to his car.

He quietly sat in car and I did the same as he started the car and drove somewhere.

“um how was your day?” I asked him breaking silence.

“Good.” He said making me fail at my attempt of starting a conversation.

I tried again though, “Are you tired?” but this time he just shook his head as ‘no’.

Come on! Don't be like this taehyung ssi.

Last try! If this doesn't work. I won't talk.

“How was the meeting?” I asked him.

“It went well. Although it was kind of hard to convince them but we did it.” he replied.

“Really? I'm glad it went well. I'm happy for you and your company.” I said and smiled.

“No one ever told me that though.” He mumbled quietly but I heard it.

Was his hard work not appreciated?

I saw him driving in some direction other than the home's.

“Where.. Are we going...?” I asked him.


“To have dinner?” He answered me as I nodded my head.

Did he not like my cooking? Pft looks like that.

Or! Is he taking me out on a date? Hehe I've never been on a date. Except for some friendly dates with my friends.

We reached infront of a restaurant and he parked the car.

As I was getting out. A realization hit me.

“shit.” I mumbled but he heard it.

“what's wrong?” he asked as he came to my side.

“I think I forgot my purse in your office.” what if he thinks I'm using his money though? whats wrong with meeee! How could I forget my purse somewhere?

“Oh is your phone in your purse?” he asked as I shook my head.

“Thats fine then. I'll get it tomorrow.”

“But-” I was about to speak but got cut off.

“That's fine. Just come. I've my card.” He said and started walked inside. I followed him quietly.

We sat down on table, that was near window, as a waitress came to take our order.

Taehyung ordered his good as I looked at least expensive food and ordered it.

“so um how was your day?” He asked me.

“huh? Yeah it was good.. I had fun” I said looking down at my fingers.

“is something wrong?” he asked as I shook my head.

“okay...” he said taking out his phone and started using it. As I looked out of the window. But did the same after some time.

Soon our orders were served and we ate in silence.

After we were done eating, he paid the bill and we left.

We decided to take a walk and then go back home.

We kept walking on the streets as I saw a necklace in the shop.

It was kept inside a box. It was small and looked cute. But stupid me had to forget my purse.

Why am I like this?

My thoughts were cut off as taehyung spoke, “do you want that?”

“hm? No. I was just looking” I said and looked down but I could see his eyes were on me.

“come on. Let's get it for you.” he said and started walking toward the shop.

“No taehyung it's fine. I don't need it.” I said but then realized I just called him Taehyung. But to my surprise he didn't reacted much on that.

He sighed and looked at me, “you know I'm earning for you and our future family y/n. That's fine. You don't need to feel ashamed to ask your husband to buy you something.” he said as I nodded my head.

“That's fine okay? Let's go now.” He said as we walked in the shop.

He bought it for me. It was pretty expensive though. But he didn't mind and said it was nothing.

“Thank you..” I said as he helped me wear it.

“It looks good on you.” he said and smiled.

I smiled back at him, “really?”

“yeah wait.” He said as he took out his phone taking a picture of me and showing it to me.

It does look good though...

I smiled. “Thank you for this.” I said as he nodded his head.

“Let's go back home. Its getting chilly.” he said as we walked back to the car and drove to home.

After we reached home. We went to out and got changed.

We laid on the bed as he turned off the lights.

“Good night” I wished.

“Night.” he faced and wished back.

And we slept.


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