《My Cold Husband》Marriage Day Pt. 2


The only lights present in the hall was on us as we slowly walked to the stage with our arms interlocked.

I saw Hobi standing aside with oppa as he gave me a thumbs up, I smiled a little at him, my eyes were then diverted to Eomma who wiping her tears with appa rubbing her back.

We reached the stage as everyone was looking at us in a awe.

The lights were on now as our parents came and gave us the rings.

We exchanged our rings as everyone clapped and cheered for us.

We turned to the priest waiting for him to continue the rest.

He spoke, “Do you Kim Taehyung swear to take Min Y/n as your beloved wife through the thick & thin and the ups & downs of life?”

“I do.” Taehyung spoke with a calm face as he held my hands more tightly but not tight enough to hurt.

The priest then turned to me, “Do you Min Y/n swear to take Kim Taehyung as your beloved husband through the thick & thin and the ups and down of life”

“I do.” I said softly as I looked in Taehyung's eyes which he already had on me.

But this time, his eyes showed a little more than calmness. I saw hope in his eyes.

Regardless of how much he did not show on his face, I could see a lot in his eyes. If not a lot, then at least more than the emotions he usually shows in his eyes.

Was he hopeful about this marriage? Does he have expectations from this marriage ?

The priest smiled, “I, now, declare you both as Husband and Wife. The groom may now kiss the bride.”

I wasn't worried knowing its my first kiss and it'll be stolen by the man who I don't know and was arranged with.

I knew it had to happen. I was prepared.

I'm gonna spend the rest of my life with him. There's no point in panicking.

Taehyung leaned closer to me, lessening the distance between us. Not too fast. Not too slow. It was a normal pace.

He let go of one of my hand while holding the other safely in his.

He cupped my face with his hand and lightly pecked my forehead and smiled after pulling away making me smile back shyly.

Everyone started cheering and clapping more loudly for us. As we heard cheerings behind us too. Taehyung's friends were there, along with Oppa and hobi.

I looked down smiling shyly as I was in a awe at his gentleman gesture.

After some minutes one by one guests came to congratulate us and give us gifts.

It has probably 30 minutes now of me standing beside Taehyung as everyone come and wish us a happy married life.

“Y/n, this is Mr. Song Jinseo, he is a business partner and a good friend of mine.” Taehyung continued to introduce me to everyone.

“Hello Mr. Song! Nice to meet you.” I continued to bow and greet them with a smile.

“Aren't you gonna introduce us to your wife, Taehyung ah?” A guy, that was with him on the door too, came forward with another guy.

He is a bit taller than the guy he spoke, and probably the same height as Taehyung.

“Aish Jimin, let the others come first.” Taehyung said.


“Oh come on hyung! There's not much people left. Besides it won't take too long plus we have to go back to our homes too.” The taller guy said.

“Ignore him jungkook ah. Lets introduce us by ourselves.” The guy, Taehyung called Jimin, said, as the jungkook guy nodded his head pushing Taehyung aside making him sigh.

“Hello Y/n! I'm Jimin, I'm Taehyung's best friend. He didn't want to introduce us, no wonder why. I mean you're so beautiful!” He said with a smile and I swear he has a really cute smile. His smile is meeting his eyes, as his eyes shut close, but not totally.

“Oh thank you so much!” I bowed to him, “You look handsome as well!” I said and smiled at him.

“Really? Do I?” He said smiling and looking at me, his gaze is a bit flirty but I don't think he mean it since Taehyung is standing right beside me.

“Hyung! Step aside.” The Jungkook guy spoke, “Hello Y/n ssi! I'm jungkook, nice to meet you! me and Tae hyung are brother-like-Friends.” He said with a bunny smile. Aww he looks so cute with that smile. I want to squish his cheeks but I just met him and Taehyung is right beside me.

I smiled at him, “Hello jungkook ssi! Nice to meet you.”

“Tae, do you really need he-” As Jimin was speaking he was cut off by a hobi slightly pulling me aside.

“Hyung what are you trying to do?” Taehyung spoke suddenly pulling me behind his back.

Is he trying to protect me?

A warm smile took place on my lips seeing how he was being protective over me.

“Hosoek hyung! why are you pulling Y/n away?” Jungkook said looking at hobi shockingly.

“It's not like that Taehyung ah. Yah Y/n why aren't you saying something” He said pulling me back from my thoughts.

“Oh sorry! It's okay Taehyung ssi. Hosoek is my best friend..” I said as Taehyung was looking at me.

“Oh. I'm sorry. I didn't knew. Sorry hyung.” He said apologizing to me and hobi, lightly pulling me back to the front.

“It's okay. Don't worry. Moreover I'm glad you're being good to her. Taehyung you better Take care of her well.” He said holding my hand.

“Yes hyung! I will take care of her well.” He said as if he's been repeating this to everyone since we were arranged.

“Good. Now may I bor-” He was now cut off by Jimin.

“No! we're borrowing her for a while. Come on hyung, you're her best friend, you can meet her anytime. Let us spend time with her.” He said.

“What do you mean? You're her husband's best friend! And you work at her husband's company. You're going to see her more often than I will.” hobi argued as well meanwhile I looked at Taehyung who was already standing there with his eyes closed because of tiredness.

“Y/n, Taehyung.” I saw Mrs. Kim Coming along with Mr. Kim and eomma appa.

“Jimin Jungkook. Don't you dare bother my daughter-in-law.” Mrs. Kim said gently slapping their shoulders.

“Ani eomma. We just want to get to know her.” jimin said followed by a Jungkook who nodded his head in agreement.

Mrs. Kim laughed, “okay, but you can get to know her later. It's already late now. The drive to the house might take long from here so you two should leave.” she turned to me and Taehyung.


He nodded his head and turned to Jimin, jungkook and hobi,“Come to our house after some days, then you can meet her for as long as you want.”

“Okay CEO nim! Take care.” They dramatically saluted and bowed to him before walking away as hobi hugged me and Taehyung and walked away as well.

“We'll take our leave too, eomma.” Taehyung said.

Mr. Kim nodded his head, “Taehyung, drive safely.”

“I will.” He nodded his head.

“Taehyung sweetie. Take care of her please.” eomma spoke.

“I will do my best, eomma.” He said and bowed to eomma appa.

“We'll get going now.” He said as I quickly hug everyone and followed him to the car.

“Umm.. Our luggage is already at the house..” He said starting the car, “You can sleep, it'll take a bit long to reach there.” I nodded my head in response and looked out of the window and closed my eyes.

The car was stopped after some minutes and Taehyung walked out of the car.

Are we here? He said it'll take long.

I opened my eyes and saw there was a convenience store. I saw him coming out of the store with a bag in his hand.

“Y/n?” he looked at me as he got inside.

“Yeah?” I said as he gave me the bag.

“Um.. There's some drinks and chips in there, you can eat them since you didn't eat much in the wedding.” He said putting on his seat belt making me smile at his sweet gesture.

Please this man I married is so sweet.

“Thank you. Though you didn't need to. But thankyou.” I said as he nodded and started the car again.

I took out the drink from the bag and starting drinking it.

“Is it good?” He asked me.

“hmm. Do you wanna try?” I said, putting one pipe from the bag, in the drink and placing the drink infront of his mouth. As he tasted it.

I was drinking without the pipe.

“It's good isn't it?” I asked hm, as he nodded his head.

“hm.” He said taking it out of my hand and drinking it while holding the steering with his other hand.

He looks so attractive like this.

I took out another can of drink and starting drinking it.

“Do you work?” he asked.

“yeah.. I'm a accountant in shinhwa corporation.” I replied, also taking out the packet of chips.

This is very strange but I'm strangely comfortable around him.

“Oh. Really? I know their CEO.”

“Really? He's a really nice person.” I said as he nodded his head.

“Do you want these?” I asked pointing at the packet of chips as he shook his head making me nod my head.

“um.. Eomma hired some new maids. The ones that used to work in our home back, will be working in our home now. They'll be coming in the morning then will leave after cleaning and cooking.” he said.

“Taehyung ssi, can I cook?” I asked him

“Do you want to?” he asked me as I nodded my head.

“okay then I'll talk to them.” he said and I nodded my head, resting my head on the headrest again to sleep.

•{Time Skip}•

“Y/n, get up. We're here.” I heard Taehyung as I saw him taking off his seat belt and getting out of the car.

I got out as well and followed him inside the house.

I didn't expected it to be this big. It's a very big house. Almost the same size as his old home.

“Let's go.” he said leading us to the bedroom as I just followed him holding my gown.

We reached a room as taehyung opened it's door and walked him, making me follow him.

It's very beautiful from inside.

The walls are painted white, it looks good though.

“It's our room.” He said taking a seat on the bed as he loosened his tie a little, “You're clothes are in the closet already. You can change in the bathroom.”

He seemed really tired so I quickly got my clothes and walked to the bathroom.

I changed my clothes and took off my accessories and walked back to the room as I saw Taehyung waiting for me to finish.

He walked to the bathroom after I was done and came back after changing.

We both laid down on our sides of the bed and exchanged goodnights' as he turned off the lights.

“I'll be going to my office tomorrow. That's okay right?” He asked me, who was facing the wall.

“yes, of course.” I replied.

“will you be going to work as well?” he asked.

I turned around to face the roof, “No.. I wanted to rest for a while so I took leave for some days.” I replied.

“Oh okay. Sleep well.” He said as I mumbled a ‘you too’ to him and slept beside him.

(Author POV)

While one soul slowly drifted off to their dreamland in hopes to have a good tomorrow, good future with someone she never met before. The other soul stayed quiet and calm, which confused him too. He wasnt nervous at all. He somehow deep in his heart knew this marriage will be able to fix his heart, as if he was sure that he was marrying his right one.

She wished for him to like her, but the reasons for it was only known to her heart in the form of feelings which she yet had to figure out. It was still unknown to her brain as to why she would wish that, after all they're notmarried because they like each other but because their parents wanted them to.

Deep down in her heart, She hoped for him to accept her as his, and love her just as much as she would.

She hoped to make a room in his heart that she could live in forever, whereas he already owned her heart.

She hoped for him to let the world know she's his and he's hers.

The two souls quietly slept next to each other as the sound of their breathings was still present in the room.

They felt peace for a reason they were not known to yet.


Phew! It was a long chapter!

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