《My Cold Husband》First Night With Him


“come on eonni lets go.” Jihoon said holding my hand and leading me the way.

“We're going back home.” Appa said.

“Y/n, why don't you stay the night?” Mrs. Kim proposed the idea as I looked at eomma and appa.

Jihoon looked at me for answer.

Taehyung suddenly spoke, “Eomma. She is not totally comfortable yet.”

“Her brothers can stay here with her, if she wants.” she said again.

“Namjoon ah, you stay here with her then okay?” Mr. Kim said as namjoon Oppa nodded his head.

“okay then you're staying here for the night.” Mrs. Kim said happily.

“Yayyy!” Jihoon jumped happily.

I just looked at yoongi Oppa, he looked at me as well.

“okay then we'll get going..” Appa said, “Take care Everyone!”

“Taehyung ah, don't mind y/n if she bothers you.” Eomma chimed in, making me feel embarrassed as everyone laughed.

“Of course not, Mrs. Min.” He bowed down and said with a gentle smile as he looked at me. I just looked down.

Why did eomma had to embarrass me like thaaatt?

I hugged everyone, and went to hug yoongi oppa at last.

“Don't worry. Take care okay?” Oppa patted my head, “Taehyung take care of her.” oppa said to Taehyung, who was standing right beside me.

“I will, hyung. Don't worry” He said as he hugged Yoongi Oppa and then bowed to Jin Oppa.

After they all went to the car, Mrs. Kim spoke, “Taejun ah, show namjoon the room he'll be staying in.”

Taejun nodded, “Come, hyung.” Namjoon Oppa bowed to Mr. And Mrs. Kim and went with taejun.

“Y/n sweetie, you're okay with staying in Taehyung's room right? You're gonna stay in the same room after marriage anyways.” Mrs. Kim said as I just nodded my head.

Staying the night in the same room as him? Umm.

“Taehyung, you should show your room to Y/n too.” Mr. Kim said.


“Let's go.” Taehyung said.

Taehyung took us to the same room, we stepped in before. I sat down on the bed.

So this is his room.

“Um you already saw my room.” He said as i just nodded my head.

“It looks beautiful.” I smiled.

“I like it too. Sadly, I'll be leaving this room soon.” He said looking around the room.

“why..?” I asked.

“Eomma, appa bought a new house for us. We'll be staying there after the marriage.”

“oh..” I said awkwardly. I'll be staying there alone with him?

“Make yourself comfortable. You don't need to be awkward.” He told me, I just nodded my head.

Suddenly the door opened revealing Jihoon.

Taejun, who I think was passing by the room, scolded Jihoon, “Yah! Why didn't you knock before? These aren't manners. Didn't eomma appa told you to not disturb noona a lot?”

“I'm sorry. I won't do it, again” Jihoon said with a pout.

“It's okay Jihoon ah. Taejun, I told you to stop scolding her like her.” Taehyung spoke.

“Hyung, she might make noona uncomfortable like this. Plus she needs to give privacy to you two.” Taejun said.

“I'm sorry eonni. I'm just really excited..” Jihoon apologized.

“It's okay. I understand. I'm okay Taejun dont worry.” I assured Taejun.

“Okay then, if you say so.” he sighed, “Anyways. The dinner is ready... Eomma told me to call you guys”, he walked away.

“Let's go eat.” Jihoon said and locked my arm in hers.

•{Time skip}•

I was right now sitting in the room Namjoon Oppa is staying in. He doesn't know anyone here, at least i've talked to everyone twice. He just met them today. I shouldnt leave him alone.

“So did you two have a proper conversation?” He questioned, I nodded my head in response.

“How is he?” he asked with a smile.

“umm honestly...” I spoke making him look at me with all his attention, “I don't think he's that bad...”


“oh, you think so?” He looked at me with a teasing smirk making me roll my eyes, “okay okay continueee~”

“He is okay... I mean talked nicely and calmly..” I said hesitantly

“well that's good.” He smiled, “Tell us if he ever bothers you okay? Even if he's your husband doesn't mean we'll let him hurt you”

I nodded, “I know Oppa. Don't worry.”

“okay. It's late now you should go to sleep. He might be waiting for you hehe” He said and giggled, making me whine.

“okay! I'll stop!” he said caressing my hairs, “I really hope he'll take care of you well. Our princess is so precious”

I smiled at his words, “I'll get going now, you should rest. Good night Oppa!”

“Night! Sleep well okay?” I nodded as he patted my head, making me smile widely.

I closed the door and walked back to his room.

I entered the room to see Taehyung on his laptop. He's working I guess. Pft he's so focused and hot right now.

“Oh you're back..” He said as I responded him with a yes since he wouldn't see me nodding.

“I'll sleep on the couch.” Taehyung said getting and walking toward the couch present in the room.

“No, no. It's okay. You can sleep on the bed.” I said.

“Are you sure?” He asked with a straight face.

Aish. This man. He doesn't smile often.

I just nodded my head and walked to the bed hesitantly.

“Um.. Taehyung ssi...” I called for him nervously.

“Hm?” He said not looking at me since he was putting his laptop and other things back in their places.

Should I ask him? I can't sleep in my dress since I was wearing a blouse with a skirt..

“Do you need something?” He asked when I didn't say anything.

“Um do you, perhaps, ha-have something I can sle-sleep in..?” I asked him while stuttering.

He smiled lightly, “wait. Let me find something.” he walked to his closet and took out a black hoodie with grey pjs.

“These might fit you.” He said looking at the clothes, “Um try these though, if it doesn't fit i'll go ask jihoon or eomma.” he said handing me the clothes.

“You can change in there.” he said pointing at the bathroom I think.

I went to the bathroom and changed into the clothes he gave me. They actually fit me, though he hoodie is a little big on me, but who cares? at least it is covering my body!

I looked at myself in the mirror present there and walked back to the room.

He was sitting on the bed, “are they okay?”

I nodded my head, “Yes, thankyou!” I bowed to him.

He smiled, “let's sleep now.” he said and we both laid down on the bed, as he turned off the lights, ready to fall asleep.

(Author POV)

Both of them on the same bed under the same roof, yet none dared to look at other as they kept facing the wall.

But what couldn't lie was the heart that couldn't stop itself from beating faster, as it felt the other soul near it.

“Are you comfortable?” He asked her, never forgetting to make sure to give her personal space.

“Yes. Are you?”

“Hm” he replied and turned around to the other side facing her back and smiled feeling his heartbeat.

He was sure about marrying her. He did not feel any doubts in this marriage. Whereas she slowly was starting to feel safe near his presence as she witnessed the warmth his presence radiated everytime they were together.


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