《My Cold Husband》First conversation with him


“We want you to get married just as soon as possible, that's okay right?” Mr. Kim said as Taehyung nodded his head, assuring his father that whatever his father wants is okay with him.

“Good then, you guys will get married next Thursday. It's Wednesday today so you have 1 week..” Mrs. Kim said.

“Eomma, I get it if you want us to get married sooner but 1 week?” taehyung said hesitantly.

“why? Isn't that okay with you y/n ah?” Mrs. Kim asked with hopeful eyes leaving me no choice but to nod my head as yes.

“I'm okay with it.” I said nervously.

“what about you Taehyung?” eomma asked.

“okay then, I'm fine with it too.” He sighed.

“why don't you both go talk to each other. Get to know each other. If you are both okay with the date then okay but if not we'll fix another date.” Appa suggested to which everyone nodded.

But not me cuz No! I'm so nervous please I can not go alone with him.

Taehyung nodded his head and suddenly stood up with a serious face, “Let's go” he said and me being me just followed him quietly.

What am I going to go now?

He took us to a room. It's his room I think. It looks pretty though. The walls are painted gray, making it look attractive.

“uh let's go to balcony” he said and I once again followed him.

I was looking at his back while walking. Even his back looks so good.

I'm literally nothing compared to him what if he just tells me I look bad and he doesn't wanna get married?

We stopped as he sat on one of the two chair kept aside.

“Take a seat.” He said and I hesitantly sat down. Oh my god I bet he can tell I'm so nervous.


He is really handsome though. Will I get married to him?

His brown eyes that could just capture anyone's heart in one gaze. The innocence and calmness there is, could make anyone be in a awe.

Though there seems to be wall he has built in, to show anyone not more than that.

And his slightly long but curly hairs makes him look so attractive.

He wasn't wearing a suit but still his dress up was decent and formal.

His nose looks perfect on his face. I noticed mole on his nose, it suits his beauty making him looks just as good as perfection.

And his lips? Don't get me wrong but they look so soft and I want to touch them. I mean I'm just saying.. I'm no pervert.

There's one more mole below his lower lip, just at the end but slightly on it.

How can someone looks so beautiful even without trying?

He literally has the perfect face. I wonder what he looks like when he smiles. He indeed looks so ethereal.

There's so much in his beauty that I can not describe through words. It's almost as if words are not enough for him. As if he is an art which is meant to keep and cherish safely.

There's so much in his eyes that attracts one to him. So much that he doesn't even know yet.

He's so beautiful.

“so” he cleared his throat getting my attention as I awkwardly looked away, embarrassed because I got caught admiring him, “I'm 26 years old. How old are you Y/n?”

He spoke in such a deep yet gentle voice making my name sound the most beautiful thing I have ever heard.

“Im sorry I didn't introduce myself properly to you. Hello Taehyung ssi! I'm Y/n and I'm 23 years old.” I tried to speak calmly to which he just nodded.


He smiled a little “don't be nervous especially since we're getting married soon.” I smiled back.

His smile was little but it almost, for a second, made my heart beat faster.

He should smile more often. It looks beautiful.

“Umm.. Are you okay with this marriage, taehyung ssi?” I asked the question that has been bothering me since forever.

“yes” He nodded, “are you?”

I just nodded my head in reply. I don't know what to say this is so awkward.

“so umm let's head back” he seemed to notice my nervousness. I just nodded my head and followed him back.

I don't think he's that bad. He actually seems nice. Maybe he's just not very expressive?

I mean he looked gentle and nice to me.

I don't think it'll go that bad.

•{Time skip}•

“Eonni! You're really pretty!” Jihoon said, looking at me while she had her hands under her chin.

Right now I was sitting in her room. Since the marriage date was fixed, she took me with her. She is a really cute girl though. And very pretty, no wonder why. Everyone in this family is very good looking.

“Aww, you're more pretty!” I complimented her back.

“Hehe eonni!” she giggled, “you know what?”


“If I was a guy, I would steal you from oppa and marry you!” just as she said that Taehyung entered the room.

“Uh.. Jihoon ah, eomma is calling for you.” He said awkwardly. Did he hear her?

“oh okay Oppa. Eonni I'll be back in a minute!” she said and went out of the room.

Taehyung just looked at me.

I need to say something but what? This is awkward.

“so um what were you guys talking about?” He took a seat next to me. At least he's trying to not make it awkward! Look at me I just sit like a statue everytime he's around.

“oh she was just telling me stuff?” I said. He nodded.

“They seem to like you a lot.”

“um they do. I guess..” I chucked nervously.

He didn't say anything but just looked at me. But suddenly chuckled lightly.

Is my face red? Oh no.

“I'm back.” Jihoon said, “oh were you guys talking about something?”

Taehyung just looked at her with a smile, “No. I'll get going.” He said and went out before smiling softly at me.

“Oppa seems to like you” Jihoon said dancing a little.

Suddenly taejun entered the room.

“Noona. Everyone's calling you.” Taejun said and went out of the room.

“come on eonni lets go.” Jihoon said holding my hand and leading me the way.


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