《My Cold Husband》First Meeting With Him


“Are you nervous?” Jin Oppa asked, from the front seat, as yoongi Oppa drived to Mr. And Mrs. Kim's house right now.. They called us there, eomma and appa will be there too by the time we reach.

I felt a bit embarrassed. Am I making it that obvious? Oh God.

“no.” I said trying to make it sound serious, but that made namjoon Oppa smirk. Uqhiwbsjsb stop!

“really?” he teased me, as I whined.

“yahh. Don't tease her like that. It's the guy who'll be her husband after all. She has all the right to be nervous.” Yoongi Oppa saved me.

I am honestly very nervous right now but also a little? Excited because


What if he doesn't think I look good though? Will he even like me? What if I'm not his standard?

Wait. What if he likes any other girl.. I've read this in some stories that when parents' arrange marriage and the guy is forced he hates his wife, and likes any other women.

Aish. This probably doesn't happen in real life. Why would he agree to marry me if he likes somebody else. Plus when they asked me if I didn't like anyone, they said he is single too..

Pft this is so stressful I hope this goes by quick I'm so tensed.

I hope he's okay with this marriage and will be okay with me too...

Yoongi Oppa stopped the car infront of a big mansion. Of course they're rich, very rich. But their mansion is bigger than ours, “let's go.”

“Oh you're here! Come inside.” Taejun greeted us as we walked in.

“Hello noona! Yoongi Hyung! And hyungs...” He chucked awkwardly.

“They're my cousin brothers Taejun ah, this is Kim seokjin Oppa and His brother Namjoon Oppa. Oppa this is Taejun, Taehyung's brother.”


“Good to meet you, hyung.” Taejun bowed to Jin oppa and namjoon Oppa.

“It's a pleasure!” They returned the bow as well.

Hearing us Mrs. Kim came running and hugged me, “Y/n!”

“Hello!” I hugged her back, “how are you?”

“I'm very well, sweatheart!” she said.

“I'm glad everything is good.” I gave her a smile as she broke the hug and admired me like a mother.

“oh you look very pretty.” She smiled and I could tell she genuinely meant the compliment.

“Thank you Mrs. Kim. You're so beautiful too!” I responded to which she giggled and smiled.

“Are our parents already here, Mrs. Kim?” yoongi Oppa asked her.

She nodded her head, “yes, they're here. Who are these two gentlemens?” she asked referring to Jin Oppa and Namjoon Oppa.

Uncle and aunt kim used to live in Gongju back then with eomma and appa but after yoongi Oppa was born, eomma appa moved to Seoul.

After I was born Uncle and aunt kim too moved to Seoul. That's why Mrs. Kim doesn't know about Namjoon Oppa and Jin Oppa.

“Oh! My apologies I forgot to introduce you to them.. They're our cousins. He is Kim Seokjin and He is Kim Namjoon.” yoongi Oppa said, “they're actually very close to us that's why we wanted them, along with me, to be there with Y/n til she doesn't get married.. I hope you don't mind having them here”

“Oh sweetie. Of course not! I understand. Of course they're always welcome here.” Mrs. Kim smiled at them.

“Thank you for letting us be here, mam.” Jin Oppa said as he bowed down along with Namjoon Oppa to greet Mrs Kim.

“It's no problem, dear.” she said with a smile, “let's go, everyone is waiting.”


I saw Mr. Kim talking to eomma appa, I smiled when they noticed us and bowed to Mr. Kim. As my brothers did the same.

Eomma appa probably informed Mr. Kim about Jin Oppa and namjoon Oppa.. He doesn't seem confused.

“Sit here Y/n ah.” Appa said, pointing to the empty sofa, as Jin, yoongi and namjoon oppa took their seats too.

Just as I was about to sit on the empty seat, a little girl who looked about 16-17 years old came running toward me, “Eonniiiiiii” she said hugging me.

“Jihoon ah! Don't scare her like that! We told you to introduce yourself first!” Mr. Kim complained calmly.

She broke the hug, “Hehe.. I'm sorry eonni. I'm Jihoon, Taehyung oppa and Taejun Oppa's little sister. I'm 17 years old. I was away for a while but I heard about you when I was back and I instantly wanted to meet you but no one let me! I was so excited to meet you today and I'm so happy now because finally we have met! You really do look pretty, even much more prettier than you look in photos. Taejun wasn't lying when he sai-” she was cut off by Mrs. Kim.

“Okay! Tell everything to her later. Let us talk for now. Then you can talk to her just as much as you want.”

“Eomma I was jus-” she tried to speak again.

“Sit down Jihoon ah. Let y/n sit too okay? She just came here. She'll be here for sometimes then you can talk to her.” Mr. Kim said.

“Of course we can talk later.” I smiled at Jihoon which she returned and went to sit next to Mrs. Kim.

“Eomma I'm here.” just as I was about to sit I heard deep manly voice.

Is that him?

“Oh. come here and sit next to y/n, Taehyung ah” Mrs. Kim said smiling at him.

Yes. It's him.

Nervousness took over me. I didn't look back and quietly sat down trying to keep my cool, as I heard footsteps coming closer and closer.

It would seem like I'm desperate if I turned around to look at him.

‘He's handsome’ Namjoon Oppa mouthed to me which, for some unknown reasons, made me feel shy.

I looked at jin Oppa who was wiggling his eyebrows with a smile while looking at me, meanwhile yoongi Oppa looked at him and then just smiled at me.

I'm so nervous I want to scream right now.

I felt someone taking a seat beside me. I somehow gathered courage and peeked a little at him and





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