《My Cold Husband》cold husband?


I woke up at 8:30 A.M. by the sound of the clock on the nightstand near the bed.

It's Sunday. I don't have work today. Finalllyyyyy a day off to rest!

I sat up on the bed just as a notification popped up on the screen of my mobile phone.

Bestie🌤❤ :-

I'm finally back from the business trip! And I'm free for today!!!

Could this day get any better? I missed him Yayayyy!

You :-

Thank God Finally you're free

for a day! You're always busy in your company hobi ah 〒_〒

Bestie🌤❤ :-

I know I'm sorry I couldn't make time for you. I promise I'm all yours for day! Let's meet up.

You :-

It's okay. I'm only forgiving you because your making up for not being free for me! I have so much to tell you!

Bestie🌤❤ :-

I have so much to listen from you! Waaaah it's gonna be fun! Let's meet at the cafe we usually go to okay?

You :-

Hehehehe ok. See you.

Bestie🌤❤ :-

See you! Let's meet up at 11 A.M.

I got out of the bed and got ready for the day.

I wore maroon sweater with black jeans and shoes.

"Morning appa" I wished appa who was reading newspaper.

"good morning sweetheart!" he wished me back with a sweet genuine smile.

"Go call your brother, Y/n ah" Eomma said from the kitchen and i went to call oppa.

•{Time Skip}•

"Eomma Appa I'm going to meet Hosoek." I informed my parents and went out to my car.

I sat down in the car and drove to the cafe.

I wonder how Hobi would react hearing about my marriage. Mr Kim owns a big company. Hosoek is the CEO of a very big company too.

I wonder if he'd know Taehyung. Hobi and I have been friends since very long.

We coincidentally met at a library. I was crying while sitting there, and hobi comforted and helped me. Not only that but he has helped me multiple times..


I used to have anxiety issues back then, especially because of the studies' stress. I've been good for a while but my anxiety creeps in sometimes.. But I haven't been anxious for a long time.

Anyways so that's how we became friends as the time passed. We also exchanged numbers and used to meet a lot.

Hobi is Just a year younger than yoongi Oppa, so I can't help but to see hobi like a brother too.

And he too take care of me like a little sister, we are like best friends who treat each other like family. My family likes Hobi and yoongi Oppa is also friends with hobi. That's so nice.

But as we grew up, we became busy. He became busy in his company and I became busy with my job.

But that doesn't really change our friendship though. I still love him like I used to. We still treat each other the same way, just more comfortable.

I reached the cafe and got out of the car.

The ride wasn't tooo long hehe.

I entered the cafe as I saw Hobi sitting there. Simple clothes and yet he still looks the most amazing!

I wonder how is he not sued by people because of his good looks. He's such a fine man honestly. Like total perfection!

He is successful, mature, good looking & very talented. I don't know what else people want if not that.

I walked toward him with a big smile, as he looked up and saw me.

and I swear! He looked so precious with the smile he was giving me! Oh my lovely bestie!

“HOW HAVE YOU BEEEN?” he almost screamed.

“I been gooood. I missed you so muchhh” I whined.

“Aw! I missed you too cupcake” he whined too, making me laugh

“I can't believe you're a CEO and that too of a very successful company” I laughed out loud making him giggle too.

“Hey! That's offensive. I'm so offended!” he pouted, making himself look so cute and squishy.


“okay!! I'm sorry, my beautiful ray of sunshine.” I poked his cheek lightly and he smiled!

“how have everything been?” he asked.

“Good, except that there's something big and shocking.” I said.

“really? What is it?” he asked

“I'm getting married.” I said nervously, to see his eyes widen.

“YOU'RE WHAT?” he screamed.

“calm down Hosoekie.. I'm getting married” I look at him.

“when did u start liking someone?? Was I really away for that much long?” he asked me.

“no no! You see it was arranged by my parents. I'm getting married to my parents' friends' son.” I explain, “you might know them.. Kim corporation?”

“Kim corporation? As in like Kim Taehyung's company?” he asked with a shocking tone. And I nodded my head.

“that's his name yeah.. I'm getting married to him..” I spoke awkwardly.

“I know him! We're friends, you're getting married to my friend. That's more surprising”, he laughed out, “Did you meet him already though? He's a bit cold don't mind him. He just takes time to open up.” he asked.

“cold? No, Mr. And Mrs. Kim said he was a caring and loving person.”

“of course he's very caring. He just takes his time to fit in with people. He's a good boy though. Don't worry. He'll be good to you. And even if he's not, tell me. I'll teach him a good lesson.” he said making my heart melt at his protectiveness, but also sweetness.

“Awh hobi ah! We'll meet just like this after I get married right?” I asked him being a little emotional.

“Of course! You getting marrid doesn't change anything! Hell yeah! We'll still meet each other like this. And yaah don't get emotional, we're not going anywhere. We're both here, always. We'll be friends forever.” he said and I hugged him.

He quickly hugged me back, caressing my head, “it's okay! Don't worry. We'll be the same. No matter what.”

•{Time Skip}•

After we hung out and have fun together for sometimes, we went back to our home. It was 5:00 P.M. now

“oh you're back?” Oppa asked.

“yeep I had a really good time!” I said happily.

“I'm glad you had fun.” oppa smiled

“Hobi said he missed you all.” I said.


“yeah. I told him to visit us at home soon. He agreed” I informed Oppa.

“okay.” Oppa nodded, “eomma appa are out today, with uncle & aunt kim. Namjoon and jin hyung will be staying here for some days. Do you want me to cook dinner or do you want to go out?”

Jin Oppa and namjoon Oppa are my cousin brothers. We don't live too far away, we never have that's why we're so close to each other. We've always spent our childhood together.

Oh! Did i you tell you yoongi Oppa and jin Oppa are a great chef? He can cook so amazingly. I learned cooking mostly from them. Reasons why I can be proud and sure about my cooking skills, because I've got them from my two amazing Oppa Heheh.

“I'd love to eat the dinner you cook but you don't have to cook if you're tired.. You were working all day anyways..” I said hesitantly.

“I'm not tired” Oppa spoke, making me smile brightly, “I'll cook. Don't worry. You'll be helping me though, won't you?” he asked me wiggling his eyebrows.

I laughed seeing him, “of course oppa.” he laughed too.


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