《My Cold Husband》arranged marriage?


“so umm we need to talk to you about something y/n, dear.” and all of the eyes were on me except for Taejun and oppa's.

Everyone was silent. So I spoke up.

“Okay.. What do you want to talk about Mrs. Kim?” I asked

“Dear, is there any guy you like?” she asked, not to be offensive but shouldn't my eomma ask this to me? Why would she ask that though.

“No?” I replied hesitantly and awkwardly.

“oh okay then, that's good.” she said as she looked over to my eomma and appa

“Y/n ah We want you to marry their son, Taehyung.” appa said and oppa just spit on the water he was drinking and started coughing as Taejun's eyes widen too.

“what? what are you saying, appa?” oppa asked inbetween coughs as I patted and rubbed his back.

“Their son is single and doesn't like anybody too. Taehyung is getting older too. They want him to get married and they want Y/n as their daughter-in-law.” appa explained as I just sat there biting my lip nervously.

"Eomma do you agree with this too?” oppa asked eomma as she nodded her head.

“I think it's better, sweetie. We have known them for a long time and so when Y/n gets married at least we know she's in safe hands.” eomma said to oppa as Mr. And Mrs. Kim just looked at me.

“So, do you agree to this, dear?” Mr. Kim asked me and I looked at oppa, as he kept his hand on mine.

“let's give Noona sometime to think about it? She has never met hyung. Although hyung is a very caring person and I'm sure he'll take care of her well, but let's give her sometime to think it through?” Taejun spoke, as Mrs Kim nodded her head.


“okay, we understand. You need your time of course but please give us the answer soon, dear.” she said I nodded my head.

Mr. And mrs. Kim were talking about their son, Taehyung. Suddenly Oppa stood up and held my hand, “please excuse us for a second”, everyone nodded as Oppa and I walked to my room.

He probably saw that I wasn't present there mentally. I dont know what to do right now... Eomma appa's relations with Kims would be deeper if I got married to their son and eomma appa trusts them so I probably should agree to this...

But at the same time how can I even marry him? I have never met him. I don't even know if he's even as nice as his family tells him to be.

And the thing is that I havent even dated anyone up until now. Not that I wasn't allowed to do, but I just couldn't find time for any of these. I was just sooo busy with life.

And when I wasn't busy I used to think I'm still young and it's totally useless to date someone when you're young, why wouldn't it be? I still think the same though. I mean it's not I would end up with that person. No kid is obviously that mature to know themselves in their childhood or teenage, if not that then at least not me.

Should I agree to this though? I mean Mr. & Mrs. Kim might get disappointed in our family if I don't agree to this. Why did everyone suddenly had to talk about thissss. This is so frustrating.

I unknowingly let out a sigh making Oppa look at me and speak,

“Y/n ah, don't pressurize yourself okay? Take your time and think about it. There's no rush okay?” oppa said as I just nodded my head listening to him.


Maybe I should try it. I can just take a chance. Divorce is always a option, I can try this. Plus Mr and Mrs Kim won't be upset if things don't go well after marriage because obviously married people don't always suit for each other. At least we tried... There's no harm in trying something, it's okay. It'll be all good won't it be?

I suddenly spoke up shocking Oppa, “I'll marry him Oppa.”

“you already decided?” he asked me.

“I just think I should marry him. What eomma said is true. If eomma appa trust them then I think I should too. Plus they seem to be nice so I think it'd be okay.” I said as Oppa kept nodding.

I continued “it's not like I won't get married someday anyways, why not now? It's better I guess, you know?”

“I understand Y/n ah, but are you sure? I don't want you to get married because of appa and eomma. If you're sure by yourself, I'll always support you.” he spoke with a gentle tone.

“I'm sure oppa.” I said as he sigh and nodded his head.He seemed tensed. I don't want him to worry about me though..

“There's no need to worry though. You're always here, arent you? You can always beat him up if he ever mistreat me hehehe” I said to lighten up his mood as Oppa smiled.

“Of course, I won't leave him alive if he ever treat you badly.” he spoke, as we laughed together.

“Let's go downstairs.” he said and we went to the living room where everyone was.

Everyone was busy talking but the attention was diverted to us after Oppa cleared his throat.

What was I here for again?

Oh right.

I agreed to marrying their son.

What was his name again?


Why am I getting nervous because of the attention today? Um anyways.

“I'll marry him” I said making everyone smile.

“Are you sure, dear?” Mrs. Kim asked me again, I nodded my head in response, “yes, I'm sure.”

She ran toward me for a hug, “you have no idea how happy you just made me.”

“I'm glad I could do something for you Mrs. Kim” I said hugging her back.

“is Taehyung okay with this marriage though?” Oppa asked.

“Oh don't worry about him yoongi ah” Mr. Kim said as everyone smiled in happiness.

I looked at Taejun who stood next to Mr. Kim and smiled as he walked toward me with a genuine smile.

“Hyung is so lucky” he spoke with a cute smile, as I just smiled shyly.

This is so awkward please.

“let's take a picture, noona” Taejun said, I agreed and he took pictures of all of us and my separate ones too.

I think to show Taehyung. If it is so that's so unfair. I don't get to see him.

Don't think I'm desperate because I'm not, I just think I should know what my future husband looks like.

I looked over at everyone in the home. It's been so long it has been like this. Everyone is so happy and loud.

I'm glad I'm the reason of two families to be this happy.


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