《My Cold Husband》meeting soon-to-be in-laws


I was working in my office as I got a call my mother.

(On the phone)

“Y/n ah?”

“hello eomma. Is everything okay?” I asked

“Yes sweatheart. Can you come home early today?” she asked me sweetly.

“Of course eomma, is something wrong?”

“No no, of course not. We're just having guests.”

“oh okay eomma, I'll be there.”

“okay my baby, come home safely. Take care.”

“bye eomma.” I said and she ended the call.

I continued my work. After sometime I heard a knock on the door.

“come in” I permit the person to see Taejun walking in.

“hello Ms. Y/n, can I go home early today? Mr. Song said I should ask you first. ”

“is there a special occasion?” I asked with a smile but that made him nervous. Awh.

“umm.. Mam I need to be somewhere with my family today. I know it's my second day but Its important..” he nervously asked.

I don't know if I look that scary. Why is he so nervous always. Hehe I'm not going to attack him because he asked for a early leave.

“of course. You can leave early.” I smiled at him to help the nervousness a bit and it did helped. I'm glad haha.

“thank you Ms. Y/n ssi” he bowed and left the house.

It's 5:30 P.M already, I think I should leave too. Eomma told me I have get home early today.

I left the office and drove to my house. I came to office by my own car today.

I know how to drive but oppa drops me off to and pick me up from work often since my company is near his company. He had an early meeting today. So he left early and I drove by myself.


Oppa often drives me to the company though, I only drive by my self when he have leave early for important meetings or he has some other important work in the company that needs to done on the moment.

•{Time skip}•

“Y/n ah, can you help me a little?” my mother, who was cooking for the guests, asked.

“of course, eomma.”

After we were done cooking we heard the doorbell.

“ah I think they're here. Yoongi ah go open the door.” appa said to yoongi Oppa, Oppa nodded with a slight smile and went to open the door.

“hello mam, sir” he bowed and greeted the guests as they hug Oppa, and said hello to him. I did the same as they walked in.

“oh sweetie. How are you?” Mrs. Kim asked. They're my parent's friends, who moved here some months ago.

Kims, I don't know much about them but I know that they're very sweet and caring human beings. My parents are best friends with them.

My eomma told me they used to be friends in their highschool and after eomma appa got married, they, by coincidence, happened to be our neighbours too when I wasn't born but they had move out to Australia because of their company.

“I'm very good mam, thank you so much for asking!” I bowed again to her, “how are you?”

“oh dear, I'm fine too!” she came to me and took me in a embrace, “you weren't even born when we used to live here, though you're brother was very young. He used to play with our son a lot haha” she laughed as eomma and appa laughed along with her, while Mr. Kim just stood there smiling.

“do you remember our son, yoongi ah?” Mr. Kim asked oppa, as yoongi Oppa just nodded his head a little being embarrassed.


“you know y/n ah yoongi cried a lot when they had to move to Australia. He said he wanted to go to Australia with them and he also said he can't live without taehyung” eomma laughed with everyone. So this is why oppa was embarrassed heheh. I laughed along with them as Oppa just rolled his eyes and smiled at everyone.

“anyways, Taehyung isn't here today but he'll be coming to Korea soon. Our second son will be here soon though, he said he was stuck in traffic.” Mr. Kim informed us.

“what about your daughter?” appa asked.

“she's in daegu for somedays with her grandma, she'll be here too.” Mrs. Kim Said, as appa and eomma just nodded there head.

“anyways, let's go and eat.” we were about to go as we heard the door bell again, “Y/n, go get it” eomma said as they all went to the dining table

I went to the door and opened it.

My eyes widen as I see Taejun there, “Taejun ah?” I spoke with shock.

“oh? Ms. Y/n?” he asked with the same expression.

Eomma came and asked him to come inside, “how do you two know each other?” eomma asked after we reached the dining table.

“he's a new intern at the company.” I replied eomma as Taejun nodded his head agreeing.

“Don't you work at your own company y/n ah?” Mr. Kim asked and I shook my head as no.

“I see.” he nodded his head.

Taejun sat down on the chair as I sat beside oppa.

After we were done eating, Taejun came to me, “Um.. Ms. Y/n, where is the washroom? I need to wash my hands.” he asked awkwardly.

“Go the living room and just take a left. And just call me noona, we're not at the company now, plus our families are friends so we should try to be friends too” I said with a smile.

“okay Y/n noona. Thankyou” he said, and walked toward the washroom.

•{Time skip}•

We were all sitting in the living room and talking as the time passed, Mrs. Kim suddenly spoke up.

“so umm we need to talk to you about something y/n, dear.” and all of the eyes were on me except for Taejun and oppa's.


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