《One Shot》Chaptor 6


Anyways I'm going to go upstairs and get ready for the mall

I take a shower , brush my teeth and wash my face again and put on my outfit which is some brown pants , with a brown cropped shirt and a brown cardigan , also with some gold earrings and ring . Pairing it with some brown , a bag , and some sunglasses and also cover my tattoos

We look hot

I know bitch

Hurry up Aurora I hear my twin yell

Coming I said , getting my purse off the bed and tying my other shoe up .


Go change

Absolutely not

What's wrong with my outfit ? It's fucking cute and I look hot

You can see you stomach for one and no my father said

So what ? My body , my choices . It either I wear this or I wear nothing you choose but now that I've got dressed I'm going to the mall , i said as he and everybody looked at me with shock

Sexist bitches

Let's go I said

Fine , but keep that brown thing over it , he said still not wanting to let me go out like I was


* In the car

Can you turn the air on it so damn hot in here I asked my father , and he turned he air on .

Jesus it feels good in here now I said as everyone started chucking .

Ring Ring Ring

Who's phone is ringing I said

Yours my one of my brothers said as I picked it up to answer

Uuughhh stupid bitch

Launage my father said m

Ooo I said that out loud, shit

Yeah , you did and watch your mouth one of my uncles said and my phone rang again

Fucking asshat

Just answer the phone , Mr.Grumpy said

Fine , sir

Why the hell are you calling me for ? Leave me alone , i said to my other bestfriend and he started chuckling in the other end

You know you love me , he said

No your wrong , I don't love you and if I ever did that all stopped when you drank my root-beer the other day , and stole my Hershey bar I said to him as everyone watched with amsueny seeing me , not using my cold voice for once .

I'm sorry you know I love that shit and you just left it lying around .

That's doesn't mean you take it , you little fucker . I said to him yelling it practically

My bad , how about this , I'll ship you Hershey's and root beer plus I'll give you some ice cream


Really ? I said excited as I felt my eyes changing color since I was happy because a girl loves ice cream .

Yep just send me the address and everything , and yes i ready know , we are in the damn group chat member , but sadly I have to stay in Cali , because of you know what , but I'll be there in a couple of weeks .

Okay , baby thank you soooo much I said

Your welcome , temper , love you

Love you too , bye baby


I look up from the phone and my eyes change back to the to their normal color before anybody notices , and they look at me questionably.

What ? I said

Who was that and why did you say you love them ? Was that you boyfriend ?

Oh I see , they think I have a boy friend let's fuck with them shall we ?

Yeah , he's my boyfriend, he ate my candy and that's why I was mad at him for a couple of hours I said .

No way , you have a boyfriend , when do we get to meet him , my mom says ?

Hell no

No way

She doesn't need a boyfriend

Break up with him

Why the fuck are you dating

Who are you dating

He's dead

I'm going my to kill him , the men start saying

No your not going to kill him , I love him and we're moving in together when we get older and we're going to get married and have kids . I said innocent with a smirk about to form on my face .

No the your not , the men stay shouting .

I'm kidding , it's a joke , I don't have a boyfriend but he is my bestfriend and we will be staying friends , he doesn't like me plus he's gay , and I don't really fall into that category.

When is said that I saw relief on the men face, and sad in the woman's , probably because they wanted me to have a boyfriend.

Don't worry I will , I am hot and my personality is everything plus I'm a freak in the sheets , and they all come begging for more .

* At the mall

Do we have to go in all these stores in tired , I want to go home and eat a fucking burger I said to my " family " , as they still wanted to shop .

Just a few more stores sweetie and then we can leave I haven't been shopping with you in nearly 13 years and I want to make up for it my mother said as we walked in to more stores , as the men looked like they were going to give out at anyway second .


Okay last time she said as we walked into Victora secret as the men looked tired and didn't go in

Immature bitches

What size are you sweetie my mom said as she was picking up bras and panties , I did have to say the women got style , she even got me some lingerie and they didn't look ugly or anything , and that coming from a high end dashing designer and CEO .

We made it out the stores and everybody had buyed something in there for there own personal reasons , which I do not want to think about .

Oh don't be mad that you can't get any dick

Oh bitch I'm not mad , if I want somebody I can have the and we both know it .

True that

* Back at the house

Why do y'all get so much shit for ? Lorenzo asked

Who knows I said as everyone and me sat on the couch .

Do y'all want to watch a movie my Aunt said everyone , sure I said as everyone said yes along with me

Copy fucking cats

We go to the movie room and we are trying to decide what to watch .

Comedy my uncle said

No , romance my aunt said

No mystery my dad said

No we should let Aurora decide my " mother "

said as everyone turned to me .

How about horror ? I suggested

Are you sure you can handle that Aurora , it preety scary , my brother asked me while smirking

Yes I can handle it , I'll even pick it out for you and let's see if you can handle it ?

Okay , I picked on of the scariest movies in earth literally I watched all of them though because I live horror especially at night time , when the darkness comes .

Are you sure you want to listen to that one , it's pretty scary and it's literally one of the most scariest movies in earth , I haven't even saw it yet neither have they .

No I'm sure

Okay , do you want to come to you big brother for support he said , like I was a damn baby

What the fuck , how old do they thinks I am 13 ?

Sure big bro , somebody's got to protect me right ? I said to him and he smiled so fucking big and the rest stared at as with jealousy , for me acting the way I was acting , and for being so close to Lerenzo .

Anyways I sat right on his lap , and he held me in his arms like I was a damn baby and I had to admit it felt weirdly good .

Okay let's start the movie i said .

What the fuck are you doing asshole fucking run , I said to the screen while throwing popcorn , while everyone looked at me amused , some schocked

Nearly all the women looked horrified as they watch the movies clinging to their husbands for dear life , the cousins , we're sticking to each other like fuckung glue , and my brothers looking scared even Lorenzo , while I was laughing at the maniac who just got shot in the head 10 times .

Your crazy , Lerzonzo said as the movie was over and he and everyone was done watching the movie .

Oh big brother I thought you weren't going to be scared , I thought you were going to protect me . I said to him as everyone watched with adoration and amusement .

Whatever he mumbled under his breath as we sat in the living room .

I'm tired , my brother said soon everyone agreeing . I took a shower and did my skin care and changed into my nightclothes, but just as I was about to go to sleep , my twin came in my room .

What wrong I asked him tired and I was finally about to get at least 3 hours of sleep in because i have islouma and haven't sleep a full night sleep in nearly 13 years .

Can I sleep with you he said nervously ?

Why I asked , I was going to let him sleep with me either way , but I wanted to know a reason why

Just cause he said

Okay come on lil bro I said

Stop calling me that he said as he made his way into my bed and pulled me into his chest hold his arm around my waist protectively like I was going to disappear or some shit

You gotta admit this is so fucking cute , I love him already definitely my fav but your my first fav bitch goodnight hoe see ya tomorrow or not hehehe

Goodnight hoe I said to myself

Goodnight Luca

Goodnight my beautiful baby sister , he said as I slowly started drifting to sleep .

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