《The Preston Playboys》chapter seventeen - first times and break ups


chapter seventeen – first times and break ups

"So you'll get Kevin and I'll get Devin" Marc confirmed with me. "Then we'll lock them in my bedroom and they'll have to work things out."

"Okay Marc" I nodded.

Kevin and Devin were fighting because Kevin got captain for the middle schools football team. They've been fighting for weeks.

"Thick Thea" Marc stared at me. "Go get him now"

"Oh yeah" I blushed.


"Dad!" Marc screamed as we he hopped on top of Kevin to tear him off of Devin.

"Thea! Go get my parents or Eric" Marc struggled with the boys.

We should remember that plans like this, never works.

Dad's going to kill me.

There was only supposed to be about 20 people here.

There's over 100. And I can smell the liquor that's been spilled onto my carpet mixed with the vomit that was in the kitchen.

To make things worse, Devin doesn't know if he can get Kevin to come. So this was all for nothing.

"Thea chill" Marc laughed as I glared at the group of kids dancing in my living room. "I'll help you clean up"

I frowned at him and he pecked my lips. "C'mon let's dance"

I sighed as Marc pulled me to the middle of the living room and twirled me around.

"Let loose, Tee" Marc laughed. "We're young, we're supposed to mess up. Your Dad will understand that"

"Have you ever met my Dad?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Yes. He's pretty cool to be honest" Marc cracked a grin and I couldn't help but feel warm at the sight.

I loved when he was happy.

Marc wrapped his arm around my waist and swayed us.

"I can't believe you're actually my girlfriend" Marc smiled widely.

"Marc we've been dating for a month" I laughed. "When will you stop saying that?"

"When we're about 90 and we die in each others arms" Marc joked and I laughed.


"I don't know about you, but I plan to live well into my hundreds"

"I didn't plan living past now" Marc said seriously and I felt my heart break. "But everything seems to be getting better now that I'm home"

"Marc" I pulled him into a hug and he breathed a laugh.

"It's not just you. A big part of it is. But it's also my family and actually having friends" Marc explained and I nodded into his chest. "Oh!"

"What?" I pulled away.

"I got you something. It's in my car. I'll be right back" He kissed my forehead and then made his way out the front door.

I smiled but my smile turned into a frown when I smelt burning.

I followed the smell into the kitchen.

"Are you guys dense?" I screamed at the group of people watching a pile of napkins burn on the counter.

I went for the fire extinguisher under the sink, but someone beat me to it.

"Thanks" I mumbled as Kevin put out the fire.

"No problem" Kevin puts the extinguisher back. "I remember your Mom drilling where it was into your Dad's head whenever she would leave him in charge of us"

"Yeah" I smiled at the memory.

"Well, I think I'm gonna head out" Kevin nodded. "Not really in the partying mood"

Kevin brushed past me and I panicked. It was now or never.

"Kevin, wait" I grabbed his arm. I still need to get Marc because I don't know where Devin is. "Can you meet me in my room? In 5 minutes?"

Kevin's eyebrows went up.


Kevin disappeared into the living room and I watched as he made his way up the stairs. My eyes scanned the room for Marc but I don't think he's back from the car yet.

"Charlie!" I ran up to where he and Laurel were talking by the front door.


"What's up?" Charlie smiled at me. That's when I noticed his swollen lips. I guess him and Laurel made up.

"When Marc comes back, bring him up to my room?" I asked and he agreed.

Then I set my way towards my bedroom. On my way up, I noticed Devin being helped onto the couch by Mike. He looked wasted. I wonder how long he'd been here...

"Why is your shirt off?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"I thought that you wanted to hook up?" Kevin looked confused.

"Why the hell would you think that?" I sputtered out.

"You told me to meet you in your bedroom?" Kevin spoke slowly.

"So I could talk to you! Not have sex!" I exasperated.

"Why cant we do both?" Kevin laughed.

"Because I'm with Marc" I hissed.

"So? I can make you feel a lot better than he could" Kevin smirked as he slinked closer.

"Shut the hell up, Kevin" I growled.

"You haven't slept together yet huh?" Kevin laughed. "My little brother doesn't know anything about girls"

"Why? Because he hasn't pressured me into sex?" I scoffed.

Kevin shook his head and leaned closer to me.

"Because he doesn't know how to give a woman what she wants"

And then Kevin pressed his lips to mine and my face immediately contorted into disgust.

"Thea" The pure hurt in Marc's voice made my heartbreak.

I pushed Kevin off of me.

"Marc" I spun towards where him and Charlie stood in the doorway.

The hurt on his face immediately turned to anger.

"Wow" and then he was gone from the doorway and I was chasing after him.

"Marc- Marc wait" I cried out.

He didn't speak as I chased him out my front door.

"Marc" I grabbed his arm and he spun to me with pure anger on his face.

"What was all of this?" Marc hissed. "A game. Payback? What?"

"Marc? What are you talking about?" I wanted to cry.

"Being with me. What the hell was the point if you wanted my brother?" Marc spat out me. "Everyone chooses them over me so I shouldn't be surprised. But I thought you were different, Tee."

"Marc I am different! I didn't kiss him back!" I cried out once again.

"I would believe that if he wasn't half fucking naked" I flinched at the way he yelled in my face. "I loved you so much. And you're just a bitch"

I was crying now as Marc walked towards his car.

"Marc please don't drive" I sobbed. "You don't have to stay but please don't drive"

Marc stilled and he faced me again. This time with a look of pain.

"That's what this was, wasn't it? You didn't want to be with me. You wanted to save me"

"Marc that's not what I was trying to do by being with you" I tried to calm my tears but I couldn't.

"Well guess what? I wouldn't kill myself over a cheater. I'm not that stupid" Marc didn't believe me.

He turned around and made his way to this car.

"I wouldn't have let our first time be during a high school party. I would have made it special" I could hear that he was starting to cry.

He pulled something out of his pocket and flung it to the ground. He got into his car and drove off as I watched. Each time his car sped up, my heart jolted with fear. Like it did all those months ago when I had just wanted him to leave me alone.

Isn't it funny? Now as I watched him leave, I just wanted him to hold me.

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