《The Preston Playboys》chapter fourteen - ghosts and instragram posts


chapter fourteen – ghosts and instagram posts

"What's going on?" I ask as I run towards Laurel who was standing with a bunch of other kids surrounding the boys locker room door.

"Marc just started fight with the football team" Laurel turned towards me with wide eyes.

"You're such a fuck up" Kevin muttered as he was escorted past with dean Michaels.

"I'm gonna kill you" Marc lunged out of dean Henric's hold and landed on top of Kevin.

"Marc! What the hell is wrong with you?!" I yelled as the deans broke them apart.

The look Marc gave me made my stomach turn. He looked so angry and annoyed.

"I'm a fuck up, but you're fake" Marc spat towards Kevin.

I sat in the first pew next to Wyatt. There were only a few people up here. Some of my Mom's family. Some of my Dad's. Everyone shared the same look. Grief.

Four years ago today, my mother and the baby passed. By the sympathetic looks Wyatt and I have been getting all morning and the influx of people making their way towards Dad, everyone knew.

"Tee..." Wyatt's voice sounded hoarse. He was crying all night.

"Yeah?" I answered absent-mindedly.

"I don't want to get breakfast after this" Wyatt's bloodshot eyes met mine. "I just want to go home and sleep"

"Okay" I swallowed the lump in my throat.

I guess enough time has passed for us to stop the tradition. Mom started it. Going to get breakfast after each service. We haven't missed one yet. Until now. Dad offered to teach the Sunday school class after the service and Wyatt didn't want to come.

I don't know if I'm being selfish but that really hurts.

"Hey" My eyes met calming blue ones.

"Hey" I gave him a small, tired smile.

"Can I-?" Marc gestured to the empty seat next to me and I nod to let him know its okay to sit. "How are you doing?"

I looked at Marc and debated whether or not I should lie and say I'm fine. But he would probably know I'm lying.

"Terrible" I breathed a humorless laugh. "Nothing feels right"

The tears pooled in my eyes and Marc's face etched with concern.

"C'mere" Marc wrapped an arm around my shoulder and pulled me into a hug. "It's hard. But you'll get through it"


"I'll see you at dinner, sweetie" Dad kissed my forehead.

"Have you seen Wyatt?" I glanced around the crowded church. He got up to use the bathroom 30 minutes ago and never came back.

"No. He probably went home" Dad frowned.

"Pastor Caruso" Dad and I both looked at Marc who had appeared by our side with his hand extended.

"Son" Dad grasped Marc's hand and shook it.

"I'm sorry about.. M-Mrs. Caruso" Marc gave Dad a sad smile and Dad gave one back.

"Thank you, Marc" A moment went on before Dad spoke again. "Well I have to go. Get home safe. Both of you"

Dad walked off and left Marc and I standing alone. That's when my tears started falling.

"Hey-Hey it's okay" Marc grabbed my hand.

"I just don't want to be alone but Dad and Wyatt don't want – they want to be alone" I whimper.

"Well... You have me" Marc whispers. "I won't go if you don't want me to"

"Can we- Can we go get breakfast?" I felt stupid asking. "It's just- my family would go after every service and now-"


"Of course" Marc smiled at me. "C'mon"

Marc lead me out of the church, his hand still holding mine. I saw his car as we walked into the parking lot and as we got closer, I noticed Wyatt's car is still here.

"Wyatt?" I questioned as I noticed Wyatt leaning against the car with his head in his hands. "Wyatt-"

"Go away Thea" Wyatt snapped and I felt like crying again. But the strain in his voice told me he was crying again.

"Wyatt" I let go of Marc's hand and made my way to him.

"Thea- go away" I flinched as Wyatt punched the top of his car.

"Hey, man" Marc bypassed me and put his hand on Wyatt's jumping shoulder. "She's just trying to help"

"I know- I just" The strangled sob that left my brothers mouth made me start to cry. "I want my Mom"

"I know" Marc sighed.

"I'm sorry, Tee" Wyatt straightened up and looked at me.

"It's okay" I breathed out.

"Stop" Marc grabbed Wyatt's wrist from where he was trying to open his car door. "I'm driving you home"

"I'm fine-"

"Trust me" Marc gave Wyatt a look and Wyatt stopped resisting.


"Do you want me to come with you?" Marc asked.

We dropped Wyatt off at home about 2 hours ago and then Marc and I went to Miriam's for breakfast. Now, we were at the cemetery. And I haven't moved a muscle since we got here, 10 minutes ago.


"Yes" I nodded. "Please"

"I mean, I was going to visit your Mom anyway" I gave Marc a weird look and he gave me a small laugh. "I need to ask her something"

"Okay weirdo" I smile a little bit.

Marc and I get out of the car and start walking down the rows of headstones. I spot the cherry blossom that's near my Mom's grave and close my eyes.

"A-Are you okay?" I furrow my eyebrows at Marc's slightly terrified voice.

I glance over at him and bark out a laugh.

"What?" Marc glares at me.

"You look terrified" I giggle.

"Shut up" Marc snorts. "I just don't like ghosts"

"You're a child" I smile as we continue towards the grave.

In loving memory of Elizabeth Caruso. Loving mother, wife and friend.

"Hi Mom" I gave the headstone a strained smile. "I miss you"

Marc's hand found my own and it made me feel a little better.

"It's been 4 years since God took you from me and it hasn't got any better. I still think about you everyday. Sometimes when things get rough I think that I need to find you for help. But then I remember that you're gone" I sobbed. "But it's not your fault. I know that you'd be here if you could be"

Marc's thumb rubbed circles on my hand.

"You remember, stupid" I nodded at Marc and he scoffed.

"Of course she remembers me. She loves me" Marc laughed. "Hi Mrs. Caruso"

"Yeah. He's back" I smile through my tears. "And now I guess I'm friends with Kevin and Devin again. It's weird. But it's a good weird. I missed them. I mean, Kevin's being a jerk but he was still a big part of my life up until freshmen year and I missed having him around. Devin too. I didn't miss having Marc around but surprisingly, I would miss him if he left again"


I noticed Marc smiling at me but continued talking to my Mom.

"Wyatt's still Wyatt. He's still trying to get his business degree online. Still doesn't have a girlfriend. Still annoys me to no end. But I love him and he misses you so much. I don't know why he doesn't come to visit but don't think he forgot about you because none of us have" I was crying again. "Dad's trying. Trying to get on but he's struggling. I really wish that he would find another reason, other than Wyatt and I, to keep living but I don't think he's found one."

I was crying harder now and I don't think anything I said was even understandable. Marc's arms wrapped around me and he pulled me so we were both sitting on the ground. I sobbed into his dumb band tee while he laced his fingers into my hair and whispered to me that it would all be okay. It felt like we were there for forever. In that position until I had calmed down.

"I still need to ask your Mom something" Marc whispered into my hair.

I leaned back and nodded.

He turned towards my Mom's headstone and cleared his throat.

"I asked your husband this last night" That surprised me. Dad didn't mention that he talked to Marc last night. "But I only think that I should do this if I had your permission as well"

I watched as Marc spoke and my heart started beating faster.

"Do I have your permission to ask Thea to be my girlfriend?" Marc asked and I felt the happiest I had felt all day.

As soon as he finished speaking, a huge gust of wind came and a whole bunch of pink leaves flurried down around us.

I let out a mixture of a sob and laugh because it had felt like... like that was my Mom answering my question.

"T-Thea.." Marc spoke and my eyes snapped to his. "I know this is the part where I should ask you to be my girlfriend"

"Yeah?" I smile.

"But uhm- I-I'm scared of ghosts and uh I feel like c-crying" Marc looked so serious and I couldn't help but laugh. "Thea I'm serious"

5 minutes later we were driving out of the cemetery and I was feeling a little better.

"Yes" I smiled, staring at Marc.

"What?" He glanced towards me.

"Yes, I'll be your girlfriend"


While yesterday was one of the hardest days I've had, I felt pretty good today. It was Monday and Wyatt had just dropped me off at school. He looked better too.

I glanced around the parking lot and frowned when I didn't see Marc's car. He was always here before me.

I shrugged it off because we had talked this morning.

I still can't believe I'm dating Marc Preston. I never thought that we would be friends, let alone a couple.

Everyone should know by now, since Marc made it a point to add "Thea's Boyfriend" to his Instagram bio last night. And then added "Marc's Girlfriend" to mine after. He's so annoying. But I love it. That's why the stares and looks I kept getting weren't bothering me.

I made my way to the front steps, where Laurel, Charlie and Millie were.

"Tee..." Laurel's tone made worry flood my stomach. What if they knew something I didn't? What if they knew Marc was just playing with me? What if this was just some sick joke?

"What..?" I frowned.

"I'm showing you this because you should know" Laurel looked upset...

She passed me her phone and my heart shattered.

It was a photo of Marc and I at the BBQ. In my bedroom. Making out on my bed. Posted by @ mikaylasquad76 . It had 458 likes and 234 comments. The caption read,

"What kind of hoe screws at her father's church barbeque??? photo cred to my sexy bf @ _kev1999"

"How could he do that to me?" I felt angry but I sounded hurt. I could already feel the tears welling up in my eyes.

"Hey beautiful" I felt Marc's arms wrap around me from behind and he kissed my cheek.

I didn't say anything and when Marc noticed that I was crying, he furrowed his eyebrows.

"What's wrong?"


"Your asshat of a brother. That's what's wrong" Charlie growled.

"What the hell did Kevin do to her?" Marc's eyes darkened.

Laurel ripped her phone out of my hand and showed Marc. Marc's eyes scanned the screen and he was becoming more and more angry by the second.

"That son of a bitch had the nerve to sit in the same car as me and act like he was happy for us? While he knew that that bitch did this?" Marc spat out. "I'll be back"

I watched as he spun around and started walking away.

"Marc!" I yelled when I realized he was on his way to the football field. "Marc stop!"

"I'm gonna kill him" Marc hissed as I caught up with him.

"Marc you can't" I grabbed his arm but he shook me off.

"Why?" Marc questioned.

"You'll get in trouble" I pleaded with him to stop.

"I don't care" Marc's eyes set on the group of kids standing on the field. Kevin, one of them.

"Kevin!" Marc yelled, making everyone's eyes snap to us.

"What's up bro?" Kevin asked and it made my blood boil at how nonchalant he was acting.

"Bro?" Marc shoved Kevin, shocking everyone. "You have the fucking nerve to call me bro?"

"What the hell, Marc?" Kevin glared at his brother.

"You sent your fucking side piece to humiliate Thea" Marc shoved Kevin again.

Kevin glanced at me and then back at Marc, not saying a word.

"What? No lie to cover up what you did?" Marc hissed.

"I didn't know she was going to post it" Kevin scoffed.

"Really? You're a fucking liar" Marc spat out. "I'm gonna kill you"

"Oh shut the hell up, Marc" Kevin shoved Marc back. "You don't deserve her"

"And you do?" Marc laughed. "If you even loved her an ounce like I do, you wouldn't let some whore do the shit that Mikayla has done to her"

"C'mon Marc" Kevin laughed. "Do you really think she actually wants to be with you? She feels bad for you. She'll never love you so move fucking on."

Marc stilled. His face was blank. It was silent except for his breathing. Marc glanced at me and then back at Kevin.

"Marc-" Devin tried to stop him.

But in a split second, Marc was on top of Kevin and fists were flying...

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