《The Pole Dancer》A Blue Vespa


"No touching please." I clarified as I began dancing for him. This is my third lap dance. The two guys I gave it to before were nice but didn't make me nervous like this one. He smiled at what I said.

I danced for him, pulling my hair up then letting it fall down. I moved my hips left and right then got closer to him and turned around showing off my butt. I bent over then straightened back up. I turned to face him and went low. I stroked my legs as I stood back up. He watched me intently while I moved, but it seemed that he was looking more at my eyes and face than my body. I shook the confusion away and continued dancing for him, moving closer. Suddenly he put his hands on my hips and I flinched, but he kept me right in place. I stopped frozen. We looked each other in the eyes.

"N-no t-touching." I stammered not breaking the eye contact. With my hands I removed his off me, and turned to leave. Not looking back, I said "My shift is over, I'm going home."

I definitely just ruined whatever happened back there. He didn't come out right after me and I bet he will complain to Tom about this. Fortunately he likes me enough not to fire me. I didn't lie when I said my shift was done, it really is. I walked over to Tom to say bye but I won't tell him that the man touched me. I'll only say it in my defence if he complains.

"Hey Tom, I'm going to dress and leave." I put on a smile trying to make everything look fine. Well everything is fine, it's just that I'm a drama queen who freaked out because a man put his hands on her hips. Tom gave me a nod.

"How did the dance go?" He motioned with his head towards the secluded room I just walked out of. I looked back for a second to find the tall man coming out of it and staring right at me. I turned back towards Tom immediately, putting on a fake smile.

"Good. I'm leaving now." Tom can probably tell something is off by the tone of my voice. I wondered where the tall man was and whether he was headed for the door, but I was too nervous to turn around and look.

"Do you need a ride home?" He asked and I shook my had. Ellen has another hour till she is done and usually I'd wait for her but now I just want to get home as soon as possible.

"No, I'll get a cab. Thanks." I said in a rush and leaned over the bar to give him a quick hug. Then I went into the dressing room.

I dressed and got my stuff, then said bye to other girls in there. Ellen was dancing so I didn't bother telling her anything, she'll realise I left. I lied to Tom about catching a cab, it's not expensive but I'd rather not spend money on it. I live close anyway and the evening is nice to walk. There is enough street lighting to make the roads feel safe.


When I exited the strip club, a few metres away I saw the man I danced for putting on a helmet and getting on a blue vespa. I love vespas... Since I had to pass next to him I pretended not to see him and walked fast. I felt his eyes on me and noticed his head turn with the corner of my eye as I passed. Luckily he didn't say anything so I'm relieved.

I turned the corner and after a few minutes I was at home.


When I inserted the keys to unlock my house door, the door of the apartment opposite broke open. That same couple is arguing again... Deciding to mind my own business I entered my apartment but the woman began crying and begging so I stopped to look. Her husband sat on top of her beating her. I have to do something about it.

"Hey!" I shouted approaching them but he didn't pay any attention. "Stop, you are hurting her!" He finally looks up at me, the smell of alcohol reaching my nostrils.

"Mind your own goddamn business whore!" He shouted back, his tongue twisting from how drunk he was.

No one calls me a whore so now I got provoked and went over to try and push him away from her. Him being a large man, all it took him was one hit and I fell to the floor too. Crap, my face began stinging with pain. I hope it doesn't bruise.

I got up and ran back into my apartment, reaching for my telephone and calling the police. I reported exactly what happened, mentioning it's still going on. Once I cut I waited for them to arrive staring through the peephole at what is happening. Two officers arrived in about five minutes and one of them cuffed the man while the other helped his wife. As they lead them both with them, the man shouted at me looking straight at the peephole.

"You'll pay for this whore!" I sighed and went to the bathroom to shower.

I looked into the mirror to see left side of my chin all red. It will probably turn purple by morning, my skin bruises easily... Hopefully a ton of concealer and foundation will cover it. I turned on the shower adjusting water to be warm and took my clothes off. It was an odd night, but luckily I'm not working at the library tomorrow so I get to sleep in.


"Fuck!" I sweared at the sight of my bruise in the mirror. It is larger than I expected it to be, and hurts like hell too.

Today is Saturday and on Saturday night the strip club is packed and I tend to get lots of tips. But I can't go like this and it hurts too much to touch, let alone to blend makeup on it. I'll have to call Tom and ask for a day off. Fortunately the club is closed on Sundays so I have tomorrow to recover as well.


I took a packet of frozen vegetables out of the freezer and placed it on my bruise. I practically threw myself on the sofa, turning on the tv and finding a movie. There is a channel which only plays old black and white movies so I settled for one of those. I like classics. I took my phone to call Tom.

"Hey Tom..." I spoke as soon as he picked up.

"Hi Lana, is everything okay?" He asked probably confused because I called. I rarely call him.

"Last night I had a little incident with the neighbours. They were fighting, I tried to stop it and got hit in the face. Now I have a giant bruise that's super sore. Could I have the night off please?" I explained everything straight away.

"Oh my god, are you okay? Do you need anything, I'll get it right away?" He sounded really worried. "And of course you can have the night off." I really appreciate him being so easy going but sometimes girls took advantage of his kindness and walked all over him even though he is their boss.

"I don't need anything, thanks. Having the night off means a lot, I'm really in pain." I whined for a little. I don't want to make anyone worried, but I low key enjoy Tom worrying for me because growing up in an orphanage I never had anyone show much care for me.

"I'm here if you need anything. Actually, I'll get you dinner tonight before I open the club. Don't stay cooking." He decided rather than suggested but I have to refuse. I don't want to cause hassle even though since he likes me it doesn't seem to be.

"No, there really is no need..." I tried but he cut me mid sentence.

"Lana I insist. And anyway, I am your boss so you have to listen." He had the final word because of his joke so I thanked him and we ended the call.

After, I proceeded to texting Ellen and asking her to come over if she is free so I could tell her what happened. She replied she'd come when her son goes to have a nap which would be in the afternoon. Since I have some time till then I figured it's best to do something useful for which I usually don't have time, like arrange my wardrobe or vanity.

I was half way through when I heard knocking and opened the door to find Ellen standing there, her brown hair pulled up in a messy way.

"Sweet Jesus!" She exclaimed once she had a look at my face. Yeah it's pretty bad, the bruise is all swollen but to be honest the hit itself wasn't that painful.

"I know right... They were fighting again last night, he was punching her in the hallway." I motioned with my head towards their apartment to show who I was talking about. "Come in, I'll tell you everything." Then I moved for her to pass and closed the door.

"You can't work like that tonight." She stated looking at my chin with worry. She tried to touch it but I moved back immediately showing it's painful.

"Hurts like hell so I can't put makeup on it. I called Tom though, he gave me a night off." I explained noticing curiosity on her face as to how all this happened. "Would you like something? Tea or coffee?" I offered.

"Some coffee please." I nodded and inserted a capsule inside the coffee machine, turning it on. She took a seat on the sofa. The kitchen is next to the living room but there is no door dividing them, just a beaded door curtain. The coffee was ready and I added a teaspoon of sugar like she likes.

"So tell me everything!" She says sad for my face but happy to hear some drama. Our lives don't have that much going on, except for her ex husband who causes her trouble sometimes. He is banned from entering the strip club because he makes scenes.

"He was on top of her, hitting her and I was just about to enter my apartment. She was crying loudly and I felt the need to help. I told the man to stop, he called me a whore and it provoked me so I went over and pushed him off her, earning a punch. That's where the bruise came from." I explained.

"That man is as sick as it goes." She commented shaking her head. "I hope he doesn't scare Sam's babysitter." She complained. Samuel is her son and Ellen pays a babysitter to take care of him when she is working. She works every night like me.

We kept on talking for a while and then she left to be home before Sam wakes up. I went back to clearing up before Tom arrives with my dinner.


Tom gave me the food, shocked by the look of the side of my chin just like Ellen was. He brought noodles and sweet and sour chicken. He knows I love Chinese food and it's a nice gesture. He didn't stay long however since he had to go open the club for tonight. I thanked him and declined any other form of help which he kept on offering endlessly. He treats me like a baby, but it feels good so I appreciate his care.

The evening passed peacefully, I ate and watched movies then went to sleep.

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