《Always Him.》𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟25


"Why are we at the dock?" I ask Axton as he opens the door for me.

"Well, remember that ship we spent almost all our childhood summers on?" I nod, remembering all the memories we had on that ship. One being, mom finding out she was pregnant with Shyla. That day I cried so much, dad bribed me with ice cream to stop. You see, I wasn't too fond of becoming a big sister. But now, I wouldn't trade it for anything. Too bad dad got tired of it, yup, he got tired of it and sold it.

"Well, when your dad sold stuff, the ship included, it was placed on a list, where one of my business partners saw it. He mentioned it and well, I know how sad you were that something you spent so many years of your life in was being sold. So I bought it." Ladies and gentlemen, Axton McKay.

"That's great Axton! Now it's not totally lost, you can take us sailing during the summer." I smile at him, but I know that look.

"What?" I ask, honestly intrigued.

"I bought it." I slowly nod, he grabs my hands.

"For you." he finishes. Huh?

"Y-you bought it for me?" I stutter.

"You were so sad when your dad sold it, so I did something about it." he mumbles as he plays with the rings on my fingers, he always does that.

"Thank you." I hug him.

"You're welcome Soph, can we go eat now, well after you sign those." he points to a pile of papers, a very thick pile.

"If you wanted me to work, you should have just let me stay in my office," I mumble walking to the papers.



"And I'll have the chicken Alfredo," I tell the waitress, closing my menu and handing it back to her.

My phone vibrates, but I ignore it.

"So, is your dad coming tonight?" Axton asks as he folds the napkin into an airplane. Yes, Axton McKay, is sometimes very childish. It's cute.

"Well, I didn't invite him, so that should give him the message that I don't want him there," I mumble.

"You're so cute when you're feisty," he says and I glare at him.

"I was going through the guest list and I saw Corbin was seated next to your parents, are you okay with him being there?" I ask him.

"Fuck no. Can we just run away, we'll go to Hawaii or some shit. Let's run away Soph!" I thought you'd never ask.

"No, you have to get married, now will you ever tell me what happened between you and Corbin?" I ask him, taking a sip of my lemonade. Last year, Axton and Corbin had a huge fight in Los Angeles. Neither of them spoke about it.




"Tell me."

"Not a chance."


"Runaway with me first."

"I'll tell you later."

I squint my eyes.

"You better. Asshole." He chuckles as the waitress brings our food.

My phone vibrates for probably the fift time.

"God I'll throw my phone into the air soon!" I groan and Axton looks at me like I'm mad. Sure as hell feels that way.

I unlock my phone to see messages from Amyra. I open the picture she sends me.

It was a picture of Axton and I in his car, he was on the phone with my mom and I held it up to his ears, the caption was sweet though.


We all need a Sophia in our life, Axton and Sophia spotted.

I show him the phone and he rolls his eyes.

"It's cute!" I yell at him.

"It's invasion of privacy." Is he wrong though?

"I have to get back to my apartment to get ready for the party tonight." I tell him and I swear he frowns.

"Don't miss me too much." I chuckle and he rolls his eyes.

"Check please." he tells the waitress.

"Here you go." I hand him my card and he looks at me, then the card and ignores me.

"Here." I push the card forward and he pushes it back to me.

"Lunch is on me."

"You paid the last time."

"I don't give a shit. You're not paying." I roll my eyes as the waitress comes up to us.

"Can I have a picture?" She shyly asks me and I notice she asked after my meal, very considerate.

"Of course!" I tell her, she takes her phone out and takes a selfie.

"Thank you!"

"Of course! I love your shoes by the way." I tell her and she smiles.

"There's a lot of paparazzi outside, you should use the back exit." God, please ensure her pillows are cold on both sides!

"That would be great, thank you!" I tell her and she escorts us, while talking to Axton about the cancer fighting community.

We exit the restaurant and walk to Axton's car, but the paparazzi quickly catches up to us.

"Axton are you and Piper still engaged?"

"Is it true Piper is pregnant?" Huh?Even that one is new to me.

"Sophia, are you and Trey together again?"

"No, we're not." I tell her, but Axton grabs my hand, and pulls me up to him.

He opens the door for me and I get in, as my phone rings.

God, help me.

"Hello?" I answer the phone, not even looking at the callers I.D.

"Sophia, what flower did you request for the party tonight?" Hayley's voice flows through the phone.

I open my mouth to speak but the seatblet is pulled across my body, very tightly. I look up at Axton and he smirks.

"Safety first." he whispers, but I'm too busy looking into his blue-green eyes. His eyes are so beautiful.

"Sophia?" Hayley asks and I quickly stop looking at Axton.

"Uh, um I requested daisies." I tell her and she sighs.

"Is everything okay Hayley? Do you need me to handle it?" I ask her, I hate feeling like my employees are overworking themselves.

"No! You don't need to do that, I have it-"

"Those don't go there!" she yells through the phone and my eyes widen.

"Hayley, I'm on my way, take a break!" I tell her and hang up before she can protest against it.

"Can you take me to Crowne Plaza?" I ask Axton.

"Do I look like a personal chaufer?" I roll my eyes.

"Yes, you do."

"You're lucky I took a liking to you." he tells me and I smile.

"Rememeber when we first met?" I ask him.

"Of course, I pushed you off my mom's lap." I laugh remembering how we hated each other.

"Should have pushed harder." he mumbles.

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