《The Runt & The Alpha》Chapter 11- Moon Goddess.


"You know bubbles are for little girls right?" My mother scolded as I had dumped the whole shampoo bottle in the tub.

"I am a little girl." I spoke quietly.

My mother seemed different today she seemed sad.

She gave me a tight smile before walking over, crouching by the tub while her fingers ran gently through my hair, washing it.

"Some day, little girls have to grow up Layla and they have to do things on their own." she explained, I listened soaking in my mothers words, wondering why she used my full name.

"Especially if something happens to their parents." At this I turned around to look at her, she sighed, not making eye contact.

"Silly mom you and dad are going to be here forever." I laughed and reached out of the tub to hug my mom.

She embraced me back tightly, sniffling. I never knew why. It was only later that I knew, what I said couldn't have been more wrong.


The tears streamed down my face alongside the water from the shower head. It was soothing to cry in the shower, it felt safe. As the water flowed down, I stared at my body. All of the slight bruises on my legs, the permanent scars from the wounds that opened but, never fully healed. To the scars on my wrists, and I just knew my back was the worst of it all.

They always slammed me against the wall no doubt it was bruised, badly.

It had been two days since I've last spoken to Landon and it hurt me. After his wolf told me "they're dead" he left and I've never seen him since. I've also haven't stepped foot outside of my room, not even to eat. The thought of running into Brad's mate Donna, scared me. I knew she would ask me what happened.

There was no doubt everyone in the pack knew something was going on. They must have seen what happened but, they didn't know the full story and that's what scared me. Of course everyone knew Chester, Jameson, Brad and Steven we're taken to the cells, the question was why? At this point I just didn't want more on my plate to deal with.

Landon hurt me, he listened to my past and left.


As if on cue his soothing voice reached my ears as well as pounding on the door, "Layla for fucks sake if you don't answer me, I'll open this door right now." he growled while the door knob jiggled.

My heart started beating so fast while I shut the shower off, "S-sorry I didn't h-hear you." I quickly rushed out, grabbing my towel and wrapping it around me.

I heard him releasing a sigh of relief, "Alright, could you just come out when you're done we need to talk."

This was it, I was dreading it for the past two days and now he's going to do it. I just know it, he's going to reject me. Giving him a hum in response I slipped on my undergarments before my black tights and grey hoodie, it was my dads. At the thought my eyes welled up.

Get a grip Layla!

I breathed in deeply before sighing and wiping at my eyes before opening the door. Landon was sitting on my chair that was at my desk by my door, he looked up locking eyes with me. I tore my gaze away from him and went over to my bed to take my pills the doctor gave me for my aching ribs.

"How are you feeling?" he asked, as I felt him stand up while I sat on my bed.

"I'm fine." I whispered, looking down at my blankets, him talking to me so normally as if he didn't speak to me for two days, confuses me.

His shoes moved into my view and before I knew it his warm hands were grabbing my face, making me look up at him. I almost gasped at how intense the sparks were, it felt as if the time apart intensified them. What I was most shocked about was for the first time, I didn't flinch when he grabbed me.

"Were you crying?" he asked, eyebrows drawing together, while his thumbs ran under my eyes.

"I, no I wasn't." My response was almost immediate, not at all selling my lie so I continued before he could respond, "What did you want to talk about."

My eyes wondered everywhere but, his eyes. Brad and Steven hated when I looked into their eyes. I knew I've looked into his eyes before but, I felt he was going to reject me so it scared me to make eye contact.


His hands moved from my face to travel down to my jawline, his finger tips leaving a fiery trail. Even though we've only met, this mate bond was still so strong. I closed my eyes trying to bask in the feeling before he never touches me like this again, here it comes.

"I wanted to say sorry it killed me not being with you these past two days, I just couldn't when I was so angry, you seem so fragile baby and I didn't want you to be scared of me if I was angry." his soft voice filled my ears and I couldn't believe it.

It was like a fresh of breath air being pushed into me. My eyes welled up with tears even as they were closed only making them spill over when I opened them.

Was he being serious?

Almost in alarm his eyes widen, "I, Layla, what's wrong?" he seemed panicked, and his eyes started to swirl with colors.

For the first time in a long time, I felt like someone. Like I wasn't just a weak runt that was worthless. He seemed to genuinely care for me and my feelings. Just the thought had my heart aching, how does he care so much. He stayed away from me when he was angry to not scare me, to me that action told me something.

"Layla, what happened, did someone do something while I was gone?" A growl rumbled within his chest once our eyes connected, I only now realized I still hadn't answered him, too deep in my thoughts.

Shaking my head I finally answered him, "No I just." I stopped myself mid-sentence, I couldn't exactly tell him I thought he was going to reject me, could I.

"You what?" he asked, confusion in his words.

Without thinking I replied, "I thought you were going to reject me."

"Did I do something to make you think that, because, I can very much assure you that I want you." he growled, while his hand dropped to my hip pulling my body into him as he tilted my head upward to look him in the eyes, using his other hand.

My breathing hitched, my hands landing on his chest from the fast motion. This is so intimate, I've never been so close to a guy other than the obvious. So at this point I had no idea what to do, my cheeks were probably flushed and the sparks felt so good. In a second I remembered what he said.

Landon, the alpha wanted me?

Suddenly he moved away from me his back facing me. I barely caught myself from falling, only now realizing how much I was using him as support. His warmth was gone and I felt cold as silence engulfed us.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have touched you like that." his voice filled the air, his hands moving up to push back his hair, "Damn it." he mumbled.

At him saying this I almost whimpered, did he not want to touch me. Maybe he had changed his mind about wanting me, that's probably it. I couldn't help but, think so negative my life hasn't been the most positive.

"Um..t-that's okay." I whispered, trying not to show how much I was hurt and looked down playing with the bracelets through my sleeve of the hoodie.

I shouldn't have got my hopes up.

Almost as if sensing my distress he was in front of me putting me in the same position, "Don't." he breathed slowly trailing his hand to my lower back, "Don't do that, I want to touch you believe me." his other hand crept down to my lower back as well "But I want to be fair to you."

His touch was soft, gentle, it was careful. My mouth was dry and I just knew my cheeks were flushed as I nodded in complete understanding. I admired that he was willing to go slow with me, it meant he wanted to be carful considering my past. Bringing my head against his chest I wrapped my arms around him as well. We stayed hugging for what seemed like forever.

I had to admit him hugging me, gave me a sliver of hope. Hope that my life could be happy, hope that I could be happy.

I guess the moon goddess could exist after all.



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