《All Our Flaws Are Aligned [COMPLETED]》Entrapped


24 hours after the dinner, it was just you and Bucky left on your floor of the compound. The rest of the team had gone to Peru to check out this possibly active Hydra base, and seeing as there were no Avengers left to make weapons and suits for, you were bored as hell.

The good part was that you could now wander the entire floor with a bit more freedom.

The bad news was that the 'bit more freedom' involved Bucky following you at a distance.

Instead of him walking beside you, he now stood a few metres away. If you were rifling through the kitchen cupboards, he'd stare through the archway at you from the dining room. If you went to the gym, he would just watch. He barely ever said anything. He barely even touched you. A stark contrast to how he'd been previously. And while you definitely weren't going to jump back into bed with him, the lack of conversation was getting more and more obvious.

It was kind of driving you crazy.

A small part of you had gotten accustomed to the dynamic, to the back and forth, to the verbal jabs and petty little remarks. A small part of you missed it. A larger part missed the feel of his hands on you. You had to keep pushing that part out of your brain.

Over the next couple of days, you found yourself trying to get him to crack. It spiralled from the first time you noticed him keeping your distance, when you'd shout at him from across the room. Childish things, little insults, to see if he'd respond. He never did. He just kept that signature glare on his face, his arms folded over his chest, making his muscles bulge out of his top.

Since then, you've tried different methods. Standing right in front of him, screaming in his ear, throwing your grapes at him. Nothing worked. He would just frown at you, saying nothing, then escort you back to the lab.

You wondered if you did something. Whether something had changed. He was interacting with you at the team dinner. Being an asshole, sure, but at least he was interacting.

You wondered why you cared.

Today, it was 3 days into the Peru mission, and you actually felt like you were going crazy with only FRIDAY to talk to. You decided to really push it today, to finally make Bucky crack and have a conversation with someone human for once. Well, mostly human.

You exited the lab, humming happily to yourself as Bucky stood in the same spot as always on the other side of the door. You just smiled sweetly at him and veered off to the left, away from the kitchen, and towards the bedrooms. You felt him following you after a couple of seconds.


You passed a few doors on your way, touching each door handle, feeling if they were locked, and moving onto the next. The one you were looking for was unlocked, and that was your target.

You finally found it. You peeked behind you to see him a few metres away, his eyes narrowed, as if daring you to push the handle.

You pushed the handle.

Before the door could swing open fully, a large hand grabbed your arm and spun you around.

"What do you think you're doing?" He growled.

"Oh, it speaks." You teased. He didn't reply. Oozing with intensity as his eyes bore into yours. "Fancied a change of environment."

"Not room."

"Well then you should have locked it." You retorted, whipping your arm out of his grasp and rushing back until you were in his room.

You turned around, taking in the surroundings. He had kept his room pretty basic. Neutral colours with some darker accents, a plain bed, a couple of shelves overflowing with books, a desk with a Stark laptop, a door to the side leading to the bathroom. Pretty standard. He hadn't made it 'his' very much.

"You need some wall art or something in here, Barnes." You commented as you walked around. You got no reply, and looked over your shoulder to see him back in his silent, stoic stature. You rolled your eyes. "It's all pretty bland." You headed to the bed and sat down, facing him once more. You trailed your finger over the sheets beside your leg.

It was like he was determined not to engage in a conversation. He was standing in the doorway, filling up almost the entire space, watching you. Watching you talk, but not reacting once.

It was starting to piss you off now.

You huffed, then started unzipping your jumper - it was pretty warm in his room. His eyes instantly went down to the tic tic sound of the metal teeth unclipping, and for a split second, you stilled.

Well at least he reacted to that.

You shook your jumper off, chucking it onto the floor, and leant back on your elbows.

"So," You said, bringing his attention back to your face. You hid a smile. "What are we gonna do today buddy?"

No response.

"Maybe you could actually say something, you know, to stop this whole charade of you being pissed off at me?"

He raised an eyebrow, but didn't say anything. If the only real reaction you got so far was to take your jumper off, then that's the angle you needed to work.

"Right, well if you're not going to bother talking to me then I might as well take a shower." You said in a snappy tone, starting to undo the strings on your sweatpants. "And my room is so far away so I might just use yours." You scrunched your nose a little in a very childish way, kicking your shoes off as you engaged in a heated staring contest with him. He watched as you kicked your shoes across the room, them thumping against his boots as they landed. He looked back at you as you smiled sarcastically, then tugged your T-shirt over your head. You threw the fabric onto his bed, watching his reaction to you standing in your bra, and gave him a little wave before spinning on your heel to head to the bathroom.


You never got there.

An arm wrapped around your waist from behind and tugged you back until you were pressed against a solid object. Bucky.

"That didn't take you long at all, did it princess?" He murmured into your ear before biting your earlobe. Your entire body erupted in goosebumps.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"I'm talking about how all I had to do was not speak to you for three days," He said, his other hand, , sliding over the front of your neck, tracing your jawline with his fingers. "And here you are, so frustrated that you're undressing yourself for me."

"I'm not frustrated. Just wanted to get you to talk. And I won."

"You didn't do all this to get me talking." He growled, as his hand guided your jaw away from him so that he could kiss down your neck. "You did this cos you miss me getting you riled up."

"Don't flatter yourself."

"Then tell me something," He whispered, his beard scruff scratching your delicate skin in the most delicious way as your eyes rolled back slightly. The hand that was on your stomach started sliding its way down. "How wet do you think you are right now?"

You bit your bottom lip to stop an unwanted noise escaping your throat. He noticed.

He slid his hand under the band of your sweatpants, under the band of your underwear, his middle finger finding its way to your core immediately.

"Just as wet as the last time my fingers were there." He teased into your ear, his fingers exploring and dipping gently inside you. You shuddered visibly, and the hand on your jaw held you tight against him. "Poor Luka, you're so desperate for this aren't you?"

He didn't give you a chance to respond. Instead, he pushed his fingers deep inside you, making you gasp loudly, your body melting into his touch. Electricity snaked through your entire body as he gently started pumping his fingers, and all you could do was let your eyes close and enjoy it.

"Do you want to know what's going to happen now princess?" He asked as your head rested back on his shoulder, his fingers lazily keeping your desire spiking through you. You hummed in response, not really caring what he said, just succumbing to the feeling of him inside you again. "I stopped talking to you as a punishment for what you did at the dinner."

Your eyes snapped open.

"Now, I can see how much you need to be fucking touched," He continued, but your breathing started getting shallower and shallower as he spoke. "And don't worry, you'll get exactly what you want. But first, you need to learn your lesson."

You swallowed, then started to squirm under his touch. Trying to push his hand off your jaw. Trying to pull his fingers out of you. After a few seconds, he willingly released you, only to quickly turn and push you down onto his bed. You huffed with the movement, voicing your discontent. He stepped forward, and watched as you started crawling back. You stopped when he pulled his Tshirt over his head, and the sight made your abdomen heat up.

His gaze was intense, staring down at you as he held his Tshirt in his hand. He suddenly grabbed your ankle and pulled you down the bed, towards him. You squealed loudly as you were yanked, and then he was putting his knee beside you and leaning over your body.

He grabbed your hands, one by one, and pinned them to the bed above your head.

"Are you ready?" He asked, seemingly unaffected by the whole affair. You, on the other hand, were affected. Really fucking affected.

"Ready for what?" You replied, trying to feign innocence, but you heard your voice shake.

"To apologise, for the dinner." He smirked.

"I have nothing to apologise for." You frowned. His smirk didn't leave his face. He let go of your hands, leaning back slightly and grabbing your hips. Before you knew it, he flipped you over and brought your hands together at the base of your spine, then set to work tying his Tshirt around your wrists. "What are you doing?"

"Teaching you to apologise." He replied simply, pulling the knot until it tightened around your wrists.

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