《All Our Flaws Are Aligned [COMPLETED]》Approval


You turned away from him, your eyes going across the table to Sam and Steve's conversation, your fingers prickling as you tried to breathe normally.

Then you felt a hand on your thigh. You instinctively grabbed your fork and stabbed down, only to be met with a metal clink. The fucker was using his left hand. You threw the fork back on the table, unbeknownst to anyone. You felt Bucky lean in close again.

"Did you really just try and stab me?" He asked, a laughter threatening to take over him.

"Shame it didn't work." You shrugged, taking another sip of your water.

"You're being a fucking brat."

You choked a little on your water, shocked at his cursing, and shocked that he was bringing this up again. His hand squeezed your thigh, then traced its way down to the hem of your dress, sliding underneath it and moving back up your bare skin.

"You are really pushing my buttons Luka. I don't appreciate that." He said, his tone serious and unwavering. His hand moved higher.

"You need to stop." You hissed, looking around at the others as you tried to push his hand away, but his fingers dug into your flesh. The others were oblivious. The metal was searing cold against the fire of your skin.

"And you need to start doing as I say." He retorted, his voice as hushed as yours.

"Fuck you."

"That's the plan."

Your mouth stuttered open at his boldness, at his dominating presence, and he took the opportunity to move his fingers higher until he could trace a line over your underwear. Your body stiffened.

"Now, eat." He said, turning back to his own food and leaving his hand under your dress.

You glared at him for a minute, watching him eat as he ignored you simmering beside him. When you made no move to start eating, he pushed his finger against you, making your nerves buzz. You inhaled sharply, the sound hidden by the conversation happening around you. His finger was strong against your underwear, starting to run a slow line up and down your core. Your hips twitched into his touch, your spine straightening as you debated with yourself whether to give in, or push him a bit further.

Before you could make the decision, his fingers were tracing the edge of your underwear, tugging them aside slightly, and his fingers stroked your clit. He leaned back over to you, smirking when he saw you were still staring at him.


"Something wrong?" He teased, his finger dipping down, gliding over your wet core.

"No." You spat. He licked his bottom lip, bit down on it, and his fingertip inched inside. You glanced around, but the others were oblivious, sucked into their own conversations about the mission tomorrow, and then your eyes landed on his water glass.

You had an idea.

You reached over, picking up his glass. You took a sip. You could see him out of the corner of your eye, watching your movements, his finger slow against you. Holding the glass tight, you then turned your hand upside, pouring out the contents.

All over Bucky's lap.

He flinched, shouting out, and withdrawing his hand from you, as the water splashed all over him.

"Woops." You said lazily, as the others started looking over in surprise, shock, and in Sam's case, laughter. "So clumsy." You chuckled to the others, who mostly shook their heads and returned to their conversations.

You put the glass down on the table, as he narrowed his eyes at you, and you picked up some napkins. You smiled at him, then started patting his lap dry. His knees, his thighs, moving higher and higher with each pat.

Before you knew it, you were patting the inside of his thighs, around his crotch, changing your patting technique into small strokes, until you were grazing your hands over his growing bulge.

He suddenly grabbed your wrist, stilling your movements. You looked up at him, his face inches from yours, the intensity radiating off him as his pupils dilated.

"What do you think you're doing?" He asked in a low voice.

"Playing the same game as you. You didn't seem to mind last time, James." You retorted coolly, pressing your hand down against him again, his grip doing nothing to stop you. You heard him breathe deeply, but he gave away nothing else. He didn't have to. You knew you'd won that round.

"Well I hope you haven't eaten everything already!" A loud voice suddenly echoed through the room.

You snapped your eyes up to the doorway to see Tony walking over to the table. You instantly removed your hands from Bucky and put some space between you. You chucked the napkins at Bucky, then (finally) picked up your burrito and took a bite. Tony sat down next to you, at the head of the table.

Tony looked round at everyone, nodding as they greeted him, then started loading his own plate with what was leftover. He caught your attention as he did so.


"Everything going okay?" He asked you, and you just nodded, chewing your food. "Making friends?"

"Wouldn't put it that way." Bucky said sarcastically from beside you. You stamped on his foot underneath the table, and you saw his body jerk slightly from the impact.

"So she's gonna be working with us?" Sam asked Tony, pointing at you.

"She has a name." You snapped.

"Yes but the one you gave us was fake, so." He replied, sticking his tongue out at you, which you returned. You knew that they didn't buy your 'Amy' nonsense, but you weren't going to give them anything else.

"She will be considering a more hands on role after the mission tomorrow." Tony interjected, and you heard Bucky snort under his breath. You kicked his foot again. "Speaking of which," he added, leaning on his elbow so that he was closer to you. "Seeing as Nick couldn't make it back, I'm leaving Barnes behind to look after you."

"You what?" You scoffed. "I don't need looking after."

Tony just raised his eyebrow at you.

"Happy to do it." Bucky said, and you whipped round to see him smiling at Tony. "I am still technically your bodyguard."

"How come we don't get bodyguards?!" Sam asked in complete offence.

"I can replace you. Can't replace her." Tony teased, giving you a side wink as he ate, and Sam launched into a spiel about how irreplaceable he actually was.

The dinner wrapped up without any more nonsense from Bucky. You actually entertained a slight conversation with Steve, about whether he needed any actual weapons alongside his shield, which he respectfully denied.

You then took your plate to the sink, with the aim of getting back to the lab as quickly as possible.

That hope was dashed as the Black Widow planted herself in the archway to the kitchen, her arms folded over her chest, and her eyes trained on you.

"Can I help you?" You asked, confidently as you mimicked her posture.

"I don't know why you don't have a file." She replied. It wasn't a question at all. You waited for her to continue. "But I know that you're not a threat to the team."

She dropped her arms and walked towards you.

"Am I supposed to say thank you?" You asked when she said nothing else. She smiled at you.

"I like you. I'm not comfortable with you, but I like you. Is there a reason that no one knows your name?"

You swallowed before answering. "Yes."

"Then I guess I should tell you that I know it. I won't tell the others if that's necessary, although if you are working with us after this week then you should think of a better alias than 'Amy'."

"I've used that a lot actually and-"

"Then work on how you say it. Nobody believed you."

"Right, superhero senses isn't it?" You scoffed. "Don't need them to believe it, that's all they'll be told."

"Except Bucky." She suggested. You stayed quiet, not too sure what she meant. "He is very interested in you." She said, as a simple statement. She was judging your reactions, seeing what you would give away. It was part of her training, which you knew from her file.

"I'm aware." You replied, rolling your eyes.

"You are too."

"Nope." You shrugged, going to walk past her, but she stepped in the way. "Really no. Fun to play with, but I'm not looking for round 2."

Nat's eyebrow raised, her lips tensing slightly as she tried to fight a smile off her face.

"He's not going on the mission on purpose you know. Special request to Stark." You frowned at her admission.

"Why would he do that?"

"Didn't think you'd care if you weren't interested." She retorted.

"Why did you bring it up if you didn't think I cared?" You countered. She regarded you for a moment, then slowly nodded. Possibly in approval.

"I would offer you some pointers with Barnes, but somehow I don't think you'll need it." She finally stepped to the side, gesturing for you to leave, but you didn't move. Her words held a double meaning.

"Pointers in what, seducing him, or getting him to back off?"

"That's up to you. But like I said, I don't think you need help with either."

"Well I haven't so far." You smirked, and she smiled knowingly.

"Just don't switch between them too often. He's got a tough exterior, but he does have some feelings. Deep down." She added with a wink. "Text me if you have any trouble." She said, before walking out of the kitchen, and leaving you standing there.

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