《FAMILY》25| Pregnant
Nonna's favourite was definitely Theo.
We were going to celebrate Amelia's sixteenth birthday in town today. The marketplace was turned into one big party all in honour of her. The village was very small and there were only about five families.
They all worked for nonno as he provided them with jobs. I really liked the vibe of the whole village coming together. The table was so long and there was so much food.
Nonna was holding onto Theo's arm as we walked onto the marketplace. He guided her towards the table and they sat down together. Probably to talk about finding him a girlfriend.
She had that talk with all of my older brothers, but Theo was the only one who remained nice and kind. Silas just ran off and Hector had a way with words that even nonna couldn't fight.
The party was absolutely splendid. Amelia and I danced for what felt the entire night but I've never felt this free before. I even danced with my brothers.
"Questo è per te, bambina!" Agatha handed Amelia a present.
(This is for you.)
Agatha was one of the cleaning ladies that worked in our Villa. She was also Giovanni's mother. She raised him on her own after his father ran off with another woman.
Fucking asshole.
Agatha was one of the most loving women I knew and she was so kind. It was unfair! But she never complained about anything, she'd already accepted the reality and moved on.
"Grazie mille!" Amelia hugged her.
(Thank you so much!)
The present was a pair of earrings. They were small and rose. I think they'll look very cute on Amelia.
We moved on to go get some food in our bellies. After dancing so much, I was just famished. But we were held up by fucking Giovanni. Amelia still liked him but I couldn't stand the way he watched me.
Eyes up here, fucking idiot.
"Will you spare me a dance, Elena?" He held out his hand.
Amelia bit down on her lip to hold back a laugh. She found it absolutely amusing how I did not like Giovanni.
I tried to move past him but he grabbed my wrist. I stared down at where he was touching me with a scowl. I didn't like it when people who I despised touched me.
It's my body, I get to decide who touches it and who doesn't.
"Non essere così difficile, amore."
(Don't be so difficult, love)
I was being difficult?
He's going to die. I'm literally going to kill him.
"Don't be a fucking creep, amore." I snapped at him.
"I don't understand. I just want to dance with you."
He still hadn't let go of my wrist.
"She doesn't want to. Let go of her." Amelia told him sternly.
Now she was noticing how serious it all got.
If he wouldn't let go of me in the next five seconds, I was going to bodyslam him to the floor and kick his stupid ass.
"Non toccare la mia sorellina." Silas twisted his hand so hard that Giovanni fell to his knees with a cry of pain.
(Don't touch my little sister.)
"Scusami. Scusami." He kept muttering.
I'm sorry doesn't fit it, asshole.
"You touch her again and I'll take you on a trip to the basement. Capisce?"
(Do you understand?)
Giovanni nodded rapidly still with a look of pain on his face. Silas dropped him and then laid his hand on Amelia's and my shoulder. He brought us back to the table and made us sit down.
"He's such a little bitch." Silas muttered as he dropped down on the seat beside me.
"Agreed." I nodded.
He rested his arm on my chair and watched Giovanni like he was hunting his prey. Silas was probably imagining all the ways he could tear him to pieces.
Amelia was showered with gifts and she was glowing. I felt like a proud mother when she ate her cake with that cute grin.
And to think that we used to hate each other's butt.
It really is amazing when girls unite.
The night was setting and I was getting tired. It was already two in the morning. Nonno and nonna had already left to go to bed. Mom had fallen asleep on dad's lap and the party was slowly coming to an end.
Except for Nicolas.
He was drunk.
The drinking age in Italy is eighteen and he took advantage of that.
Amelia and I watched how he was twerking on the dance floor with his shirt off. We couldn't stop laughing and Leonardo was filming the entire thing.
"Merda, somebody stop him!" Dad hissed.
He wanted to get up but mom was still asleep and he didn't want to wake her.
Nicolas was starting to pull down his pants. Theo hurried over and stopped his littler brother from giving us a striptease.
I'm happy he stopped him.
You couldn't pay me all the money in the world to watch Nicolas do that.
"I'm taking him home." Theo told us.
I was half asleep and I wanted to join them until Giana pulled us aside. We went to sit near the fountain in the middle of the marketplace. Her eyes were big and she looked terrified.
"I'm in so much trouble." Her voice was shaking.
I never expected her to say what she was about to say.
"I'm pregnant."
Well, holy shit.
Amelia put her hand in front of her mouth in pure shock. I stared at my cousin. She was eighteen and was studying agriculture at the University of Turin.
I don't judge young women who get pregnant. But she clearly was petrified by the idea of it.
"Whose the father?" I don't know why I asked because I already knew.
She was only sleeping with one guy.
"Giovanni." She muttered.
My eyes went to the asshole. He was talking to his coworkers while drinking wine and enjoying himself.
"Did you tell him?"
Her eyes filled with tears.
"He told me to get rid of it." She whispered fearfully.
Now what a fucking asshole.
It was easy to say for men. They did not have a growing foetus inside of them. Although I'm a supporter of abortion, I hate it when men just tell women to do it. Like it wasn't a very hard procedure both psychological and physical.
"Well, fuck him. This is your body and you'll decide what you want to do. Don't listen to anybody. Prioritise yourself. If you decide to keep the baby, you'll be a mother. The child will need you. Are you prepared to do that? To change up your routine and life?"
She shook her head and tears streamed down her face. I really felt for her. She was scared and I didn't know how to take the fear away.
She had our support but this was her decision.
"I thought you were using condoms?" Amelia gasped.
Condoms weren't that secure. They could rip. If you don't want to get pregnant, just don't have sex. Honestly, that's the best protection.
Unless your name is Jane or Maria.
"He convinced me to have sex without one. He said he was going to pull out."
Pulling out is fucking dangerous. Never do that! It doesn't work.
"So he coerced you to have unprotected sex?"
She gazed at me. That's what it was. He manipulated her and coerced her to have unprotected sex.
"He needs to get his dick cut off. No more girls should fall victim to his fucked up ways." I grunted.
"Have you told your parents?" Amelia asked softly.
Telling your parents that you got pregnant by one of their workers.
Good luck with that.
Giana shook her head. She looked at her parents. They were dancing slowly to a love song. Zio Alessandro had Zia Angela lifted in his arms as they swayed to the music. They looked so lovely together.
"I know they won't be mad at me but I don't want to disappoint them."
"You're still young, Gia. You can't do this on your own." Amelia told her.
She was right. Giana would need a supporting network regardless of what decision she'll ultimately make.
I just hoped that she'll make the right one for herself.
Giovanni was hunted down like an animal. I don't think that I've ever seen zio Alessandro that angry before. He'd been angry with his son but this was a whole other level. I was walking downstairs with Amelia for breakfast when he passed us in the hallway with a gun in his hand.
"Shoot the asshole down like a rabbit, mio figlio!" Nonno called after him.
(My son).
He huffed and moved to the dining room for breakfast. Amelia and I shared a glance. Giana had confessed to her parents about being pregnant. I was happy that she did.
We entered the dining room. Our brothers were already seated and eating the food nonna made us. Nonna was sitting down and fanning herself while praying under her breath. Dad was soothing her softly but even he looked angry.
"You see, little girls, this is why you should never have sex." Silas told us when we sat down.
"Because we'll get pregnant someday?" Amelia questioned.
"Yes, no sex, no babies." He nodded.
I rolled my eyes at him and reached for the tea.
"Then you shouldn't have sex either if you don't want babies." I used his logic against him.
It takes two to get pregnant.
Silas gaped at me in shock. He didn't expect that. He leaned back in his seat and needed a few minutes to respond.
"You little shit." He cursed at me.
Despite the tense situation, I had to grin. Oh, how much I loved to bother him! It was so easy and entertaining.
"Smettila! Vostra cugina è di sopra che piange e voi vi comportate come bambini!" Nonna cried out.
(Stop it! Your cousin is upstairs crying and you're acting like children!)
Dad gave us a stern look and I blushed in embarrassment. I could hear Giana crying when I passed her room earlier. She'd been crying ever since the party and practically locked herself up in her room.
"Calmati, nonna." Theo handed her a cup of warm tea.
(Calm down, granny)
She didn't calm down. Instead, she got up from her chair and went to the kitchen to bake. Amelia told me that nonna always bakes when she's upset or stressed.
"You should start packing. You're leaving early tomorrow." Dad reminded us.
I didn't want to leave. Especially not now, but my older brothers couldn't stay any longer and I had my birthday coming up next week. I was allowed to have a small gathering with my best friends.
It felt a bad to think about happy things whilst Giana was crying.
But one thing that I learned about her over my stay was that she was definitely a Cassano.
"I'm happy that peace will finally return to my home now that you'll be gone." Nonno commented as I carried my heavy luggage down the steps.
I sent him a flying kiss before taking another quick break. I've had three breaks on my way from my bedroom to the car but my luggage was so heavy. I've bought a lot of cute clothes and nonna had given me so many presents and food.
"Hurry up, brat!" Silas yelled at me from the car.
I pouted.
I needed help. ASAP.
Nonno would not be able to carry this weight with his aching bones and bad leg. So I couldn't ask him. I scanned the scene around me. Mom was kissing Victor's cheeks and softly talking to him. Theo was already helping Amelia, who had even more luggage than me. The twins were still packing, since they forgot to do it last night.
Hector was trapped in the big nonna bear hug. He didn't look uncomfortable and I even spotted a soft smile.
I swear that woman can make any man love her without even trying.
My only option left was Silas who was standing by the car. He caught my gaze and then I decided to swallow my pride.
I gave him the most adorable set of puppy dog eyes ever to be seen on earth.
The little bitch was unaffected.
"You fucking suck." I snapped at him.
"Aiuta tua sorella, marmocchio!" Nonno yelled at him.
(Help your sister, brat!)
Silas glared at him and just crossed his arms over his chest. Nonno doesn't like it when we don't listen to him. He raised his walking stick and pointed it in the direction of Silas.
"Ti insegnerò le buone maniere!"
(I'll teach you some manners!)
Nonno's face turned red. Silas shrugged indifferently. Nonno and I bicker a lot but Silas and he were even worse. I've seen him beat Silas with his stick more than ten times this week.
It was fucking hilarious.
"You heard Nonno, Silas. Hurry up before he teaches you some manners!" Dad warned him with a grin.
Silas cursed under his breath but still walked up the stairs. He lifted up my luggage and gave me an angry glare.
"Jesus, what's in there? A corpse?"
"It'll be your corpse if you don't hurry up." I snapped.
His eyes widened as Nonno burst out in laughter. Silas scoffed and then proceeded to throw me over his shoulder. I squealed as he carried me down the stairs while holding my heavy luggage man.
Maybe the muscles weren't a hoax?
I'm still debating it.
"Little girls need to listen to their older brothers." He patronised me.
"Older brothers need to carry their little sister's luggage." I snapped back.
He threw my luggage in the back of the car. I whined and proceeded to complain about all the valuables I had in that bag.
"Shut up or I'll lock you up." He warned me.
I didn't shut up.
So he pushed me in the back and closed it. I was trapped with other suitcases and it was dark.
I fucking hate small spaces. It made me freak out.
I banged on the door and even though it only lasted a few seconds, it felt like eternity to me.
"Why the fuck would you do that?!" Theo's angry voice sounded when he opened the door.
I jumped in his arms and clung onto him. He caught me safely and caressed my back.
"Are you crying?" Silas cupped my chin with a frown.
I'm just terrified of dark spaces. They reminded me of...
Oh no.
His face appeared in front of me and I hurriedly closed my eyes shut.
Don't think about him.
Don't think about him.
"Hey, it was just a joke. I didn't meant to scare you, kid." Silas' voice sounded.
It distracted me. I could see his face again. He was clearly worried and even regretful. I buried my face in Theo's neck and tried to calm down my breathing.
"You're okay, tesoro. Nothing is going to happen to you." Theo assured me.
I was still quite shaky. It was only until I sat on the car, right next to Hector, that I felt safe again. He scolded Silas for me but all I wanted was to be held by him.
Over the past couple of months since the incident, Hector has become the impersonation of safety for me. He'd always be there when I woke up from a horrible nightmare and I'd sleep peacefully next to him.
"He's dead, little one." He whispered in my ear.
I know he was but I was still so scared.
"I killed him with my own hands. Anybody who dares to hurt or scare you will suffer the same fate." He promised me.
My brother just confessed to killing somebody and it didn't even bother me. It was in the line of his work and at first that bothered me a lot, but I don't think that I can complain about it.
I was happy that he killed Ronan because that made things definite.
He was dead and he could impossibly hurt me again.
But he was not the only danger in my life.
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