《Eventually Yours》25 When One Door Closes...


"Where do you think he goes?"

Madison was sitting on the edge of my bed, head bobbing back and forth as she watched me trying on various earrings that my father sent me in a box from the jewelers, instructing me to pick out a pair for my upcoming birthday.

"To town, I suppose," I answered her now, trying on a dazzling pair of emeralds and turning my face in the mirror to see how they looked. "Where else?"

"But why? For what purpose?"

"Why are you so interested?"

I crossed back to the box, removing the emeralds on the way. There was a lovely amber I wanted to try next.

"He hasn't told Benthem," Madison answered after a hesitant pause. I stopped and turned to look at her. So Elijah hadn't told even Benthem the reason for his sudden far more frequent trips into town. That was peculiar.

"Huh," I said thoughtfully, picking the amber from the box and replacing the emeralds.

"Huh?" Madison asked, surprised. "That's all you can say is huh?"

"Perhaps he has some business," I shrugged.

"Maybe he's going to confession," Madison giggled.

"We aren't Catholic."

"That's why it's a secret!"

I chuckled as I set the amber back down and picked up a pair of rubies, crossing back to the mirror.

"Maybe he's a criminal," I joked since we'd ventured beyond the world of reason.

"Ooh, maybe he's buying another horse and doesn't want your father to find out."

"Maybe he's looking for property."

"Maybe he's courting someone."

I stopped, smile vanishing as I looked at myself in the mirror. Courting someone. That seemed like the precise sort of thing that would send Elijah off to town as often as he went and the exact thing he wouldn't want our mother knowing about. But he would have told me. Wouldn't he?


"For heaven's sake girls," my mother screeched as she burst into my bedroom. "You disappeared to make yourselves presentable hours ago."

"Father sent me earrings," I explained. "I was just-"

"Oh yes, he does like to spoil you. Come now. Colin is here and we're all waiting on you for dinner. Come along, now. Come come."

She ushered us out of my bedroom and down the stairs, keeping a firm hand on each of us as if we'd forgotten overnight where the dining room was.

"Ah there they are," my father called out, clearly relieved at no longer being the only member of the family present to welcome our guest. Benthem was over by the bar, pouring himself a drink, and he gave us an amused smile and raised brow when we entered. I couldn't imagine the awkwardness he had just witnessed. My father was not a known conversationalist. "I was just telling dear Colin here that you would all be along shortly. Where the devil is Elijah?"

"I thought you knew," my mother answered as she forcibly shoved Madison and I into our seats at the table. We looked at each other and bit back a laugh at how clearly nervous my mother was.

"He must be in town again," my father pondered absentmindedly, taking the glass of brandy Benthem was offering and completely missing how red mother's face was turning at the thought of one of her children not being present to entertain our oh-so-important guest. "And Emily?"

"Emily will be along shortly," my mother announced and I snorted. Planning a grand entrance then, I thought as I reached out and took a sip of my wine. "In the meantime, please sit."

The men obeyed, Benthem taking the seat next to his wife and Colin being jostled into the seat between my mother and where Emily would sit. The poor boy looked as if he wanted nothing more than to sink right into the very floor itself.


Benthem, ever the socially aware one of the group, started up a conversation about business with my father and actively engaged Colin as well. That seemed to help him to relax slightly. Though perhaps he could have been more comfortable in general if my mother would stop staring at him so.

Finally, Emily joined us, looking beautiful in a pale pink gown that had been her favorite last season. I saw my mother purse her lips in recognition of the gown and hid my smile behind my wineglass. So my sister did have some backbone where our mother was concerned. Colin stood to greet her, his gaze fixed solidly on Emily and only Emily so that he didn't even notice that none of us had stood with him. Benthem raised a brow and peered down the table at Madison and I but I kept watching Colin, smiling in spite of myself.

I hadn't seen it before. The way he looked at her. I'd seen him watching her at events but I hadn't seen it in his eyes before, the adoration. It made my heart full to know that my sister was loved, truly loved. And the way she smiled back at him, like I'd never seen Emily smile before, had me nearly choking up.

"I want to thank you all for inviting me to dinner," Colin said then when Emily had reached his side. I was surprised to hear him speak and, judging by the hesitancy of it, he was surprised as well. "And for allowing me to spend so much time with your beautiful daughter."

He looked over to Emily and smiled, taking her hand in his. Her lips parted in surprise at the contact but he wasn't finished. He started lowering himself to a knee and my mother nearly had a heart attack at the table, if the dramatic gasp and the hand to her chest was any indication.

"Emily Harrington," Colin began. "I know we haven't been courting long but we've known each other all our lives and I've always hoped I would be here right now, doing this. I've come to look forward to spending time with you, saddened by any moment we spend apart. I'd like to not have to spend any apart anymore. Will you marry me?"

Emily's eyes widened for a moment before she burst out, "Yes!"

We all cheered, shouting out our congratulations. My mother was planning the wedding out loud before Colin's knee even lifted from the floor but, when it did, Emily wrapped him in an embrace and my father rounded the table to slap him on the back. Benthem was next, whooping and cheering in a way that was perhaps more suitable for a gambling hall than a private family dinner with a proposal. Madison and I crowded Emily, giggling and squealing with delight as she blushed and looked up at us from beneath her lashes.

"It's perfect timing," my mother was speaking rapidly but no one was listening. "The end of the season always needs a big farewell event and what better than a wedding? It's fast. Oh sure, it's fast. But it can be done. Madame Francis, I'm sure, can make a dress and Lady Pennbrook-"

I was forced back a step as our father came around to congratulate Emily, embracing her and whispering something in her ear that only she could hear. I watched the whole chaotic scene unfold with a smile on my face. I was happy for Emily. I'd never been happier for her. So why did my heart ache at the sight?

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