《Eventually Yours》13 Special Delivery


I hadn't seen the Duke again since I had joined he and my brother in the carriage two days ago only to sit in solemn silence as he glared out of the window the whole way home. Elijah wouldn't tell me what had happened on their trip into town. When I had asked, he merely shook his head and advised I not mention it again before retiring to his study after the Duke had stomped away to his rooms. The both of them had since remained strangely hidden away. So I had given up on learning the meaning behind their irritability and was now choosing instead to enjoy my time in the drawing room with the women of the family who were beginning to seem to me as the more rational of the group.

I was laughing with Madison at a joke she was retelling after hearing it told by one of Benthem's gentlemen friends when there was a knock on the door and the footman entered. Mother leapt to her feet, wringing her hands together in excited anticipation of a gentleman caller.

"A package for Lady Ella," the footman said and my mother's shoulders fell in disappointment as he carried in a garment bag and set it gently on the table. I stood and approached it, confused.

"A delivery?" I asked aloud. "But I was supposed to pick this up at Madame Francis' shop this afternoon."

"There was a note attached, Miss."

He handed me a small envelope and I thanked him before he turned and headed back out the door. Madison was at my side the instant the door clicked shut behind him. My mother hovered nearby as well, curious. Even Emily looked up from her book.

"A dress?" My mother asked. "Is this the dress you ordered for the ball this evening?"


I nodded as I opened the envelope and read the letter. Free delivery for my favorite customer. And a surprise inside as well. Curiosity piqued, I carefully unzipped the bag and let it fall away to reveal the beautiful black silk gown beneath. Madison gasped softly, my mother's mouth dropped open and Emily's eyes widened.

"Is that... black?" My mother asked but I hardly heard her. I reached out to trace the elegant patterns in the woven lace top. Madame Francis has been right. This was already the most beautiful dress I'd ever seen and I hadn't even tried it on yet. Suddenly, I needed to see it better. I reached for the hanger and held it up so that the shimmering silk caught the light in a stroke of gothic brilliance.

As Madison breathed a quiet "wow", something hit the top of my foot. I glanced down to see what had fallen out of the dress and came face to face with my surprise inside. My eyes widened in terror but my body mechanically knelt to lift up the hidden garment. There were two small strips of fabric. One with two cups, multiple straps, and clasps in the back. The other just silk cut into a triangular shape.

"What are those?" I heard Emily ask from her seat.

I picked up the card that had fallen out with them and read, "French silk undergarments to match your French silk gown."

My cheeks heated and my face burned red as Madison fell to laughter and my mother sputtered incoherently. Emily's hands flew up to cover her mouth. Despite my own mortification, I couldn't help but harbor a sort of morbid curiosity for the articles. I lifted the first garment by the strap and held it up in front of Madison.


"How does one even wear something like this? Would I put my arms into- because this is the top right?" I asked and she doubled over in her laughter then.

"Horrible!" My mother screamed suddenly and I jumped, having quite forgotten she was there. "Put those away, Ella. Send them back. It's kind of Madame Francis to include... accessories but these are quite inappropriate. French, hmph, figures they would be French. And black, dear! Whatever were you thinking? You should have ordered something more sensible. Emily picked out a lovely white chiffon-"

"White?" I asked, my head snapping in my sister's direction. "Emily, did you order a white dress?"

She frowned at me sourly, clearly still mad at me from the events of the night before.

"So?" She asked.

"Emily," I said with as genuine a tone as I could manage. "Don't wear white."

"Excuse me?"

"Just trust me on this. You don't want to wear white to this ball tonight. Madame Francis told me-"

"Don't you dare tell me what I want, Ella," she snapped, jumping to her feet and glaring daggers down at me. "You can't possibly know what I want. You never will."

With that, she stormed away, leaving my mother to trail after her after accosting me for upsetting her right before a ball of course. I stared at the door once they'd left, open mouthed and confused, wondering what I'd done wrong. Suddenly, Madison plopped unceremoniously onto the couch beside me with a mischievous grin and the undergarments in hand.

"What do you say we swipe a bottle of scotch from your dad's office and figure out how to get these things on you?" She asked and I laughed outright before allowing her to grab my hand and pull me from the room into the hall beyond.

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