《ʟᴏꜱᴛ ʟᴏᴠᴇ》19.



Rylan has a holiday today so William took a day off to stay with him since I had to work. But I was extremely late, and I needed to pick up my refill, and a new prescription of inhalers for Rylan and drive back and give it to him.

"I'll just stop buy and you can give them to me, I'll bring you lunch too." He smiled. I pecked his lips and he smiled.

"Okay, I'm looking forward to it." I smiled.

"Let me walk you out." William said. I nodded and we both left the room.

He held my hand in his, interlocking our fingers.

"Please don't stress yourself out too much." He begged. Rounding his hands around my waist and pushing me against the door.

"I won't." I smiled up at him.

I pulled my arms up and ran a hand through his hair, landing on his shoulders.

His hand began to travel downwards, inwards. His fingers began travelling under my pencil skirt before I slapped his hand.

"Not now, when I get home.. okay?" I demanded. He nodded while quickly pecking my lips and pulling back.

I slipped out the door, down the building and into my car. Making my way to the pharmacy. I was already ten minutes late. Rushing inside.

"It should be under Ariya Kingston?"

"Oh, yes, there was a delay with our supply and it won't be ready until Saturday, you should've gotten an email?"

No meds, dammit.

"Oh, okay I'm so sorry."

"It's no problem, sorry again.. have a nice day."

"You too."

I don't know if I could handle a whole twenty four hours without them. It was.. stressful. I pulled into the parking lot and parked my car.

"You're Fine, You're fine, Ariya." I breathed. Closing my eyes and taking a deep breath.

"It's one day, one.. meds free day." I clutched my head and felt the headache forming. Ah god, the last time I missed my meds I was a aching, vomiting mess. It was not fun.


I grabbed my purse, clutching the door handle and pulling it open. The moment I stood up I immediately felt a daze in my head, the lot was spinning and I leaned back on the car.

"You're fine, you're fine."

I closed my eyes while taking some time and stood back upwards.

I made my way into the building and took the elevator up. My hand rubbed my head and I walked into my office.

"Ms. Kingston, you're late."

"Oh gosh!" I flinched.

God, my head.

There Khyson sat in the chair adjacent mine in my office, his legs splayed while his hand gripped his phone.

"I'm so sorry, Mr. Johnson. It won't happen again." I mumbled while dropping my head.

He stood up and took a few strides around the desk and in front of me. My heart paced at his demeanour.

Until he turned around and left, making his way into his office. I eyed Kameron from across the floor and he shrugged his broad shoulders.

Oh gosh.

I'm going to puke, I'm going to puke right now as we speak.

I shot up and scurried down the hall and into the bathroom, pushing the stall door open while my dinner from last night spilled into the bowl.

"Shit." I whispered.

I pinched the bridge of my nose and stood up, bracing my hand on the stall when the room began to spin. I walked out and began washing my hands. I wiped my mouth and walked out and back into my office.

Great, Kameron and Khyson were both in my office. Probably waiting for my leasing selection from yesterday.

Just great.

"What do I owe pleasure?" I asked while sitting back down.

"I wanted to let you know that I want the leasing after lunch, but if you need more time to work out the kinks I'll take it tomorrow morning." Khyson spoke.

"Yes, but I wanted to see your plans." Kameron and piped up.


"I'll show them to you during lunch." I sighed.

"You haven't been lookin' too hot these days, Ariya? Is everything alright?" Kameron playfully placed his hand on my forehead and I shrugged him off.

"I'm fine."

"That's what they all say." Kameron and Khyson both chuckled and i zoned out.

I stared at the elevator, it began to open.

William walked in.

I didn't pick up Rylan's inhalers, god damn.

Until I saw the small body of Rylan trailing behind him.

Fuck! Fuck! No, no, no, no.

My eyes widened and Kameron's laughter ceased.

"You look like you just saw a ghost." He chuckled.

Rylan locked eye contact with me and I flashed him a sorrowful smile.


Both Khyson and Kameron's gaze fell behind them to the small child running through the office. Their brows furrowed as he ran in and jumped on my lap.

"Mama?" Kameron muttered in a furrow.

"I brought you lunch." He smiled at me. His back was faced to them so they couldn't exactly see his face, thank god.

"Thank you." I smiled while running my hands over his head.

"You have a son? You've been-wha-I-fuck!"

"Kameron!" Khyson scolded him for his language.

"He's been begging me all day to bring him." William said while leaning through the doorway with his arms crossed.

Rylan handed me the bag of fast food and I placed it on my desk.

"Come on, say hi." I grabbed him by the waist and spun him around to face them.

Kameron's face contorted in confusion as he glanced between Khyson and Rylan.

"I'm, Rylan." He smiled as his dimples popped.

"Hi, Rylan I'm, Kameron." Kameron leaned over and smiled.

I eyed Khyson, he eyed me. We seemed to be lost, lost within the thoughts. Did he know? Would he realize?

"How old are you?" Kameron asked.

"Four!" He held up all four fingers and I smiled.

"Did you pick up his inhalers?" William asked me.

"No, I'm sorry.. I forg-"

"It's fine, I know your off your meds, I'll pick them up on our way back."

"Your off your meds?" Kameron asked.

I wrapped my arms around Rylan's tummy and stroked my fingertips over his shirt.

"What you'd eat for breakfast?" I asked Rylan.

"Cinnamon toast crunch."

"Who's that?" Rylan whispered to me, my leg began to bounce and I adverted my gaze to Khyson.

"That's Mr. Johnson, wanna say hi?" I whispered back to him. He nodded before facing his direction.

"Hey buddy, I'm Khyson." He smiled.

"Hi." He smiled.

"You know.. Rylan is my middle name." Khyson smiled.

That's what I was afraid of, my exact nightmare.

"Really! My middle name is Zion." He smiled a toothy grin.

"That's a very nice middle name."

"What do you say?"

"Thank you."

"We should get going, it was nice meeting you guys, come on Rylan." William reached his hand out and Rylan turned to face me.

"I love you, mama." He hugged my torso and shoved his face into my chest.

"I love you more, go to William." I ran a hand over his head and he jumped off my lap.


William walked over to me and pecked my lips.

"I'll see you later, love you."

"I love you too." He walked out with Rylan on his back and I grabbed my bag and walked into the break room, leaving them both in there.. shocked.

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